Chapter Three: At Odds

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The car ride home from Andrea's birthday gathering is mostly quiet. Even though they realized Laurent answering questions really wasn't worth fighting over Larry still feels some type of way about it. He just can't understand why it's so hard for Laurent to turn off the switch regarding anything with work. It was a party...a time to have fun. Laugh, eat and dance. After all, everyone was there because each person has a special relationship with Andrea and love her just like Larry and Laurent do so for once Larry just wanted him to live in the moment and not concern himself with work. But then he got to thinking. It's Laurent's destiny to be an attorney. It was evident long ago that his future was in it so as Laurent drives home and Larry gazes out of his window he starts to think he should be more understanding and realize that maybe it's not so easy for Laurent to turn off the switch. In retrospect, Larry getting upset and it causing unnecessary friction between them makes Larry feel bad. He slowly looks over at Laurent whose focus is straight ahead to make sure they get home safely so he can't return the look...but from the corner of his eye Laurent can tell that Larry's look is a soft one so he smirks then grabs Larry's hand to hold it. This brings Larry comfort because it means Laurent isn't upset anymore and since it's still fairly early they have the opportunity to end the night beautifully so once they're home Laurent makes a big bowl of popcorn and after changing into their comfy clothes they munch on it in bed. The sound of their laughs echo throughout the large bedroom at the various sitcoms they watch. They even share a few sweet looks and kisses with each other. When they both start yawning Laurent shut the TV off then pulls Larry into him and without a single word they relax in the silence of the room until they fall asleep together... 


The weekends are the days Larry can sleep in since he's always the first one up during the week making sure Laurent has his breakfast and lunch before going to work. Laurent normally sleeps in as well...of course there's no explanation needed but this morning he's up first. He has a small token of love next to Larry and when Larry slowly opens his eyes he sees a single red rose next to him. Even through his adorable halfway shut, groggy eyes he smiles beautifully then picks it up and inhales the scent. Then his senses pick up the aroma of bacon so after a big stretch he gets out of bed and walks over to the bathroom to freshen up then happily go and join his husband...

Laurent may not be a trained chef like Larry but he still does his thing in the kitchen. He's at the stove making some crispy hash browns while bacon is sizzling in another pan and homemade waffles with butter in every square piled neatly on a plate on the counter. He feels Larry creep up and wrap his arms around him then softly kiss his bare back. This makes Laurent's gorgeous smile spread across his face. Then he hears...

Larry: "Thank you for my rose".

Laurent: "Welcome bebe". *pause* "Breakfast is almost ready". 

After one more soft kiss to Laurent's back Larry sweetly whispers, "oki" then let go to make glasses of orange juice before taking a seat at the table. Roughly ten minutes later Laurent brings Larry's plate over and places it down but Larry decides to wait for Laurent to join him before digging in. With Laurent at the table now and two plates filled with waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs and hash browns they smile at each other before praying and eating. There are a few moments of silence between them as they enjoy their spread. Laurent takes a swig of his juice and speaks to Larry...

Laurent: "Well bebe. It's Sunday. We can watch what you planned and more if you want. We have all day". 

Larry: *smile* "Oki. I'm ready". 

Laurent: *smile* "Me too". 

Larry is practically blushing now as he continues to eat. Laurent won't help at all because he keeps looking at Larry and smiling at him making him blush even more. It's a surprise that Larry actually got through breakfast because of all that sweetness. When they finish Laurent tells Larry to go downstairs and wait for him while he cleans up the small amount of dishes. He doesn't want Larry lifting one finger today for anything. Larry happily agrees and after grabbing a blanket he's nearly skipping with glee as he makes his way towards the stairs that lead to the theater. With the first movie ready to go Larry has the blanket over him eagerly awaiting for Laurent to join him and that moment is now. Laurent sits beside him then takes some of the blanket and places it over him as the first movie begins. These movies are romantic comedies so there's laughter as well as some "aww" moments coming from them. Afterward they watch a few drama themed movies. Not that he's anticipating Laurent falling asleep this time but when he looks at Laurent sporadically to check he's elated to see that he hasn't. He's in the moment and that's what makes this time together all the more special...

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