Let's Go Soon, Okay?

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   Nurse Joy lead me through the back of the center, and through two doors with 'Do not enter' signs on the doors. "I know he's far from other Pokémon, but this is where we can watch him best." She said. Eventually we made it to a glass door, I could see my Pokémon laying on a bed. Nurse Joy opened the door, and I walked in.
    "We don't know what's wrong with him, but if he stays like this. It might be best to move him somewhere where he can be watched all day. Mauville is probably the best." Nurse Joy told me.
   "So there's not much you can do anymore, huh?" I asked.
   "Yes, that's exactly. We don't mean to give up, but there's not much else we can do." She said.
   "Okay...that's fine, I'll take him to Mauville." I said. "That's what's best."
   She nodded, "I'll leave you two be, alright."
   I walked over to the bed which held my unconscious Pokémon. I pulled over one of the chairs by the wall next to bed, and sat down. My  hand went to the top of the Pokémon's head and moved down his neck to its arm and finally to his hand. I smiled, "I tried calling Steven today, he didn't answer, but that's alright. Truth is I think I like him. I know I haven't known him long, but...I don't even know what's true even now. I miss you, I wish you could be by side. It was my fault this happened, I should have listened to you." I finished saying.
    I started to stand. "I'll take you to Mauville, and stay there till you get better. They have to get you ready to be moved, I'll see you later." I said, getting one last look at your Pokémon. I then began to walk to the door.
   "Char-?" I heard a weak cry. I turned around. "Charizard?" I said, and you smiled as my Pokémon sat up. I ran over to him, and hugged him.
   "Oh buddy! I missed you. I felt so lost, I couldn't live with myself if you never woke up." I said, laughing slightly. Charizard began to hug me and licked the tears that ran down my face.
   "Oh my, I just got off the phone with the Mauville Pokémon Center, I guess I'll have to call and cancel." Nurse Joy said after entering the room.
    I looked at her and Charizard nuzzled it's head on mine. I smiled, and rubbed the Pokémon's head. "I guess we'll be leaving soon then, huh Charizard." I said with a smile.

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