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  The beautiful morning awoken as the light rays from your window peaked through, as you were eating, an unusual bright light shone through the room, you went towards it and suddenly it disappeared.
"That was weird..." You said.
A few hours later, to your excitement, a new episode of Naruto Shippuden was released! After you watched it, it made you watch the entire series all over again... from the start. So you watched the first episode of Naruto Shippuden in English dub to change it up a bit.
"Oh I wish I could live in Naruto's world" You said as you daydreamed about your favorite character (Gaara).
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the bright light appear again, you drew closer to it. Out of surprise, it was a little mirror...about the size of your palm. Suddenly, you accidentally scratched yourself with it from the sharp edge of the object. Blood started dripping down on the mirror and suddenly a bright blue light started shining from the surface of the mirror.
"Oh shoot! I need a bandaid quick!" You said to yourself.
Out of nowhere, the mirror shone so bright that you couldn't tell what was going on, you felt like going into a deep sleep, your eyes fluttered hastily as you felt like you were falling endlessly. After a few seconds, you felt a big drop, however you felt no pain. You couldn't open your eyes, but you could feel a hard ground under you.
You felt something warm picking you up, something you felt before...could it be? Sand...
"Diagnose her health please, I never seen her before and I'm not certain what village she is from" A loud voice shouted.
"Look after her!" The same voice shouted again.
"Right!" A womanly voice replied.
A few hours later, you awoke from your deep sleep, you blinked a few times and had your eyes opened. You saw ceiling lights, a blonde haired girl and a few other people.
"Finally, you woken up!" the blonde haired girl exclaimed.
Wait a second, that Temari?! She has blonde hair, more of dirty blonde or should I say 'sandy blonde' You thought to yourself.
"So we found you laying outside of our village, what happened to you?" She asked.
You sat down from your bed and said, "All I remember is that I...I went to a deep sleep and I just ended up there..."
"I see, but what village do you live in?" She asked again.
You couldn't tell the truth about what happeneed to you because she might think you're crazy, so you said, "I...don't belong anywhere..."
"I think you need some more rest to recover, I'm Temari by the way." She said.
I knew it! But that means that I travelled to the world of Naruto? You thought to yourself/
"Wait! Before you go, I just wanted to ask who brought me here...I mean who saved me or umm...who spotted me?"
"One of our guards spotted you just lying on the ground, so they informed Lord Kazekage," She said. "Gaara thought there was an ambush but it was just you, well, he used his sand to carry you here to the hospital" She concluded and gave a grin.
"Gaara, is he the Kazekage?" I asked excitedly,
"Yeah, he is my brother too...pretty awesome huh?"
"If you don't mind, I...well, I want to meet him..." You said shyly.
You heard footsteps arriving at the door, to your surprise it was the one you wanted to meet!

"I see that you wanted to meet me..." Gaara said with his cool voice and fiery hot red hair as his bluish green eyes sparkled as you stared at him.
---To be continued to Chapter 2!---
Next chapter will be in first person view, this chapter is just an introduction, thanks for reading!!

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