Chapter Thirty: Working Through

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Laurent continued gazing into Larry's eyes after declaring their eternal love for each other...that declaration followed by Laurent telling him that he's his husband for life to which Larry shared that sentiment. After moments of such a breathtaking gaze upon each other the corners of Laurent's mouth turn into a warm smile. After everything that's happened including those extremely painful two weeks of no communication between them and Laurent's heart crumbling each time Larry didn't respond, Larry's too, finally they're back together with the look in their eyes signifying that this love will be a million times stronger than before...and will increase in that strength each and every day. Each and every touch. Each and every moment their bodies unite as they partake in their lovemaking. Laurent takes a moment to interrupt such beautiful silence and with that smile still on his face he whispers... 

Laurent: "You're so beautiful". 

Larry's emotions are still evident and he has some residue of tears on his face along with a few still falling from his eyes. He responds to Laurent with somewhat of a raspy yet innocent voice...

Larry: "Oh no I look terrible". *adorably grabs a handful of his fro* "My hair need...."

Sweetly interrupting him...

Laurent: *smile* "You're beautiful", he whispers again. 

*brief pause* 

Larry: "Thank you", he whispers back. 

Laurent's reply is another lean forward to kiss Larry's soft lips of which Larry responds happily to it. The next sensation he feels is Laurent's tongue parting his lips so Larry slithers his tongue out so they can touch. This wet, passionate kiss lasts for several seconds before Laurent slowly pulls away as he can never get enough of looking into Larry's eyes. Eventually Larry asks in that same sweet, raspy voice...

Larry: "So what do we do now baby"? 

Laurent lightly chuckles then looks around Larry's apartment before looking back at him...

Laurent: *smile* "We enjoy this beautiful Sunday together. Right here". 

Larry: *sniff* "Oki", he whispers. 

Laurent: *smile and wink* "Perfect". *pause* "But first we call mama and tell her". 

Larry sniffs again but smiles right along with it this time as he nods in agreement. Laurent gently takes his hand then guides him over to the couch. Larry sits down first since Laurent needs to reach in his pocket for his phone. Once he sits next to Larry he hits the number for mama but puts the phone on speaker. Two rings later...

Mama: *smile* "Hey son". 

Laurent: *smile* "Hey mama. Guess where I am"?

Mama: "With Larry"?

Laurent pauses for a moment and with a wider smile audible on mama's end...

Laurent: "Yeah I am and I have you on speaker".  

Mama hears that then excitedly exclaims... 

Mama: "Hi my love"!

Larry: *smile* "Hey mama". 

Mama: "You oki"?

Larry: *looks at Laurent* "I'm great". 

Mama: *smile* "Perfect". 

Laurent: "Mama? We're going to be oki. We're back together". 

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