Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ricardo’s POV

As we left the clearing, Alisa went to get dressed for the party tonight while I went a paid a visit to her dad. As I have patiently waited for so long now to see him suffer. However, there is one thing I have not told Alisa yet and that is I have come to an arrangement with my dad and the elders. That I will be the one that will personally have the pleasure in torturing him. Although I am not usually, the one who would carry out the tortures of the sentenced wolfs, this time I am so looking forward to it, as I want to cause him as much pain and sadness as he has caused my princess. I have promised myself one thing and that is he will have the worst death ever.

I walked into his cell where he was standing naked. He had chains that were hanging from the ceiling and tied around his wrists holding him upright. You could see his arms were being stretched as much as the pain clearly showed on his face. His legs where tied up the same way, but the guards had his legs stretched out so wide that you could see his veins popping out in his groin. In addition, the chains where wrapped around his ankles so tight you could see where they were cutting into his skin.

I picked up the whip up and lashed it across every part of his body saving the best bits until last. Every time I whipped him I managed to get all my anger out that, I have been holding in for so long. I then looked him straight in the eye and said, “you think what I have done is pain?”” well let me tell you this!”.” I haven’t even started yet” then I pulled back my arm and swung the whip as hard as I could against his naked member. I say people around for miles could have heard his screams. Nevertheless, thank God this room was completely sound proof not even with our heightened werewolf hearing would anyone be able to hear his screams.

After getting rid of some of my built up temper, I finally left to go and get ready for the party. However, I then realised his blood was splattered all over me and the last thing I wanted right now was for Alisa to see me like this.

Therefore, I quickly ran around to the back of the packs house and hosed myself off. Before grabbing one of the bath robes that were always hanging by the back door encase of emergencies like this one.

Alisa’s POV

I was now dressed and waiting for Ricardo. As he did say, he would only be a few minutes but that was now almost two hours ago. I was starting to get worried but then I remembered what he said before he left. “I have to go and attend to some pack duty”.  So maybe he was being kept longer for some other pack reason, I began telling myself. Just as I thought that, the bedroom door flew open revealing a very happy smiling blue eye. He ran up to me and picked me up and spun me round “hey princess you look absolutely amazing”. He said, while bringing his lips down to meets mine and kissed me hard with so much love and passion that I felt my body melt into his body.

I began to moan into his mouth as I could feel the wetness building between my legs. I let my hand make its way down to his member feeling how hard it was made me moan more and as I stroked my hand along it I could hear his breathing speed up as he moan deeply into the kiss making me want him right now.

“Blue eyes, how about we skip the party and have our own personal love making party right here right now” I whispered huskily into his ear, as i tightened my hold on his hardened member. “Oh princess you are killing me right now! How about we show are faces for an hour and then we can come back and I can have my wicked way with you for the rest of the night,” he said.

 As he tried to get himself under control, as I could see in his eyes, he needed me as much as I needed him right now if not even more. He placed me back onto the floor before he ran off into the bathroom and locking the door behind him. He made me laugh so much I thought I was going to pee myself. ”Oh blue eyes, I think you might need your shower to be ice cold. Because by the time I am finished with you tonight an ice cold shower won’t even be able to calm you down,” I said, still laughing.

 As I quickly tried to straighten myself, back up there was a knock on my door. “come in” I shouted out, to whoever it was. When the door opened, I did not even think of what I was doing I just ran towards it as the tears began streaming down my face. At that moment I did not care about my make up or my clothes, all I cared about was being here right now wrapped into my twin arms. “Lucas I have missed you so much and I have been so worried please don’t ever leave me again as I know I would rather die than not have you with me” I said in between my sobs. “OH sis I missed you too and I promise I will never leave you! I love you Alisa,” he said as he too had tears streaming down his cheeks “I love you to Lucas” I said, as my whole body built up with so much excitement. “Today has to be one of the best days in a real long time,” I said to no one in particular.

After I managed to let go of Lucas Clarisse stepped forward as I then grabbed onto her for dear life. “Everything I have just said to him goes for you too ok?” I said as I started to break down again. “Princess what is going on out there?” Ricardo was saying as he was walking out of the bathroom. The expression on his face was priceless; everyone began to laugh as Ricardo ran over to Clarisse and Lucas and pulled them both into a big hug. ”don’t you two ever put us through that again ok?” he said as he started to cry as well after all Clarisse is his baby sister.

Well I thought I would end this chapter happy because who knows what will happen next ha!

I hope you are all enjoying!

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<3 you all Mel x

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