Demons (Patrick's POV)

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Well, it's finally time for Fall Out Boy to take to the stage. It took a little longer for the stage hands to clean up, but that's understandable.

"You guys ready?!" Pete asked as Andy, Joe, he, and I huddled in a circle.

"Lets fucking do this!" Joe said.

"Hell yeah!" Andy shouted.

"Lets go kick some ass tonight," I said as I smiled.

"Yeah!" Pete said.

Pete grabbed his bass, Joe grabbed his guitar, as did I, and then Andy grabbed his drumsticks. This is going to be awesome!

"Who's ready for Fall Out Boy?!" one of the workers at the venue asked into the mic.

"WHOOOHOOO!" the crowd screamed.

"Give it up for Fall Out Boy!" the man said again.

The four of us smiled at each other and the ran out onstage, finally able to see the whole crowd, and my god, it was huge. We started playing our first song right away and if I may say so myself, we fucking rocked it.

"How is everybody doing tonight?!" Pete asked as we finished the song.

"Whoohoo!" the crowd screamed again.

"I'd just like to say something first of all," Pete said. "Even though we've just begun, I've already seen a few people needing to be lifted over the barricade. Please, if you get too hot or start panicking, try and alert the security guards or someone near you. We don't need anyone passing out tonight! So, with that being said, lets get ready to rock! Oh, and did you know that it tastes like you, only sweeter?!"

He always does that intro for Thnks Fr Th Mmrs. We decided to play that last minute because we always normally do anyway. As we started playing, I caught a glimpse of a girl in the fourth row passing out. I felt terrible about it.

"Hey! Hey!" I shouted into the mic as I stopped playing, making Pete and Joe just stare at me as they stopped playing. "Hey! Get that girl out of there! Right there! Right behind you. She passed out and I don't want her getting trampled to death. Get her out of there!"

I looked over at Pete after I made sure the security guards found her and he smiled at me. That's the only thing I hate about concerts: it becomes very overwhelming for people, especially in front because the people in back are pushing and shoving everyone else forward. It sucks and it doesn't solve a thing, so I don't know what the point is. After the guards finally got the girl and lifted her over the barricade, they brought her to the side of the stage where she woke up about a minute later. Thank god I saw that.

"Sorry about that interruption, guys! I just didn't want her to get hurt!" I said into the mic.

"Aww," the crowd went, which made me laugh.

"Wow!" I said as I laughed again. "Anyway, so it tastes like you, only sweeter, right?!"

Even though we had played almost the whole song before I interrupted it, we started it over, but the crowd didn't seem to mind, which didn't surprise me. After playing another five songs or so, we decided we'd take a break and give the people in the crowd a chance to relax a little as well.

"Jesus," I said, peeling my jacket off. "Please remind me why you and I wear leather jackets onstage again?!"

"That's actually a great question," Pete said as he laughed.

"I'm fucking sweating like a pig," I said as I took my hat off and ran a shaky hand through my hair.

"You ok, baby?" Pete asked.

"Yeah," I said as I smiled at him, but it was more of a half smile, since that's about all I could manage then and there.

"Hey, any idea if Emily has shown up yet?" Joe asked.

"Another great question," Andy said as he chuckled.

"I'll go ask Charlie," I said as I got up.

As I was walking, a became super dizzy. I had only walked about a goof five feet... The hell? I looked back and the guys weren't watching me, nor was anyone that I was walking towards.

"P-Pete!" I half yelled, basically yelling with everything I felt like I had left, which wasn't much.

After that, the last thing I remember was falling and blacking out.

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