Star Light

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I, May, and Brendan, left Rustboro City the following day, and went to Dewford Town. Sadly I didn't see Steven that day, but then again he's probably a busy man. Oh well....
After I beat the Dewford gym, the three of us spilt up. May going to the gym, Brendan went to go deliver something, and I went to Slateport City then on to Mauville City. I beat the gym there and moved on. Later I went on the cable car which took me the top of Mt. Chimney and down on the jagged pass to Lavaridge Town. I beat the gym there then went all the way back to Petalburg City, after I beat Norman, I went to Mauville again.


   I groaned, just having gotten off a call with Brendan. He was being delayed getting to Mauville. I couldn't care less, he's more independent than me, but he promised we'd leave together.
You looked over at your Sylveon, which evolved from my Eevee.
"Is there something you want to do?" I said as I leaned against the wall, and crossed my arms. "Brendan isn't going to get here till tomorrow so we have another free day. We could go out to eat, or watch something. Anything will do."
"Syl-ve!" She spoke with a smile.
"Really, nothing?", I said confused. "Trust me babe, I can't do that again." I looked up, and closed my eyes, suddenly it came to me. "How about we get sandwiches and take them out on the beach, you can play after as well, doesn't that's sound like fun?"
"Syl-veon!" She said, and pricked up her ears.
"Great!", I said and sent out my Pokémon.
"We're going to get sandwiches, and go play around at the beach. Is there anyone who doesn't want to come?" I asked.
   Zoroark, Marshtomp, and Milotic stepped, or well wiggled forward.
"Okay, you guys can stay here. I'll bring you back something, trust me." So that left me Luxio, Sylveon, and Charizard. I knew Charizard would want to come with me from the beginning, he was irritable just as me. He loved to go new places instead of staying in the same place.
I changed into a pair of jeans and
(Favorite kind of shirt). It wasn't the warmest night, but I didn't mind.
When I was already, I headed out the door and sent out Charizard.
"Sorry bud, I know you don't like being in your pokéball, but you gotta be-" Charizard began to rub his head on my with a smile on.
"Okay, okay. I know you missed me." I said as I stroked his head and pushed him away.
"Lets go okay."
With that we went around Mauville in search of a sandwich joint. After about five minutes of searching I found one, and got a sandwich for each of my Pokémon and for one for myself, and headed out for the outside
No one was out there, I found a place right by the water, and handed out the sandwiches to my Pokémon. They ate very fast, I had only taken one bite before they asked if they could play.
"Sure, just let me know when your ready to go." I said. They ran off, not to far, but close enough so I could still see them.
I looked in the night sky as I enjoyed the rest of my meal in peace.
The sky reminded me of my parents, who used to take me out every night to see the stars. They would take me to were no light shined, and only the stars did in the. Although it isn't what I remember as a kid, the stars are the only part to my past that I loved. Somewhere in those stars could be my parents, but I'll never really know till it's my time.
I looked down at the water, and smiled. I took off my shoes and socks, and dipped my bare feet into the water. It was cold, but I've always welcome it.
I shoved my sandwich wrapper into my pocket. I looked over at my Pokémon, Sylveon and luxio were on top of Charizard. As he was trying to push them off, I smiled.
"It's interesting how Pokémon act," I turned to face the voice, and to my surprise.
"Steven?" I asked surprisingly.
"Why hello (Y/N), as my assumptions are correct, your doing fine I presume?" Steven said.
"Yes I am, I assume your good too?" I asked.
"Of course." Steven stated.
"What are you doing here in Mauville?" I asked moving my bag over to my other side.
"I came here to inspect something, I saw you going outside and planned on talking after I was finish." Steven answered. "I've noticed that your Eevee evolved."
"Oh ya, she did, into a Sylveon." I said
"I also see you have a, um, Charizard." Steven stated in a almost distasteful tone.
"Do you have a problem with Charizards?" I questioned.
"No, not at all. I'm just not a big fan of fire types in general." He said. "No offense, but I didn't think a girl like you would have Pokémon like that."
"Well I'm not like most you've seen then." I said, smirking slightly. "We grew up together that's why. My parents gave me an egg when I was six. It had been over a week and the egg still hadn't hatched, my parents said it would hatch if you read stories to it every night, and stay by it everyday. That's what I did. Soon it hatched in a Charmander. They later on took him to a doctor to make sure everything was okay with him. The doctor said everything was good health wise, but said the Charmander's tail flame was abnormally large and to just keep an eye on it." I paused, then continued.
"Charamander and I went everywhere together, and when I went to school for the first time they surprised to see I already had a Pokémon. During a special battling competition that the school had every couple of years, he evolved into a Charmeleon right in the middle of battle.We've been best friends ever since and I'm glad my parents got him for me." I finished, then looked up at Steven.
"Interesting, I guess your story is better than mine." He said.
"Why do you say that, I want to hear it now." I said with a smile.
"Okay then. My father was never to keen on the idea of me becoming a trainer. He wanted me to take of his company, but I didn't want to. So one of his friends gave me a beldum, and told me that he didn't want me to waste my young life being president of that company, and that's what I didn't do, and plan on not to." Steven finished, looking down at the sand.
"Wow, your dad seems rough." I said.
"I guess you could say that." He snickered
"But he's probably loves and cares about you though. Maybe he just wants the best." I said.
"I would like to agree with you, but I would like to drop the subject of my father, if you don't mind." He said.
"Oh, of course I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said apologetically.
"It's fine." He said.


Steven and I spoke for a while longer.
"(Y/N)?" Steven said.
"Yeah, Steven?" I asked.
"Do you mind if I take you somewhere?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah why-" I stopped mid-sentence as I felt one of Sylveon's ribbons go around my arm. "What is it Sylveon?"
"Syl-ve on?" She said.
"I hate to say this Steven, but I think I should go." I turned on my phone and looked at the time. 23:47 (11:47 pm).
"I guess that is true, I'm sorry to have kept you." Steven apologized.
"Why are apologizing? I wasn't in the best of mood before, but you help." I looked at him and smiled.
I stood up and returned Luxio and Sylveon to their poké balls, but kept Charizard out.
"Well Steven, I'm sure we'll meet again. Maybe even sooner." I said with a smile.
"Goodbye then, (Y/N)." Steven said waving.
I couldn't help, but smile back to my room. "Sorry I was late." I said to my Pokémon that stayed behind. Still with a smile on my face the whole night.

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