Year 2: Relationship Goals

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A/N: I wanted to post this chapter yesterday but I failed to finish it so... yeah! Enjoy this one! 😙


The cabinet meeting was about to start in an hour, Leni and Digong stayed at his office for a while.

"Uy," Leni uttered happily as she entered his office. "Happy anniversary!" She cheered and hugged him tightly, he didn't respond very much.

The smile on her lips turned into a frown. "Nakalimutan mo na noh?" She asked. "One year na kaya since pumirma tayo ng agreement and naging tayo." She reminded him. "Kinalimutan mo na, saakin lang yata big deal yung anniversary." She followed, he just smiled as he watched her speak.

"How can I forget? One of the best days of my life." He uttered. "Hmmm?" She doubted him for a second until he strode to his desk and took the bouquet of Ecuadorian roses he hid from her.

"Happy anniversary." He kissed the back of her hand and handed the bouquet to her. Her heart skipped a bit, she thought he totally forgot about it.

"Grabe..." She felt speechless for a while. "Naalala mo ba yung nagpledge tayo nung sa HUDCC?" She asked and smiled at him. "Oo, bakit?" He replied.

"Kindly raise your right hand." She mimicked the way he said it before, "Taas mo kamay mo, dali." She stipulated.

"I, Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo..." She just began but she was already blushing, he just watched her speak next to his eyes — a great view, indeed.

"Pledge and promise to love Rodrigo Roa Duterte..." She paused for a moment as she choked on a squeal. "Sige, go. I'm listening." He stated. "Okay..." she  repeated and tried to speak it seriously.

"I, Maria Leonor Gerona Robredo pledge and promise to love Rodrigo Roa Duterte through thick and thin, ups and downs, rain or shine, every season of the year, through sickness and in health... 'Til death do us part." She pledged and blushed with her own cheesiness. He chuckled softly as the view of the love of his life pledging her love for him was the best music to his ears and the best view in to his eyes.

He took her hand and gazed into her eyes.

"I, Rodrigo Roa Duterte..." He kneeled in front of her, she wanted to gush out loud. "...pledge and promise to love Maria Leonor Robredo and only Maria Leonor Robredo through thick and thin, ups and downs, rain or shine, every season of the year, through sickness and in health... 'Til death do us part." He professed and kissed the back of her hand.

Leni tried her best to contain herself. "Kinikilig ako! Ano ba." She gushed. Suddenly, Martin entered the room to call them down for the meeting.

"Ay, sorry. Nagmomoment pala kayo." He held back. Digong stood up, they smiled at Martin. His arm went around Leni, "Tatawagin ko lang sana kayo kase magstart na yung meeting in twenty minutes." Martin informed.

"Sige, sunod kami." Digong replied, Leni just smiled and enjoyed being surrounded by his arm.

Martin left them afterwards. Leni giggled and looked up to Digong. "I love you." He professed and hugged her. She rested her chin on her shoulder blade and reciprocated his embrace.

She followed it by some playful kiss on his cheeks, he giggled along with her cuddles. "Magkakadiabetes na yata ako sa'yo. Susme." He jested, she smiled and gazed at him whilst his hands rested on her lower back pressing her closer to him.

"Patay na patay ka talaga sakin noh?" He smirked, "Aba? Ang taas ng confidence ng senior citizen na 'to ha?" She playfully slapped him. "Sus, kunwari ka pa." He retorted and kissed her, she didn't move and submitted into his kiss.

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