Chapter 6

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While we were walking, Norman was holding my hand. I really liked him.. I'm not going to say that because it might sound creepy. We were talking and I know we were just walking but... It was fun. He was so funny, I love his laugh and his voice. It was so cool to be on a date with him. After thinking about him we were already back to my apartment.

"What you want to do now?" Norman asked.
"We could.. Um go up to my apartment.. If you want to.." I said
"Yeah.. Sure" he said smiling then talking my hand up to my apartment.

I took my key out open my door and we went inside.

I lived in a small shit apartment.. It was not a gloomy as before. I fixed it up. It looks fab.

"Hey norm you want something to drink.. Or eat?" I asked.
"Um.. Actually I'd like something to drink.." He laughed.
"Okay.. What would you like?" I asked. "Water, coke, Mountain Dew?" I added.
"Mountain dew" he said.
I went in the fridge to get one for him then grabbed myself one too, and waked back over to him and handed him his pop.

"Thanks" he said while opening his pop.
"No problem." I said then smiling.

It was quite after awhile... Only the sound of fizzing pop.
Then I asked...
"How come you waited for me in the hospital and then asked to go out with me?"

Then he started to say "because when our eyes met... I... Froze. I thought you were the most beautiful girl ever. Then seeing you pass out scared the shit out of me. I had to wait for you to wake up. The more I waited the more I wanted to get to now you. That's why I wanted to go out with you... And now after that walk and time we have spent together..I knew I made the right choice, and this might sound weird but.. I think m in love with you."
He paused then looked at me in the eyes and said
"Alondra...I love you"

I froze... I love him too I just don't know what to do.
Norman fucking Reedus just said he loved me.

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