Sootopolis Life (Part 1)

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  I stood outside the gym, the 8th gym. The goodbyes to Steven were difficult, he would have come if the Pokémon League didn't need their Champion. Wallace offered to give me a place to stay in the gym, I accepted his offer before leaving for Sootopolis City. I would have rather been on my own, but with news of me with the Champion may not be best to be on my own.
   I sighed before stepping into the gym, Wallace stood next to a trainer whom was talking to their gym leader. Wallace turned his head from the trainer to you, "Awww, (Y/N) my dear, it's a pleasure to have you here."
    "Thank you, Wallace." I said, bowing slightly.
    "No, come-come darling, give me a hug. It's been a long while since we've seen each other." Wallace said with arms open.
   "By a long while, you mean three days ago." I said in an irritated tone. When Steven went off to the Pokémon league in the 2 weeks I stayed with him, Wallace always seemed to know when Steven left because he stopped by frequently. In that time you two had become good friends.
    "Alright fine, no hugs." Wallace said disappointed. "I guess we'll start the tour, and by 'we' I mean 'I'.
    "I'm surprised you don't have your own place, if I were a gym leader I'd have my own place." I said.
    "Yes, but unlike Steven, I find the gym to quite comfortable. I wouldn't blame him though for not staying in league, having to already be head of it all must be hard work. I must say though, he seems happier with you." Wallace walked closer to me and whispered in , "I wonder if you could bring me that same happiness?" He smirked.
    He has flirted with me before, most of it in front of Steven. It happened more after Steven told Wallace we were a thing. 'He's just jealous (Y/N).' I told yourself.
    "Come come, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get wasted." Wallace said before opening a door to the side.
    "For your information, I don't plan to get wasted with you." I said.
    "And you would with Steven?" Wallace question as we walked down a hallway.
   "No, I would get wasted when I'd want to. I don't plan to drink much here. The sooner we battle the better." I said.
    "What ever you say (y/n)," Wallace murmured, "what ever you say.."

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