Chapter 10

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After I was done eating I threw away what I didn't eat and put my plate in the sink. I was the first one done eating. I Was only a couple minutes until Norman was done.I Walked into my room and went to look for my suit case. It was in my closet. I started to take the clothes off the hangers and fold them. Then Norman walked in, he put his arms around my waist and said "hey babe, want some help?" "Sure... That would be nice." I said then turning around and kissing him.

After all that time of packing and goofing off it was 11:03. "Well, after all that time of packing, eating, and a thirty minute nap... I'm beat. Do you got some cookies or something?" Norman said. I laughed. "Yes I do have cookies." I said then both of us laughing. "That's fucking awesome!"

I went over into the kitchen, got the cookies and sat on the couch. Norman came over and sat next to me. For the rest of the day the only thing we really did is go on our phones, talk, and ate cookies. Then it hit me. I'm leaving to go to New York and I haven called and told my friend Chet.

I called my friend Chet because when I spell her name "Cheyenne" auto correct spells Chet. I don't know why. It's actually kinda funny. Also in The Walking Dead game, in the beginning a guy named Chet and Shawn save Lee and Clem... I liked Chet so... Yeah.

I called her up and on the third ring she answered. "Hey Alondra!" "Hi Cheyenne... We have to talk. "Wh-what about?" She said. She sounded worried. "You remember how I was on a date with Norman Reedus?" I asked her. "Uh... Yeah. It was only last night" "well, the date went really well and I really like Norman and he said he liked me. He has to move back to New York and he asked me to move with him. I said yes." I told her. "Oh so your just gonna leave? When?" Cheyenne said in a sad voice. "Dude don't be so sad. If you were going out with him then you would say yes too. Oh and I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon." "Oh...." "Dude you know I'm going to miss the hell out of you." I told her. "I'll miss you a lot too" "well then get your ass over here!!! We need to party!!!!" I said very excited. "Hell yeah. I'm leaving right now. See you in a hour!"

I was so excited my best friend and my boyfriend Norman Reedus were going to party.

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