Electric Beauty

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  I sat underneath one of the gigantic trees in front on the Fortree City gym. The gym didn't open another 15 minutes. I wanted to be early so I could think over my strategy. Winona had a Swellow, Skarmory, Pelipper, and lastly Altaria. Swellow was first and not a problem, it was her Skarmory, and Altaria that were.
   I had heard some trainer in the pokémon center saying that the Altaria had earthquake. Of course it's just a something a person said and I can't prove it, but it's good to be prepared.
  After two days of traveling and preparing, and a good night sleep. I was ready, for the most part.
  I looked down at the two pokéballs in my hands. These were the two I was going to use. If they fainted, I did have back ups, but hope not to use them.
  "Just ten more minutes guys, then we'll get some action." I told them.
  One of them started shaking and the Pokémon came out. It was of course it was Charizard.
   "Really, I was just hoping you would stay there until we got into the gym." I said a little but annoyed.
  He came up to me and nudged me with his head, and made one of his signature noises of compassion.
   "Why...why do u do this to me!" I said jokingly sad. He licked me with his tongue.
   I heard the door to the gym open, and turned around. One of the trainers was entering the building.
  "Hey!" I said to the trainer.
  "Ya?" They said back.
  "Is the gym open? I just wanted to challenge Winona." I asked.
  "Umm, I don't think so, but I can let you in till miss Winona says she's ready. Most people don't come this early." They said as the held the door open.
Charizard and I ran in. "Thanks!"
  "Don't mention it, you look strong. I'll mention it to her and maybe she'll let you battle early." The trainer winked. "Just take a seat over there." They pointed to a set of chairs by the window. "I'll let you know when she's ready." They smiled and went threw a door by the two big gym doors.


  The trainer returned 20 minutes later....
  "You can go inside, she told me to say she normally doesn't do this, so enjoy." They said as they opened to doors.
   As I walked by they winked at me, as they closed the doors. The doors led to a dark room, once the doors were shut lights began to turn on. When the last light was lit, it exposed the gym leader of Fortree City, Winona.
  "Why hello there trainer, I'm Winona! One of the trainers who works here told me she saw potential in you, and I just had to see this potential they saw in you." She said, looking right into my eyes. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I see it now, well let's begin!"
   "Swellow come on out!" She sent out her Swellow.
   "Right then, Luxio go!" I said as I threw his pokéball.
   "You know the rules right? You get four Pokémon and only the challenger can switch out their Pokémon." She asked.
   "Ya, of course I do. Let's hurry, my Pokémon thirst for battle!" I shouted.
   "Right then. Battle begin!" Winona shouted.
   "Swellow, use aerial ace!"
   "Luxio, catch it with thunder fang, then use wild charge!" I commanded
   The Swellow came at Luxio full speed. But Luxio grabbed the Swellow by the wing with its thunder fang. Charge up its own electricity, and pounded right into the poor thing. It sent the Swellow flying into the wall behind Winona and to the ground. Swellow had fainted.
   "Goodness me, I didn't think a Luxio could do that. Return my sweet baby..." Winona spoke to her self with a soft voice.
   "Alright, Pelipper your up next." She said as she sent out her Pokémon.
  "Luxio, use swagger!" I said to my Pokémon.
  "Pelipper use water pulse." Winona commanded, but the Pelipper was confused. Things were going your way which was amazing!
   "Luxio use thunder fang!" I commanded. Luxio ran toward the confused bird and with its electrified teeth bit the bird. With a bang to the ground it was fainted.
   "Return, Pelipper..." Winona spoke with a frustrated tone.
   "Skarmory, come out and use sand attack, then steel wing!" Winona shouted suddenly. It surprised me, making me jump as I saw a cloud of dust and Luxio fly across to gym to my side and smashed into the wall.
   "Luxio!" I shouted as my poor Pokémon struggled to stand up.
   "Now Skarmory finish this up with aerial ace!" She shouted with confidence.
   I looked at Luxio as he looked at me as well. He looked sad and disappointed, like he displeased me. I looked him right in the eyes and mouthed the words 'thank you'. He looked surprised and turned back to face the Skarmory.
   Just as it was about to hit, Luxio began to glow. Then a huge dust and electric cloud spread across the battle field. What laid on the ground was a fainted Skarmory and a humongous Luxray that was losing its electrical buildup.
    "R-r-return, Skarmory." Winona said surprised.
   I stood completely frozen looking at my newly evolved Pokémon. A smile spread across my face, I wanted to run to him and give the gigantic cat a hug, but this is still a gym battle.
   "Alright, I'm done playing around, Altaria let's do this!" Winona said, and sent out the cotton cloud.
    "Luxray, for the final time, use wild charge!" I excitedly commanded.
   "Altaria, earthquake!" Winona commanded.
  Luxray jumped into the air just as the earthquake went off, and hit the Altaria to the wall. But the earthquake wasn't over making Luxray get hit by it, but somehow lived.
   "YES!" I shouted and ran over to my hurt, but living Luxray and gave it a hug.
   "Return, Altaria. Well good job trainer! I'll meet you in the lobby of the gym in a couple of minutes with your badge."
    "Thank you." I said. I once again couldn't help with smile as I made Luxray return into his pokéball.
    I turned around as Winona went threw the door behind her. But when I turned back, someone had joined us.
   "Were you here the whole time?" I asked.
   "I can't lie, I am impressed by your battling style. And Good job with the win. But as you asked, I don't mean to intrude I just wanted to see if the way you battle is true...." He spoke.

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