Chapter Three

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Alpha I Will Not  Accept  I Only Reject!

 Chapter Three

Sky, Autumn and I, were all ready for the party. Autumn was wearing a baby blue body hugging dress, which came to just above her knee. She wore a silver necklace that hung just between her cleavages, and then to finish it off, she added a few bangles. Sky had a similar dress to Autumn’s; however, hers was in emerald green, which matched her pale skin lovely. Her green eyes stood out, even more than usual against her dress. Sky, also added some silver jewellery, to glitz it up a bit more.  They both had decided to do their make-up in natural colours, which looked perfect, as they both looked stunning.  I was wearing, the strapless cherry red silk dress, that I had bought at the mall. The first time, I met, the mysterious blue eyes. Alisa stop thinking, I scolded myself.  For my make-up, I decided to go for a smoky effect for my eyes, and a little lip-gloss.  I had my hair all up, with just a few curls hanging here and there, just so it could shape my face a little. Standing in front of the mirror, the three of us gave each other, a once over, just to be sure. “Well girls, we are going to get some looks tonight.” I said, giving a playful wink, making us all laugh.

Leaving my room, we headed down the stairs, where mother, father and Mason where standing waiting for us. “We’re ready “I said, with a big smile. I was so excited for our party. My biggest wish, was for, my blue eyes to turn up to the party. “Shall we” my father said, while holding his arm out for me to hold on to. We started to walk towards the clearing, as that is where, we hold all the big pack parties.  Just before we stepped out into the clearing, I heard my father call me, “Alisa. “  I stopped and turned around to face him.  “You can all carry on; I just want to have a quick word with Alisa.”  He ordered, using his Alpha tone. They all nodded and carried on walking. “Alisa tonight could be the night you find your mate. I have managed to invite, all the soon to be Alpha’s. So don’t you go flirting with just anybody, you hear me?” He said in a stern voice, “yes I hear you “I replied, with a sigh of frustration.

 I knew dad only wanted what was best for me, but I wanted to be normal, I did not want to be an Alpha female. God, he really knows how to irritate me, stupid Alpha dad, I thought to myself.  ”Come on everyone is waiting “dad said, while walking me into the clearing.

The party was in full swing and the music was pumping. I looked around to see if I could spot Sky and Autumn, and as always, there they were on the dance floor, shaking their booty. I started to make my way over to them, when someone grabbed a hold of my arm. “What the hell, get your hands off me,” I shouted. “Do you know who I am?”  he asked while still holding onto my arm.  ” No I don’t, but you have three seconds to leave go of my arm, or I am going to make you wish you never came here tonight.” I threatened him. “Well aren’t you a feisty one,” he replied, laughing. He was still holding on, to my bloody arm, my blood started to boil at how cocky this twat was being. “I warned you,” I said. As I raised my knee up, right in between his legs, making him collapse onto the floor. I leaned down to him, so he could hear me. “NEVER, AND I MEAN NEVER LAY A HAND ON ME AGAIN, OR I WILL PREVENT YOU FROM EVER HAVING KIDS. “  I whisper yelled at him. Giving him one more kick into his stomach, just to let him know I wasn’t messing about. As I stood back up, I could see Sky and Amber running towards me. “God, Alisa are you ok?” they both asked me panicking. “Yes, I’m fine, come on I need a drink. “ I replied, as I started to walk ahead of them, towards the bar. Everyone I passed, stopped me to wish me a happy birthday,  I kept giving them my fake smile, as all I wanted was to get to the bar, as that dirt bag, had  just put me in a foul mood. As I reached the bar “Ok Alisha, time to party”, I mentally told myself. Downing my first shot of the night, quickly followed by another six or seven, we all made our way to the middle of the dance floor.

 All night I kept looking for blue eyes, but with no luck. I was really hoping that he would be here tonight. As I wanted to see, his sparkly blue eyes staring at me again. Damn, I wanted more than that, so much more, I thought to myself. I was brought out of my thoughts, as I felt a guy grinding up against me. I could see Autumn and Sky was grinding as well so I decided to let myself go. As soon, as began grinding the music stopped. “What now?” I screamed to myself, I was really starting to feel agitated. “Hello all and welcome, well as you all know, tonight is the Alpha’s children’s eighteenth birthday. Lucas and Alisa can you make your way up to the stage please” The DJ shouted out over the mike. Everyone began to scream and cheer, as we headed up to the stage. “What’s going on?” I whispered to Lucas. ”I don’t know” he replied.  Lucas held onto my hand, helping me to calm down a bit.  Lucas knows, I have always hated being the centre of attention, and for the first time ever, I thanked the Gods for making me a twin. As God knows, what I would have done without him right now.

Once we were standing next to the Dj, my mother and father came up to join us. The Dj said a few more words, before handing the mike over to my dad. Dad seemed to go on and on, but I was too nervous, to make out what he was saying. Lucas squeezed my hand and gave me a sad look. “Lucas what’s going on” I asked so only he could hear me. He just stared at me with so many mixed emotions, sadness, concern but the one that stood out the most, was pity. I knew right then, that whatever our father had said, I was not going to like one bit. My mother stood beside Lucas and held on to his hand, then placed a kiss on his cheek. While my father, came up to me and did the same. Dad then led me to one side of the stage, where I noticed loads of men where line up. I felt as if I was a slave ready to be, auctioned off.  Looking over at Lucas and seeing that he also had a line of girls waiting for him, I started to panic. Lucas took a quick glance over to me, “It will be ok “he mouthed to me, giving me a small forced smile. I returned his forced smile, with one of my own. “Thanks” I mouthed, trying to reassure him that I was ok. My father didn’t leave my side, as the entire mate-less men, came up and kissed me on the cheek, one by one. I could feel my father starting to tense up, as there was only two Alpha son’s left. The rest were just the normal boys of the pack. As the last one kissed me on my cheek, I felt nothing.  I mentally started to celebrate! feeling so relieved. Well that was until I heard the last person tell my father, that he was my mate. “WHAT” I screamed out. “Father, he is not my mate, I swear.” I told him truthfully. That is when I noticed who it was. It was the same boy who had grabbed me earlier. ARRRGGGGG!

I hope you enjoyed :)

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much <3 Mel x

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