Mind Hell

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"It was a hour after (Y/N) arrived, I had a couple of glasses, and options to choose from to drink. I knocked on her door, and there was no answer so I knocked again. I called her name, and told her I was coming in. When I opened the door, she had taken off her shirt. She looked at me shockingly, and her face soon turned mad. She screamed at me, asking what I was doing. I guess she hadn't heard me knocking, or me calling her name.
"I quickly shut the door, and stood outside waiting for her to finish changing. When she finish she opened the door, and let me in. I guess I should I just left the drinks outside and left, I mean from what happened I probably should I taken the hint. Anyways I apologize for my intrusion, she accepted it then asked what I wanted. I set the drink down and motioned to the tray. She told me thanks, and questioned if I needed anything else. I told her yes, and asked if I could see for Pokémon. I said that we have a special area for them. She nodded, and handed five of them. I asked for the sixth, but she said no. I asked for it again, she said that she couldn't give it to me. Said the he was special to her, and he didn't like to be away from her.
"I don't know what got into me, but I began to search her bags. I don't know why I got so mad, but when she started to stop me... I hit her. She stood in shock for a bit before taking her Pokémon back from me, and she stormed out.
"That's was happened before she left." I finally finished. Steven sat across from me with the male trainer. The female one sat besides me.
The female one sighed, "Well, if I know her right. She'd probably storm out on us if we did something like that,"
The male one laughed nervously, "Yeah, but she'd think it was a joke if we did it." He looked at me angrily, "Anyone else and she'd do what she did."
"Brendan, lets not fight. If I were in the mood I would have done much worse to Wallace earlier." Steven said croakily.
"You never did tell me your names." I said motioning with my hand to the two trainers.
"I'm May, that rude bum is Brendan." The girl trainer said with a shy smile. "We're good friends for (Y/N)'s,"
"Have been for a while, for a long time." Brendan finished. 'Is he trying to make Steven jealous? If he's doing it to me, it's not working.' I frowned.
The door to (Y/N)'s room opened. The nurse looked, and stepped out. "Umm, I'd be careful going in. She has a concussion, and is still unconscious. She also has several broken ribs. There's nothing much we can do." The nurse stepped aside, and held the door open. Steven immediately went in, closely followed by Brendan.
"What about her Pokémon?" May asked.
"Oh," the nurse looked away. "The Charizard was badly injured, to be honest I don't know what will happen." The nurse finished.
  "Okay..." May said disappointedly. I watched as she entered the room, she stopped and stared. I turned my eyes looked at (Y/N). If only I could know what Steven was thinking.

(Y/N)'s POV

   'Why can't I see anything? I'm I dead? No, I can't be. If I was, I'd probably be surrounded by the fiery pits of hell.
   'What happened anyways? Oh yeah, I blacked out; I think. Damn, wish I could be awake. I wonder if I'm still in that cave; probably not.' I saw something in the distance. I began to walk the same way. The blob became more recognizable, it was a door. I walked through the door, and through there was a group of people. Wallace, Brendan, May, and Steven. They stood around a bed, but the thing in the bed was blurred. As though I couldn't see even if I walk close to it. I walked to the side of the bed to look at their faces. May's was mortified, Wallace's looked guilty, Brendan's was filled with hatred, and lastly Steven's, it was heartbroken. I didn't know why he could be so sad about a blob of nothing. They I realized, was that me!?
  'No...no, no. That can't be me, can it?' I thought panicked like. I stepped back, though the thing in the bed didn't change, I could make out something that looked like me. I sighed, and put a hand on Steven's shoulder. "You're probably so worried, don't be mad a Wallace. I walked out on my own; hell I can't even remember why I did. Don't worry about me, I'll find a out of here. I promise." I said softly, and kissed Steven's cheek.
  I walked to the door, "goodbye, for now." I said walking out the door. I looked around in the blackness of the space I was in. I looked behind me, the door disappeared. I frowned, but continued on.
   It felt like hours of searching, but I saw another thing in the distance. I walked for a bit, but after seeing an orange figure. I began to sprint.
   On a table laid Charizard, there were wires and cords connected to him. A monitor screen next to him made the slight beeping noise they make. I pat my partners stomach, and head. I didn't want to leave.
   It felt like hours when I looked at the screen. The line went up then down, then up, then down, then flat. I stood up suddenly, nurses entered the room.
   I stood in complete shock. I could feel my fast breathing in my lungs. I put my hands over my mouth, as I let out a scream. A blood curdling scream, soaked with tears. Then everything went white....

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