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*continuing from last part*

   "I'm nothing special at batting, your much better at it than me." I said with a light blush on my face.
   "Well for a trainer with six badges you are." Steven responded. "But, if you want that sixth one you better hurry."
    I rolled my eyes and walked pasted Steven through the open door. Steven leaving out with me as well.
   "Oh Steven, I didn't know you were here." Winona said. "There wasn't a meeting we had planned today?"
   "No there wasn't, I can here unannounced and I apologize." Steven told Winona.
   "There's no need to apologize Steven, I can always make time for you." Winona said with a seductive tone.
   "Right, can I have my ba-"
   "So are you doing anything today Steven? If not, maybe we could go out together." Winona cut me off.
    "I actually have plans, but would you please give this amazing trainer their badge." Steven told her.
   "Oh yes, sorry trainer." Winona pulled out the badge from her back pocket. "There you go." She said as she handed the badge to me.
   "Thanks..." I took the badge and examined it before putting in the front pocket of my sweatshirt. "Well I'm going go, I guess I'll see you later."
   I stepped passed Winona, and waved Steven goodbye, and opened the door to leave.
   "Wait (Y/N)." Steven went after you to the outside. I ignored him, not wanting to disturb his discussion with the gym leader.
   I rushed to the Pokémon Center to get my Luxray healed. "Hello," I said, and placed down Luxray's Pokéball. "Could you please heal him."
   "Of course, it's my job to." She said as she took my Pokémon. Nurse Joy walked into another room with it.
   I walked over to one of the couches in there. Sat down, and thought. 'Why did you leave Steven there like that.'
'Well he obviously had plans, and he and Winona are good friends.'
'But why do you care, it's not like you have feelings for him.....right?'
   'Don't be silly. He has better things to do than hang out with a silly, trainer.'
   The door opened beside me. I looked to see Steven looking back and forth. His eyes caught mine, "(Y/N), I'm dearly sorry about Winona, she likes to talk." He said, looking at me apologetically.
   "No I get it, I'm sorry I walked out on you like that. I just wanted Luxray healed." I lied. I didn't like how Winona was speaking to Steven. Maybe I do like him.
   "That's why I find you such an interesting trainer (Y/N). You care so much for your Pokémon." Steven said making me blush.
   "Um, don't all trainers. I mean even ones who don't care, still care some what right?" I asked.
    "We'll never know, but what I was meaning to ask you. Would you like to go out for Lunch, or breakfast?" Steven asked.
    "Brunch?" I asked, snickering a little. "Sure why not."
   "Great, we can wait for your Luxray if you'd like." Steven told you.
   "Ya that'd be great." I said and smiled.


   Eventually, Luxray was all healed.
   "Luxray!" I said when he came out with Nurse Joy.
    "Your Luxray made a full recovery. Just be careful to not put him in battles like the one you did today." She said.
   "Thank you, and I will. I didn't mean for any of that damage to happen." I told her.
    "Your welcome, and have a great day." Nurse Joy waved me off.
   With that I returned Luxray to his pokéball. Steven and I left the Pokémon Center.
   "Right, so where did you have in mind to eat at?" I asked.
   "Well there's a nice breakfast place near by. Is that alright?" Steven asked.
   "Ya that's fine. I'm just hungry." I responded.
   The place wasn't too far away from the center. When we walked in though, things were already off. Nobody came to set us down till about 5 minutes later.
    "I'm so sorry about the wait." The waitress said as she put down menus. "Can I get you two anything to drink. It's on the house. Anything you want."
   "Oh I guess I'll take a (what you want)." I said.
    "I'll have what she's having then." Steven said.
    "Aright, I'll be right back then with that, while I'm gone please look over the menu and chose what you want. It's all great." The waitress said and she went off.
    Steven laughed, "I think this a great start to this." Steven then said.
     The rest of the meal was okay. Steven and I got to know each other better. Although the food wasn't as good as the waitress had said, but it was still eatable.

    I stood next to the hut I was staying at.
   "Thanks for the meal, Steven." I said with a smile.
   "No problem, I'd love to do it again sometime." Steven said. "Oh, here." Steven said and handed me a box and a piece of paper.
   "Um, thanks." I said awkwardly.
   "I know it's weird, but it has something important on it. Whenever you have the time you should look at it." Steven said with a smile as he walked away.
    I knew I would see him again soon. I looked at the note in my hand as I turned around and opened the door to tree hut.

How Some Metals Melt ( Steven Stone X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now