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  We all made a bet that whoever didn't beat the gym leader would have to pay for dinner that night. Brendan sadly lost. The next day, May and I left the next day together. Brendan decided to stay behind to train then battle Winona again.
May, on the way, didn't feel good. The two of us separated. So it was just me on my own with my Pokémon. I soon made it to Lilycove City.
I walked out of the Pokémon Center, and pulled out the pokéball for Charizard and went down to the beach.
"Charizard, you can come out." I said as i tossed his pokéball from my hand.
"Char-!" He said as he came out.
I smiled, and reached a hand out. I rubbed his snout, then kissed the top of his head.
"I hope you're feeling well bud." I said and continued to pet him.
I looked behind my Pokémon to see people going into a cave. There were about 6 or 7 of them and they were dressed in red, and blue. Charizard looked over as well and a low growl erupted from his throat.
"So you don't like this either huh?" I asked and he nodded. "Right then, lets go."
   He just looked at me with a worried look. "What? You have a feeling they're doing something bad so let's check it out." I said as I motioned for him to follow.
I sent out Milotic. "Milotic, would you mind surfing us into that cave?" I asked; she just turned its head, and let you on her back. I stepped on and quickly sat down by her neck. "Thank you Milotic."
We went into the cave, on one side there was water pumping threw pipes on the other was lava. 'Damn, I think I remember something like this. We shouldn't be here, but I want to know what their doing.' I thought and hopped off Milotic.
"Return Milotic." I told her as she went into her pokéball. Charizard landed next to me.
I went up the stairs, and saw a door way. No one was guarding it though, which was unsettling. Why would no one guard the front door? I walked in the door, still no one. After talking a step forward, the lights began to blink red and a siren wailed. The door behind me closed shut.
"Shit!" I said to myself. Charizard stepped in front of me as I heard foot steps coming.
"Mightyena, use thunder fang."
"Golbat, use poison fang."
"Camerput, rock slide!" I heard many people say. The Pokémon they commanded came running fast around the corner as they attacked  Charizard.
"Chariz-!" I began to say when a piece of cloth rapped around my mouth.
"Get on the ground and put your hands around your back!" One of red dressed man told me. I wouldn't do it. The man motioned his head toward me, and two grunts came at me and Charizard. They grabbed us both, but I kept struggling, and a hard object suddenly collided with my head, and everything went black.


"WAKE UP DAMN YOU!" Someone screamed in my ear making my eyes suddenly open up.
"There she's awake, Matt." A blue grunt, that woke me up, said to someone. A person stepped out of the shadows.
"Please, let me go!" I pleaded.
"I would, but what makes you think you can just come into our base unannounced, and leave without a punishment. Uh?" The man that I thought to be that Matt guy said.
"Look, I did nothing wrong. I saw some of your guys go in this cave so I wanted to check it out." I said, looking him right in the eyes.
"Ah, but you are trespassing on our base, aren't ya?" He asked.
I looked down. 'I knew I should have listened to him.' "Where's my Charizard!" I shouted.
"Oh that thing, in that bag of yours we found two interesting items." He paused. "Courtney, turn on the light!" Matt shouted across the room.
A light came on, and exposed your Charizard. He a metal muzzle on and chains holding him to a wall. A tear slipped down my face when I saw him. He looked back at me with shocked eyes and began to struggle.
"Aww, how cute. A Charizard struggling to get to its trainer!" He shouted suddenly making me jump and more tears run down my face. He walked over to me and rubbed his thumb by my eye. "Don't cry like a little girl, your better than that. I mean you let that Charizard take those hits and did nothing about it." He said and let out a horrible laugh.
"Courtney, the key stone please." Matt asked the girl on the other side. A girl came walking over to Matt and handed a spherical stone to him. "Now then, put the mega stone on the Pokémon." He commanded. The girl did as she was told. "Grunts, prepare your Pokémon."
'Why did he say that, was he going to attack him.' I thought to myself.
"You see young trainer, you probably don't even know what these are." He showed the stone he was holding to me. "This is a key stone, that is a mega stone. It's all it take to make a mega Pokémon. But you didn't even knew you had them, didn't you?" He asked. I shook my head. It came to me suddenly, 'was that what was in that box?'
   "I hate for this to be your first mega encounter, but punishment is punishment.
"Courtney! Is it ready?" He yelled over to the girl.
"Oh course Matt. When ever you are." She responded.
"Charizard!" Matt shouted, his eyes looked at Matt. Matt place the key stone in my hand and held it up in the air. "Mega Evolve!"
String of energy came from the stone Charizard had and the one from my hand. A bright light then lit the room. Some how I could feel Charizard. What was your orange dragon was now a black and blue dragon with blue flames coming from his mouth.
"Men, NOW!" Matt yelled. As grunts began to run toward my Pokémon with theirs. I watched in horror as they began beating him with clubs and whips. Their Pokémon as well were attacking non stop.
Pain began to fill most of my body. I let out a scream of pain as more tears poured down your face. "Charizard!" I yelled, but not even that did anything. There was nothing I could do. It felt like hours, before I finally gave into the pain, and passed out.
I woke up on the beach, and looked over to find Charizard. He was hurt badly, very badly. Next to me was my bag. A piece of paper was in the front. Under that piece of paper, were the 2 stones. So it wasn't a dream, and that's when all the pain flowed back in.
    "I'm sorry," you whispered. "I'm so sorry."

How Some Metals Melt ( Steven Stone X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now