Imaginary friends

472 34 15

~ Schizophrenia ~

I have this friend you see,

although not literally,

her eyes are only for me

we like too count too three.

She's kind of shy you'll find,

so don't expect her too say hi.

she took me and made me feel safe,

took me too her imaginary place.

She plays with me when no one else will,

makes me laugh and squeal.

She's kind but you are blind,

and you send me too hide.

This friend of mine changed,

I no longer felt engaged.

Her words got harsh, and

her parts became sparse.

She'd tell me too do thing i,

didn't want too. Said i'd be

punished if my anxiety grew.

She made me hurt the one's

i loved. Laughed when i got taken

away in cuffs.

This girl is not your friend, she

you cannot mend.

She's your manipulator,

abuser, miss-user, she just wants you as her


Gradually i disconnected her from myself,

and found i was no longer on the shelf.

Realised i was my own person,

and her words would no longer worsen.

Gradually she became quieter,

no longer a rioter.

Finally i could hear the real world,

my mind no longer whirled.

So day by day i made new friends,

and now you don't care how this story



I'll tell you one last thing quickly,

that voice you hear is no mystery.

Be careful who you trust, cause

they could quickly turn too dust and then,

my friend, you'll realise i'm not crazy,

(although slightly dazy.)

Cause you hear them too see,

you just don't know they're not

real yet. Maybe you've not even

met yet, but soon all the talking

you will regret.

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