Chapter Twenty-Seven: Fight

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It's been minutes since Laurent ended his call with Andrea so she could speak with the detective. He's slightly anxious because he knows she'll call him back as soon as she's done and he's beyond curious to know what he told her. While he waits he decides to check on mama to make sure that his talking didn't wake her up from her much needed rest. He softly tip toes over to the bedroom and as he does he observes the environment. He's reminded of this secluded home and the reason they're all here. It's enough to make him angry all over again but when Larry is returned safely mama can return to her real home that she adores so much and they all can get back to their normal lives. With Andrea sharing more details about Todd the monster Laurent can rest in the fact that will put them one step closer to that. Until then he approaches the bedroom and pokes his head inside. When he sees that beautiful face still resting he smiles slightly at the sight then turns around to go back to the living room. He sits down but his back can't even hit the couch cushion before his cell phone is ringing again so he instantly reaches for it as he knows it's Andrea. After a quick look at the screen that confirms it he answers...

Laurent: "Hey". 

Andrea: "Hey. I told him everything I know about Todd". 

Laurent softly blows out a sight of relief. Of course he knows this is what she was doing but nothing compares to hearing her tell him that. Then he has a feeling that Andrea is completely perplexed about something...

Laurent: "Andrea? What's wrong"?

*brief pause*

Andrea: "It's just something the detective asked me that I didn't expect".

Laurent: "What's that", he asks softly. 

Andrea: "He asked me if I knew about Todd owning another home and until he asked I didn't even think about it".

Laurent: "He has one"?

Andrea: "Yeah he does. He probably doesn't even remember telling me about it but he does. He never said where. He just said that it's in a quiet neighborhood and it's relaxing. When life got to be too much for him he would go there and shut himself off from the world". 

Laurent: "You think he took Larry there"?

Andrea: "Yeah and as I told the detective, I can't see the home being far from here because he doesn't travel a lot. This place would be relaxing enough to get away from the busy city but still close to home". *pause* "Laurent, I think Larry is closer to us than we think". 

Laurent: "I think so too. This means the detective will find him quicker". 

Andrea: "Yeah. I'm sure he will".  

Suddenly a feeling comes over Laurent that something is going on at he and Larry's home. Of course their home has a very sophisticated security system so if the house is in any danger the signal will come to Laurent's phone. With that assurance he knows the house is still standing so as of right now there is no cause for alarm or alerting the authorities. He doesn't realize in this moment that the feeling won't go away so he continues speaking with Andrea. Eventually he hears mama calling out for him...

Laurent: "Andrea, mama's calling me but thank you so much again for talking to him. I know whatever you said will really help a lot". 

Andrea: "Anytime Laurent. I'll do whatever I can to help". 

Laurent: "I know you will and hopefully the next time we talk I can tell you Larry is safe and back with us where he belongs". 

Andrea: "He will be and I have no doubt whatsoever about it". 

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