•Authors Note• {please read}

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Hey guys,

I am just wondering if I should end this story soon or carry on? I am beginning to lose motivation for this book! When I first started, I had motivation and was really into it but now it's like I'm struggling to get ideas or to come up with new ones.

I don't want to take a break because I have ideas rolling whenever I'm up and about.

There's two ways of ideas I've had...

Either I get JJ and Harry married and have kids then put Harry's point of view of his life and how it got better.


Discontinue completely...


I don't really want to discontinue this book, I rather put and epilogue of what happened like 20-30 years later...

I can carrying on with the story seeing it is 60 chapters plus. I did really work hard on this.


I'm aware there's mistakes in this book but I've never had the time to go back and edit because I'm always focused on my other books that I had mentioned to guys about.

At first, I was thinking about having a sequel but I decided not to have one since the book is really long but who knows? I might change my mind.

please let me know what I should do or whatever...

should I do a couple more chapters then end it?


discontinue completely?

Let me know in the comments below.

I'll let you know about the minishaw book in couple of days or something.. Bare with me.

Have a nice day!!

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