Sootopolis Life (Part 2)

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Brendan's POV

    "That wasn't as tough as I thought," I said to myself walking out of the Mossdeep city gym.
  The ground trembled, I put my arms out for balance; the cries from the towns people could be heard. A green beam of light appeared out of ocean. A group of people formed looking at the beam. I made my way over to the group, they whimpered thing like "what was that, or what do you think will happen." I turned my head to see Steven making his way over to me.
   "Brendan! I heard from Liza and Tate that you visited their gym. I was thinking of trying to catch you while you were in the area. Then that happened," Steven said as he pointed to where the beam appeared. "We should talk, come with me." He said. I nodded in agreement, and followed Steven to his home.
   The house was nice, tidy, and organized.
"(Y/N) told me she was staying with you. Is she here?" I asked.
  Steven looked down, a look of guilt showed on the man's face. "(Y/N), well...she's in Sootopolis City with a friend of mine. She wanted to get her last badge as soon as possible."
  I chuckled, "Well that's (Y/N) for you, always so eager to move on." Steven chuckled a bit, it didn't last long before that sad look showed up again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." I told him. 'Jeez, if I knew he would have been so disappointed to hear (Y/N)'s name I wouldn't have mentioned her.'
   "Anyways, to the reason I asked you to come here. That tremble that shook the Earth must have been the seal on super ancient Pokémon, on route 128, that slept until now is broken. It may be those evil teams up to it, but we won't be so certain till we go down there. If those teams get their hands on the super ancient Pokémon, it will upset the balance up nature in this world. It could lead to something horrible if that happens." Steven paused, "I will entrust you with these, HM07 dive, and Devon Scuba Gear." Steven handed me the items. "I will do me best to help you, but there is a limit to what I can do."
   "I'll do my best, thank you Steven." I said with smile, then stuffed the items in my bag.
   "Oh, if you see (Y/N)...cause I'm sure she saw it and will investigate...make sure she stays safe. I don't know what I would do if something happened." Steven said, his hand trembling when he finish.
   "Of course, I'll keep an eye out for her." I said smiling as I exited the home. 'So... they got something going on.' I sighed looking a the sky, the clouds had a hole of somewhat when the beam blasted.
I made it to the beach, and called out my Sharpedo. It seemed happy to be out finally.
I hopped on and the two of us swam off to route 128.


Your POV

I managed to sneak out of the Sootoplis gym without Wallace or any of his workers noticing. I wondered the town, checking out many of the shops. I was trying on some shoes from a local shop. The ground began shaking, a young girls' scream could be heard from the outside. I quickly took off the shoe I was trying on, slipping on my own shoe, and walking outside. My eyes widen, a green pillar of light shot in the sky. The pillar was huge, a girl next to me huddled in a boys arms, she seemed scared of it. As though it were an instinct, I grabbed my bag, and sent out my Charizard. Instantly hopping on its back, and flew off. I happened to look behind me, to see people's eyes on me. As though this were old to see someone flying into action. I guess that's just Sootoplis life to them; not having to worry about anything.

*author's noted*
Jeez I should have done this sooner but I'd like to thank CJB2021  for giving an idea for the story. Since school out for me I'll be writing all this week so be sure to see a lot.

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