Year 6: Save Me

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So many times he tried to fight the temptation of loving her again, so many times he tried winning her back but every time he does, things come up next to his face telling him he don't stand a chance. I need a sign. He begged.

They are already on their sixth year of their term. In a few months, their term will be over and there will be no more reason for them to meet, talk and communicate. His family arranged their long vacation to Europe months after the end of his term to finally have a peace of mind after six straight years of mess, problems and complications. It was inevitable for him not to think that his dream of being with Leni is already hopeless especially now that it was imprinted on his head how she is already with someone else.

On her way to her destination, she looked outside and had a certain reflection. How many times have I hurt him? Did he ever intentionally hurt me? Did he ever cheated on me? No. She gazed into the glass container resting on her lap.

She felt bad for thinking how unfair she has been with Digong the whole time. She felt like she caused more pain and stress to him than happiness, yet, he still manage to continue loving her and even give her a bouquet despite everything. He was one of a kind, she thought. Sometimes I don't know if I even deserve him.

The car paused, she went down and headed straight to his office escorted by his special assistant, Bong.

Someone knocked on his office door interrupting his epiphany. "Bukas yan." He uttered. Bong opened the door and in a second, Leni walked in.

"Good afternoon, sir." She greeted. He was blown away by her presence that he couldn't remember asking for. It would be too obvious if he would react in front of her so she allowed her in and asked Bong to give them some privacy.

"Sana hindi ako nakakaistorbo." She wished as he offered her a seat. "Ano bang sadya mo mam?" He asked and sat back on his chair. She didn't know how to begin, she didn't want to sound so dramatic like she was craving for his mercy and attention. She sighed heavily and placed a paper bag atop his table. He looked at her clueless of what was inside.

"Ayoko kase na sa iba mo pa malaman, so ayan." She pushed the paper bag closer to him. He checked on what's inside and saw the Ecuadorian rose he gave her ages ago in its glass container. He was surprised, he was vexed by her purpose of bringing it to him.

She saw the deep question in his face urging her to explain. "Hindi ko naingatan yung pinakaunang bagay na binigay mo saakin, sorry." She explained but it appeared vague to him. She exhaled sharply and moved her seat closer to be able to open the container next to his eyes. "Hindi na ito yung Ecuadorian rose na binigay mo. Hindi ko alam kung paano nangyari o kung sino yung nagpalit pero synthetic na 'to. Hindi na ito yung binigay mo and I'm sorry kase hindi ko naingatan." She elaborated. "Ayoko na marinig mo sa iba kaya ayan." She followed reiterating her previous statement.

He haltered for a moment causing a deep silence to surround the room. She gave him time to fathom to what she just told him, she knew she caused him another pain and she couldn't feel any more sorry for it. Little did she know that he paused for a moment as he recalled an instance he did months ago.

"Mara, ikaw na bahala ha. Wag ka papahuli." He tapped her arm. "Oo naman, Digong." She replied giving her full support for his cousin's love for her boss.

He was surprised that it's just now that Leni discovered that the Ecuadorian rose is no longer the real one when he asked his distant cousin who works at her office to sneak and replace the real one with the synthetic one while she's out of her office to attend to Yasay's birthday celebration. For an objective that only him and Mara knows.

"Ano bang gusto mong gawin natin mam?" He asked wondering what was her purpose of confessing. "Wala. Wala na akong gusto. Yan na siguro yung last token ko sa'yo." She replied.  He hated how it was tough for him to comprehend.

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