Chapter 11

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After an hour of laying and talking with Norman I heard my doorbell ring. I was hoping it was Cheyenne. I went and walked over to answer it, when I open the door I saw my best friend. Cheyenne.

"Oh my fucking gosh!!! What's up nugget!?! Get yo ass in here!" I told her pushing her inside.

"Oh shit dude... That's Norman Reedus on your couch." Cheyenne said with excitement in her voice.

"Hell yeah that is. Isn't he so much more adorable in person?" I asked then laughing. I think I'm funny.

"Heckle yeah he is!" Cheyenne said. Then jumping up in down. What most people call "fangirling"

Cheyenne's P.O.V

I think Alondra is so lucky. I'd love to date Norman, but I'm her friend. I will support her through this.

I walked over to Norman. I said to him quietly "hurt Alondra I'll hurt you. Got it?". He said back "I wouldn't ever hurt her."

Alondra walked back in the room and said "hey, hey, hey... What y'all talkin' about?" "Nothing" Norman and I said at the same time.

We all started laughing.

Norman's P.O.V

I can't believe Alondra's friend would think I would hurt her. Honestly I never even thought about it. I wouldn't do that to anyone. Everyone is human. We are all the same. We all have feeling no matter who we are.

"Hey babe. You want to know something?" I said walking over to Alondra. "What?" She said. "Did you know Andrew Lincoln was in town... I can call him over if you want me to... I mean this is a party. Why not?" "Oh my fucking gosh... That would be awesome... Can you!?" She said. She was so cute. I started laughing. I pulled out my phone and called him up. Andrew answered. In my best British voice I said "'Ello mate! I got a girlfriend and she is having a party.. Want to come?" "Haha funny Norman." Andy said. "What's funny?" I said with a British voice again."you saying everything in a British voice. Also you really have a girlfriend? That's funny" Andy said, then laughing. "Yes I do have a girlfriend. Now I'll text you where she lives and you get your ass over here" I said. "Okay. I'll go. Text me. See you soon Norman." Andy said then hanging up.

I started texting Andrew the address. Alondra will be happy that's cool. "Andrew is coming here Alondra" I yelled out to her. "No fucking way!!! Really? That's so fucking cool!!!" She said with excitement.

Alondra P.O.V

Holy shit Andrew Lincoln is really coming to my shitty apartment!? Cool!!!

About 30 minutes latter my doorbell rang. I open it and it was Andy. "Holy fucking fucks of a fucking fucker" I said really quite. I still think he heard me. "Well hello to you to... Are you Norman's girlfriend?" Andy said. His voice is amazing and I loved his blue eyes. "Uh... Yeah... Come in" I said to him smiling. "Well let's get this fucking party started!!!" I yelled. I was so happy. My boyfriend is Norman Reedus, my best friend is there, and Andrew Lincoln.

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