Majestic Waters

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The rest of yesterday (when your Charizard woke up) was spent making sure he was ready to leave tomorrow , and he passed the test. So you could finally be on your way to Mossdeep City.


I sent out Milotic, and hopped on its back. After I patted its head, it went off swimming.
Charizard was in his pokéball resting. Nurse Joy said it was best if the Pokémon stayed in there till getting to Mossedeep. The thing was still weak and even you knew it was for the best.
After an almost 2 hour trip you made it to the city. Just in time too because my phone started to ring.
"Hey, it's me Brendan, where are you?"
"Hey, well I just got to Mossdeep. I just want to get the gym over with so I can move on."
"Well I just you didn't hear then."
"Hear what?"
"The gym is closed for a while there."
"Ya, Tate and Liza are having some family issues and they're going to be away for around two weeks."
"How did you find this out?"
"I know people (Y/N), and they give me information I need."
"Like who, you have no friends."
"Wow thanks, anyways since you're there, Steven apparently lives there and wants you to stop by."
"Really? Again, how do you know this?"
    "He left a message at the Pokémon Center for me to tell you."
    "Why didn't he just leave a message for me?"
    "I don't know, I'm not Steven."
    "Sorry, I called him yesterday and he was in a meeting. I wish he would have just called me instead of leaving a message."
    "Who knows, I should let you go. If you don't go over there, I would be happy to surf over there and hang with you."
    "No that's fine, I'll be okay. I think a will."
    "Alright, bye (Y/N)."
    "Goodbye, Brendan."
    I hung up, and returned your Milotic to its ball. I walked up stairs and down the path on the ground. I didn't bother with the Center,  Pokémon weren't hurt.
    I asked someone people around if a guy named Steven lived around. Only one person said he heard someone by that name and he leave in a house to the far left of the town from the Center. And there I stood at the house. There were lights on, but blinds covered the windows.
     "Here goes nothing." I told yourself. I moved your hand to the door and knocked.
    The door cracked open. "Yes, what can I do for you?" Said a familiar voice.
     "I'm looking for Steven Stone, one of my friends told be he asked me to come." I said.
     "I'm sorry, but he isn't seeing anyone today."
     "You sure? He left a message-"
     "Listen young lady, when someone says they are busy then you should listen."
     "Hey, your the guy on the phone yesterday."
     A voice came from behind the door, "Wallace, who is it?"
     "It's no one, just a business lady asking for help." The person said.
    "For your information, I'm not a business woman, I'm a trainer and looking for Steven. If he isn't here then tell me and I'll go."
     "Great, he isn't here. Now fuck off." They said.
    "Wallace, move aside." The other said. The door opened more to show the two people.
     The man who was on the phone had teal hair with a white hat on and suit, with a scarf the went down to his ankles. The other was the man who you were looking for in the first place, Steven Stone.
    "Oh, I'm so sorry (Y/N) I wish I knew that was probably your voice. Forgive my guest for being so rude to you. Please come in." Steven said and stepped aside.
    "It's fine..." I said.
    "Wallace, this is (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Wallace." Steven introduced you.
    "Pleased to meet you Wallace." You held a hand out, but when he didn't take it you put it to your side.
    "Would you like a drink (Y/N)? We have water, soda, and I think lemonade, but I'll have to double check." Steven asked me.
    "(Whatever you'd like) please." I said.
    "Right then." Steven said and walked out to the kitchen.
    "So are you Steven's girlfriend, or something?" Wallace asked.
"What, no." I said and began to blush madly.
"That's what I thought." Wallace snickered.
Steven came back in with to glasses and handed you one.
"I hate to crash the party, but I should be getting back." Wallace said. "If you would like to join us tomorrow for dinner your welcome to (Y/N)."
"Alright, I'll think about it." I responded.
"Goodnight, Wallace." Steven said and Wallace walked out.
"If your not planning on leaving soon, I could put on a movie." Steven suggested.
I smiled, "That sounds great."


The movie was great, but after I had finished my glass of what Steven had, the two of us moved to alcohol. I'm not much of a drinker but I know my limits, but it seemed Steven was a whole other person than when he was sober. It didn't bother me too much, but he did have his arm around me most of the time and held me close. I fell asleep in his arms with a blush on my face.

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