Best Wishes

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(Steven's POV)

I moved my hand to search for (y/n). When nothing appeared in my grasp, I sat up, looking down at the spot she was in last night drew memories of last week. The night we fell for one another.
Standing up, I looked at the coffee table. There was a note, (y/n) most of the time woke me up before she would leave to treat her Pokémon at the café. I picked up the note,
'Dear Steven,
Sorry I didn't wake you up as usual, but I saw yesterday that the gym was finally open. I know that means I'll be leaving soon. I won't be long, hopefully maybe you would clean up before I get back. Honestly, I knew I had an effect on you, but I never thought you would become lazy with me around. Anyways prepare to see me with my next badge!
I anyways found someway to make her voice show in her writing. It was hard not to imagine her there. Her voice was soft when she spoke, but during battles, it was strong, and filled with power. She'll be a amazing challenger when she reaches the elite four.
I do have to be honest...I love her, so much. Since the first time we met I knew something could happen between us. I never imagined this. Is this really what love feels like? If it is, I never want to give it up.
The door opened to a smiling girl. "I suspect you got your next badge?" I asked her. She smiled widely before jumping into my arms. "I wish you the best of luck with your next badge." I whispered in her ear. Her lips kissed my cheek. I smiled, after all I thought I couldn't help it.

How Some Metals Melt ( Steven Stone X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now