Aqua and Magma

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Brendan's POV

  I made my way to route 128, I dove down using Sharpedo, and the scuba gear. My clothes became instantly wet after entering the cold sea. I went into a cave below where I then dove up to find a whole new place. There was the submarine that was stolen from Slateport, and the same one that was in the aqua and magma base. My shoes touched the sand and I returned my Pokémon to its capsule. Looking over, I saw foot prints. A set of human's and a Pokémon's. I pushed a piece of wet hair that was over my eye, and continued on.
   Rock pushing puzzles, and battles went on throughout the cave. I made it to what I thought was more empty cave system with probably more magma and aqua grunts; instead blue flames bursts through the air, and on the cave walls...

Your POV

  You landed on the sand from where you thought the pillar of light came from. You sent out Swampert, "Can you go look and see if there is a cave below this?" You asked. The Pokémon nodded and dove down into the sea. After a few seconds the Pokémon returned. It "pointed" down to the water and nodded. "Thank you Swampert, you mind taking me down there, please?"
   It once again nodded eagerly, and you hopped on its back. You took in a deep breath before going down under. Your hair flowed with the Pokémon movements. From what seemed seconds felt like minutes, you could feel the burning of your throat. You gripped hard on your Pokémon shoulders, as you struggled to hold your breath. Suddenly a rush the rush of water flowed off your face and hair, and inhaled quickly trying to get air back to your lungs. You coughed heavy and crawled on to the sand. You turned and looked at your Pokémon. You smiled, and patted its head before returning it to its Pokéball. You stood up, the flash of a Pokémon coming out of its capsule you saw from my corner of your eye.
   "I guess you want to get revenge." Your face sadden remember that shitty day. Your partner nudged your shoulder with his head. "Lets go.."
You said darkly, and walked off into the cave.
   You snuck through the cave, and tried your best to not get into any battles. Charizard snuck up on some of them and whacked them over the head with his tail.
   You made it to the last floor, from the fog and the heat, you could tell. There seemed to be pools of lava and water. When you walked down some stair like rocks to another room. At the end of room, stood a tall man with glasses and red hair, he wore a red and black suit as well. The other wore an anchor chained necklace, and a blue and black full body swimsuit with a bandanna on their head.
The man in blue looked over at you and grinned, "So your the girl who infiltrated our base with that Charizard." His voice was rough and loud.
"That's the girl, Archie?" The man in red asked. The man's voice was softer but still had a rough take, with a "scientific accent".
"That's correct Maxie," Archie said. "So what brings you back to our presence?"
"I want to know what your dirty plans are, and what that pillar of light was." You said angrily.
"Maybe you'll get your answers if you show your real potential." Archie said with an evil smirk. He held a Pokéball in his hand, Maxie pulled one out as well. "It'll be one Pokémon each. What do you say? Win the battle, you get answers; lose the battle, no answers."
"Fine..." You said, clenching your fist together.
"Great, let the battle begin." Maxie said, throwing the ball in his hand. Archie did the same.
"Charizard, you don't mind, do you?" You said. The Pokémon moved in front of you, in a battle stance. It growled angrily, its eyes gave a stern look to the other Pokémon.
Maxie had sent out a Camerupt, and Archie sent out a Sharpedo. Each had a band of some sort on them, with a stone in the middle.
Archie held his chained necklace and Maxie touched the side of his glasses. "With the power and friendship between us, MEGA EVOLVE!" The two said in resonance.
A light enveloped their Pokémon, and aura slurred dust and dirt around. The light disappeared, and the two Pokémon's appearances changed. The Camerupt's humps became one big volcano, and the Sharpedo's snout grew longer and its body had yellow x's across its body.
''s a mega battle. I've never used the stones ever since that day,' You thought. 'I won't.'
   "Charizard, use Dragon Dance." You commanded. Charizard stomped and alternated his feet; he shook his tail and head. Finally the red aura surrounded his body, and his attack and speed rose.
   "Sharpedo, use Poison Fang," Archie said. "Camerupt, use Take Down," Maxie said after Archie.
   "Charizard dodge!" You said, but the Camerupt had already gotten to close for Charizard to move. Charizard hit the ground hard, and the Sharpedo had its chance to attack.
   Charizard pushed the Pokémon off with its legs and wings. It flew to its feet, and used Thunder Punch without command. "Sharpedo stop that dragon with Crunch." Archie commanded his Pokémon. It did as it was told and counter attacked by biting on Charizard's fist.
    The Pokémon let out a roar of pain."Camerupt, use Rock Slide," Maxie command. In an instant rocks came flying down on your Pokémon; some hitting the Sharpedo in the process. "Camerupt, now use Take Down!"
   Charizard got up to try to stop the Pokémon, but once again too late. The Camerupt's head made contact with the dragon's body, and was flown toward you. You tried to stop your Pokémon from getting hurt, so you took the impact. Your back hit the rocky wall; you groaned in pain.
   "Is this all you've got?" Archie asked disappointedly.
  Charizard stood up; his head slung down, fangs being exposed. He growled. "Sharpedo, Crunch," Archie ordered. The shark came at him. "Charizard, use Thunder Punch." You said weakly.
    Once again it was too late, the Sharpedo's fangs snuck into Charizard's shoulder. The Sharpedo let go, and pushed the beast's full weight hard on your body. "Archie? Don't you think you've done enough?" Maxie said worriedly.
   "Why do you say that? You're in this battle now. Why do you feel sympathy? If she wanted to finish this she would; besides I feel like she can do more than this trash of a battle." Archie said harshly. Maxie had no words to respond.
   "Camerupt, Take Down.." Maxie said. The Pokémon came charging at you and partner.
   "no..." Your choked. Light came from your bag, as it then enveloped around you and Charizard. The light faded, a black dragon covered in blue flames stood I front you. The dragon pushed the Camerupt into the wall. Your eyes were wide. The dragon roared blue flames escaping from its mouth; the flames scorched the rock walls. You stood up, "Charizard, use Dragon Claw on the Camerupt." You ordered sternly. The beast roared and flew to the Camerupt. His claws grew out, a green aura surrounded them. The Camerupt saw nothing coming and took the hit. Its body scrapped the ground and hit the other wall. The Camerupt changed back to its original shape.
    "Sharpedo, Poison Fang," Archie commanded the Pokémon.
    "Charizard, Thunder Punch," you commanded in return. The Sharpedo bit into your Pokémon's other arm. Charizard swung his free arm into the Sharpedo's side. It flew off, hitting the wall, Charizard tripped over its tail, and landed on top of a rock. He pushed off a rock, stumbled, and stood tall and boldly before falling to its knees and transforming back to his original orange form. The Sharpedo didn't move, but changed back.
   "Return, Sharpedo." Archie said and returned the Pokémon to its capsule. "Alright a deals a deal."
   "I don't want your information, that was loss. No one could call that a win." You said. Returning Charizard to his Pokéball.
   "Fine, Archie let's get back to what we were doing." Maxie said. "But it seems we have more visitors."
    You turned around, May and Brendan stood angrily. Brendan ran over to Archie and Maxie, while May ran to you. "(Y/N), are you okay? What happened here?" May said helping you to get away from the three men.
   "I'm okay, stop worrying about me. Just go help Brendan." You said, but shifted wrong and groaned in pain.
   "I will after your okay, Brendan promised Steven that he'd make sure you were okay. So it's my problem too." May said sternly. "Besides your forehead is cut." May wiped your head with her thumb. Then rushed over to help Brendan.
    The four got into a battle, May taking on Maxie and Brendan taking on Archie. Your mind slurred in and out of darkness. You heard roars of the land beast and sea king. Till everything went still...

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