The End of the Beginning

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(Y/N)'s POV

I stared at the ceiling, the nurse had just walk out on a call. By my asking, the rest of my Pokémon were brought to me. I swung my feet over the bed, I didn't want to stay here a minute longer. I picked up Zoroark's Pokéball and released her.
She looked at me, starring into my eyes "We're going to find Steven, and the others." I said softly, rubbing her ears. "I need you to stay by my side; I know I won't be able to stand by myself," I finished. Zoroark brought her arm around my side; as I slung my right arm around her.
Zoroark suddenly began to change form. Her soft mane curled up into hair. Her arm changed from having fur to skin. When she finished, she looked like an actual human nurse. Besides not speaking words, she was convincing. "Good job, babe." I said quietly. We soon began walking, step by step we made our way to the door.
Upon opening it, we saw nothing. This was our chance, Zoroark began to walk again. A mild speed walk was all I could handle by this point. It didn't take long for me to soon be able to find my own footing. Zoroark had let me go, and was walking by my side. We had it to the doors, or what I could remember were the doors.
  Zoroark opened the door, a guard sat in a chair, sleeping. We quietly walked to the front door, and opened it. The rain pounded on us, and when mixed with the heat from the sun, it was just a humid shower. Zoroark groaned, and changed back to her original form. "We have to keep going." I said, taking Milotic's, and Zoroark's pokéballs out. "Return." I said, holding Zoroark's capsule to her. I walked to the water, and sent out Milotic.
  "Can take me to the other side, please." I asked. She didn't respond, only turning let me on.
Once we where on the other side, I returned her to her pokéball, and I walk to where I was sure Steven and the others would be.
It was long till I had made it to a bridge, and on the other side were a group of people. I walked to the island like mass to get to the other bridge.
I can into view, and a pair of eyes caught me. I recognized them immediately, and smiled. Of course they belonged to Steven. He walked towards me, and stopped right in front of me and grabbed my arms. "I'm sorry, I know I should still be in bed, but..."
"Just be quiet already." Steven said, pulling me against him, and kissed me. I wide eyed for seconds before closing them; enjoying what was happening. He pulled apart, only to look at me again.
I blushed madly, but couldn't help but smile for a little. The smile faded when I remembered what I was going to do. "Stev..." I began to say before the ground shook violently.
A green like bubble began forming above Sootopolis. Steven put his arm around me protectively. Suddenly a green beam shot into the sky, catching everyone off guard. I covered my eyes from the brightness. When I opened them, green sparkles rained down. Steven's arm relaxed, and eventually let my side.
  "Are you okay." He asked, and helped me up. I nodded, before looking down at the ground. I pulled a pokéball out of my pocket. Steven grabbed my hand and we walked to the door in front of us. I began to rethink my decision as I waited for my chance.
  The door began to creak open, and I threw open the pokéball in my hand.

Brendan POV.

  The fight seemed to last forever, but may and I did it. I smiled coming out into the sun shine. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone drop into the water. I began to walk over, but Steven stopped me. He turned too, and a look of pure panic flooded his face.
  Turns out, (Y/N) was there, and she disappeared. They still haven't found her, but I believe she is still out there. I found an egg, and  a letter on my desk when I came home two weeks after everything that happened. I don't know how to feel still.

Wallace's POV

Events unfolded after that night... the funeral mostly was the big one. It didn't rain, and there was not a cloud in the sky. I think (Y/N) would have appreciated it.
  Steven, well, wasn't good. He felt responsible for everything, or as he kept telling me. He began skipping on the Elite Four meetings. I guess what you could say is he kinda gave up.
  Brendan and May, well I saw them a couple of days while they were recovering. We talked a lot and I got to know what (Y/N) really meant to them, and who she was before she disappeared.
After the first week, Steven and I talked more than normal. One night he broke completely in tears. "She melted the steel coating around me...I don't know what to do." He had said that night. To be honest, I cried with him.
I was out of town for a while with Steven. I'm being honest when I say, he didn't look good. He shaved and kept clean, but you could just see the horror in his eyes.
Steven had went to bed early one night. I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk in the stars.
   It hadn't seem like I'd been walking for a while, but it had been almost an hour since I left. Time flys when your lost in thought I guess. I looked up, I swear I saw a new star in the sky, but I couldn't tell you. Soon I sat down where I was and talked. I guess to her, but I still don't have good memory of the night.
    "Why'd you do it? Did it really mean that much to you?" I asked to sky. I knew I'd never get a response. "You know, Steven's devastated. He hasn't smiled, and barely talks. I found it ridiculous that he fell in love with you in a couple days. I guess I didn't know him as much as I thought, huh?"
     "I miss you around. Even if I didn't know you all that well." I looked down, "I wished you'd leave him. I was jealous, even if it was just a couple days you were there. I didn't want you taking Steven away, now I realize that I took you away from him. I feel like an ass." I felt tears drip down my face.
     "It's my fault, I wish it back. I wish that Steven would have been late for that ferry. He wouldn't have meant (Y/N) then she would still be here." I cried up to the stars.
     "Is that what you really wish for. " a voice spoke. I looked up seeing what it was. A yellow, and blue creature floated in front of me.
"What are you." I asked.
"My name is Jirachi, the wish making Pokémon." It said, looking at me. "I heard you, so is that what you really wish for?"
I looked at Jirachi, could I trust it? "Yes, but how do I know I won't be punished in some way like in the movies." I said.
It laughed, and smiled. "I wish that was the case, but no. I'll grant your wish if that is what you want." It said.
"Yes." I said, and suddenly felt light headed...

I woke up to someone shaking me. Steven spoke me rapidly, a panicked look over his face. "Come on Wallace, I'm going to be late." Steven said, yelling almost.
I rubbed my eyes, trying to remember what happened last night. "Yeah, yeah, just give me a minute." I groaned. I had a sudden feeling of déjà vu came to me, and I toke longer to get ready than expected.
When we arrived, the ferry had left already. "Well you can fly there, or stay another night." I said looking at him apologetically.
Steven rolled his eyes. "You just wanted me to stay again, so I will." He said, looking at me with a sarcastic look. I smiled tiredly at back a him.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat down in the chair, petting my newly caught Eevee. It was a different color from all the others I've seen. "Do you want something to eat?" I asked softly.
It nodded, and smiled. I sat it down in the chair, and walked to the counter. I ordered a glass of moo moo milk, and a qualot berry pokepuff. Once I had gotten my order, I stood looking at the Eevee in the chair. I was expecting someone there, but I don't know why.
  I walk over to it, and set the food and drink on the floor. It began eating, and soon after we left to prepare going to Dewford Town.

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