Drunken Confessions

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My eyes opened when a hand moved up my back. I flipped on my back and was face to face with Steven.
"Sorry to have woken you up (y/n)." Steven said apologetically.
"No worries, Steven." I said and smiled. I sat up carefully so I wouldn't knock foreheads with him.
"Your probably hungry. I hate to say this, but there isn't much to eat here. I'm not really home often." Steven said and stood up.
"No not really, I'll probably be later." I said.
He nodded, and walked into the kitchen with the two dirty glasses from last night. I looked at the stones that were cased around the side of the house. I heard the water running the kitchen, then a buzzing sound from the couch. You walked over to the sound coming from Steven's coat.
I reached inside the pocket and pulled out his phone. "Steven? Your phone is ringing." I said. Steven walked in and took the phone out of your hand. He looked down at the number, walked to the door, opened and walked out. "Jeez, didn't even say anything."
    After 5 minutes Steven came back in with a dissatisfied look. "I have to head to somewhere for a meeting that was last minute. Apparently they have problems that they need to discuss with me." Steven said.
    "It's the Pokémon league, isn't it. I know your the Champion. Why don't you just say you're going there?" Iasked.
   "Great, so you know now. I didn't say anything because people treat you differently when they know your important." Steven said.
   "I found out in Fortree City at the Pokémon Center there before I left. I would have rather heard it from you, but I get it. People treat others different when they find out the truth to something." I said. "When will you be back, because I don't mind how late your out. I can get a room at the center and do something."
    "No, I appreciate your company. It will be a couple hours, but I would be back before the dinner." Steven said. "I have to go get ready, but I really want you to stay. You make this house more lively." He smiled before walking through a door and locked it.
    I picked up my bag that was by the side of the couch. I dug through it and picked up Sylveon's ball. I sent it out and scratched it behind its head. I sat next to and turned on the television.
     It wasn't long before Steven came out. I tried not to pay too much attention to him, but come on! It's a guy you like, it's hard not too. After he finished, he touched up a bit and walk toward me.
    "So, I'll try not to be long. I'll see you tonight." Steven said with a little blush.
    I smiled, "okay, I'll see you tonight." I said and waved him off. Steven smiled before leaving.
    I signed, "what I'm I going to do Sylveon." I said and scratched its back. "I don't have anything nice, maybe we could go find something." I said to your Pokémon. Sylveon looked at you and smiled before pulling on my pant leg to get up. "Great!"
    I got all the things I needed, and motioned for Sylveon to follow. We stopped at a café before shopping. When I did start, nothing really caught my attention. One dress did though, you weren't really into dresses, but it looked alright on me. The dress went down to your knees, it was (f/c) and had a white bow that went around the middle. It looked nice and I had found some heels that went with it. I picked up some other things I needed, but my main purchase was done.
    After I went to the beach, and sent out Charizard. "Hi bud, I know you like them so I got you a poké puff." I said and held my hand to my Pokémon. He sniffed it before beginning to eat the treat. He smiled when he was finished, and nudged me with his head. The two of us sat on the sand. "Do you like Steven?" I said. Charizard smiled before nodding. "Great, because I was maybe going to confess tonight if we have some alone time." I and scratched behind his head.


    I went back to Steven's house and took a shower and changed. I did your hair in a romantic tuck; I thought I looked good. Wallace came by around 18:00 (6 pm). "Steven ain't here yet?" Wallace asked as he sat down on the other side of the couch.
    "No, he isn't. When are we supposed to go?" I asked.
    "Now, or at least around 18:30 (6:30 pm). I thought he would have came early to get ready. Oh well, if he doesn't show up soon then I'll take you. If you'd like." Wallace said, and winked at me.
    I rolled my eyes, "Steven doesn't come I won't, no offense."
    Wallace turned his attention to the show he was watching. The two of us waited for 45 more minutes till the door opened, and Steven came in. "I'm so sorry, the meeting took way longer than expected." Steven apologized.
    "No it's fine Steven. It's just we missed our reservation, and it's too late to reschedule. But it's fine, the league more important." Wallace said as he got up and walked passed Steven and out the door.
"I really am sorry (Y/N). If I could go back I would and never have gone to that meeting." Steven said.
"It's...fine. I was kinda hoping that we would go, but that's fine." I said.
Steven walked into the kitchen, and came back with a new bottle of wine and 2 glasses. "Here I came make it up. There's a nice place to look at the stars." Steven said. "If you'd like, I would love to make this dinner up."
I nodded and smiled before standing up. "I'd hate for you to waste a beautiful night in that dress for nothing." Steven said with a smile and light blush.
The two of us went outside. Steven sent out a Skarmory, and hopped on it. He handed me the 2 glasses, and patted the stop behind him. I got on, and the two of us soared off. My hands went around Steven to hold on to. It wasn't long before we landed on an island. It had water falls and a clear view of the sky.  We walked and found a nice stop.
    I sat down, and Steven did as well. I handed him the glasses and he filled them up.
   "Thank you." I said and took a sip.
   "No problem, it's the least I can do for ruining your night. Honestly you looked very beautiful. I wanted to say something there, but I knew Wallace was mad." Steven said.
   I smiled, and leaned my head on him. We just sat there, talked, and drank. It was the first time I was letting myself go.
"You know," I said and rolled my drink around in your glass, "there's something I've wanted to say for sometime."
"Yes, and what's that." Steven said and put his arm around me to pull me closer.
"Ever since Mauville, I've had... no I love you. I know it's cheesy, sitting under the stars, drinking wine, being drunk and confessing." I said, with a cheeky smile.
"That's good to hear, cause I planned on saying the same thing." Steven said, looking at me right in the eyes.
I smiled before putting an arm around Steven's neck and pulling him closer to your face. He smirked, and I laughed before kissing that drunken man. His arms went around me. Standing up, and taking the wine bottle and glasses.
We went home having no memory of how, but we did. And fell asleep with Steven's arms around me.

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