Chapter Sixteen

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Edited by the one and only SammyBatts!!!

Alpha I Will Not Accept I Only Reject!

Chapter Sixteen

 The last thing I saw was the evil look on Jason’s face before I blacked out. I do not know how long I was out for but I could hear someone calling my name almost pleading with me to answer. I tried to open my eyes but then the vision of Jason’s evil face before I blacked out made me so scared I did not want to face whatever or whoever that was calling me, so I kept my eyes closed. After a while, the room fell silent so I took that as cue to try to get out of here. I tried moving my hands a little only for them to be tied up along with feet, I slowly began to open my eyes sensing there was someone in the room I looked around hoping  Jason was not here; but then I caught his scent  it was my blue eyes.

“Ricardo,” I called in a hoarse whisper as my throat was so dry.

“Oh my god Alisa baby you’re awake, I have been so worried about you,” he replied, with pure relief in his voice.

“Where are you? Ricardo I cannot see you,” I cried out as panic began to take over my body. 

“Baby please don’t cry please, I am here I am right here baby I am not going anywhere ok,” he cooed me, but I could tell he was feeling the same as me.

“Alisa I need you to listen ok? I don’t want you to talk openly anymore, anytime you want to talk to me use our mates link ok?”  He said in through our link.  We have never used our link before and to be honest I was feeling nervous, as I was not sure what to do. Then I remembered the way my mum and dad used to mind link. Then it was as if Ricardo knew I didn’t know how to  mind link as he said; “Baby relax think of me then just talk you will be fine just try ok?” he said with so much encouragement. I took in a deep breath and tried.

“Can you hear me baby,” then the door to the room we were in smashed open and four big men  walked into the room  followed by Jason Mason and my dad.

“I can hear you but don’t let them know we are using the link ok or they could kill us,” Ricardo said in a panic rushed voice.

“Ok,” I replied.  As I sat there, my nervousness had been replaced by pure anger, as I wanted my dad dead! Hell, I thought he was already dead! That’s when I used the link.

“Ricardo your uncle say if they killed him.”

“He is ok, I have already talked to him, and his pack and my dad’s pack have joined up and they are on their way. They know where we are so keep calm the longer we can stall them the better,” he said with more confidence this time.

“Alisa you have been a very naughty girl haven’t you! Well let us see where do I start, disobeying your Alpha as well as leaving you pack for another,” dad said so calmly but I could see the disgust behind the calmness which made my blood boil.

“You are not my Alpha! You are not even worthy of being an Alpha,” I replied in the same calm voice as he used. I saw my dad nod to one of the men behind me as I waited for the pain to come but then I heard Ricardo gasp.

“Baby, oh baby I’m so sorry I should have kept my mouth shut,” I said through our link. I could hear him coughing as I knew they punched him in the stomach knocking all the air out of him as I could feel it through our link. My so called dad walked right up to me and slapped me around the face with so much force, but I didn’t budge as there was no way I was going to show him it hurt me, as I knew that would only please him. I sat there just staring at him with pure hatred, he slapped me again but harder this time, I gritted my teeth trying my hardest to keep a calm expression on my face as in reality it hurt like hell.

“Oh, you are trying to be a brave one aren’t you see how brave you are now,” my so called dad said as he nodded his head at the man behind again as he knew dam well that my mate would be my weakness.

“Don’t respond baby please don’t do anything,” Ricardo said in between the punches and kicks the big person behind me was throwing at him. Then I had an idea.

“Ah daddy,” I said mockingly, “You think that will work.” I began to laugh an evil laugh.

“You are more stupid then I gave you credit for,” I said now laughing hysterical, knowing it was working as the man behind stopped hurting Ricardo. Dad just looked at me in shock his face was hilarious, which made me laugh even harder.

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP NOW!” my dad shouted.

“Ah daddy you getting cross with your baby girl” I said pouting, I knew I was winning and I just needed to  carry on for a little while longer knowing it wouldn’t be much longer before the others got here.

“You know what I wished I let Conner rape you the night before your birthday that way no one would have wanted you as you would have been damaged goods,” he said with regret.

“If you had done that I would have killed you already which would have pleased me!” Ricardo spat out his temper now rising. I quickly tried calming him down through the link letting him know I was all right when my dad grabbed hold of my hair yanking at it so hard making me fall onto the floor  and the chair I was tied too as well. He set two of the men on me as they continuously kicked me and punched me while I could see the other two were beating Ricardo causing him to fall on to the floor as well. Our eyes locked I could see the pain and hurt in his eyes and I knew he could see the same in mine. As we were trying to keep focus on each other’s eyes, I could feel mine starting to close as the pain was becoming unbearable. There wasn’t a part of me that didn’t hurt then just as I thought they had stopped I felt a kick to my face then the blackness started to take over;  as my body became numb and I knew I wasn’t going to make it this time ,my dad has won.

“Ricardo I love you baby,” I told him right before the person kicked me again it felt like my face had exploded as blackness took over.




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