Chapter 40

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HI, all there is only a couple of chapters left after this one :(

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 <3 Mel xx

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Chapter 40

Clarisse’s POV

I was lying in bed, as I could not sleep after the talk my brother had with us earlier. Do not get me wrong I knew he had to say what he did, but I wished they could have left me out of it. I no I sound selfish but I just want it all to end, as I just want to try to move on now. However, with hearing what my brother had said made me feel sick inside,  I no they deserve whatever they get but knowing that they are going to kill the own parents must be hard. Although looking at Lucas Alisa it was like they could not wait to and that frightened me. “Clarisse what is wrong baby?” Lucas asked concerned. “Just thinking” I replied leaving out a heavy sigh. “Baby everything will be alright, all I want is for you not to worry about anything”.” As our little pup and you need to be stress free right now as you only have a couple of weeks till your due.” I knew what he was saying was true but like most things in life, it is easier said than done. “ I no babes but please be careful” I asked, as every time I no he  is going to the chambers I worry, well who could blame me after everything. I thought to myself.

I finally fell asleep wrapped in Lucas’s arms. Waking up next to his naked body beside me every morning feels amazing. I left my eyes roam over his sleeping body taking in every bit of him, while running my fingers gently across his abs. I ran my fingers lower under the sheets wanting to feel and excite him more as my core began throbbing for him. I made my way under the sheets as I took him in my mouth gently sliding my tongue across his tip flicking and nibbling I heard him moan out so I deepened it into my mouth tasting my baby fully. I felt his hips move, as he wanted me to take it deeper into mouth. I could feel he was near and before I knew what was happening his tongue was licking and flicking my clit sending me wild, as I continuously moaned out as my body was exploding in pleasure. I was as wet as I could feel it dripping down my legs “Lucas now baby now” I screamed out, as he was literally killing me.” Oh baby a bit longer” he replied as he continued lapping up all my juices. I continued moaning as I tried to cope as I felt like I was going to pass out with so much pleasure. I felt him line himself up before he entered hard and deep taking me so hard and fast that we both climaxed together within seconds.

Lucas’s POV

Oh my god, I thought to myself as I laid back down on the bed next to my baby. ”Clarisse I love you so much baby,” I said, still panting heavily from the most amazing love making session ever. “I love you too babes” she replied panting heavily as well. I could see her eyes were beginning to close. Even though it was morning, I knew that it was because how heavily pregnant she was and the sex we had just had made me sleepy. Nevertheless, I knew today was going to be a long hard day. However, I was glad she was going back to sleep as I had arranged to meet Alisa this morning, and I really did not want Clarisse coming with me. Because I knew, she was not ready to witness what we were going to do.

After I had showered and dressed, I quickly kissed Clarisse and wrote her a note telling her I will see her later. She knew where I was going and I  knew she was probably going to worry herself sick all day, but knowing this was going to be the last time made me feel better. Because after today we will be, free of our past and hopefully more on peacefully with our future. I thought to myself as I was driving to meet Alisa.

As I pulled up outside the pack house Alisa and Ricardo where sitting on the porch swing with little Jack. It was the cutest sight ever and seeing the massive smile spread across my sister’s face made everything perfect. ”Hey you three” I shouted over to them laughing at the three which made them laugh as well. “Hey” they both replied.

I walked over and took a seat beside them can I have a hold of my nephew please?” I asked giving Alisa my best puppy dogface that I knew she could never resist. She laughed before handing over the cutest little baby I had ever seen.

I snuggled Jack into me as I rocked him slowly and for the first time I saw the colour of his eyes, as he is usually a sleep when I see him. They were the same as Alisa is but even brighter; the aqua sparkled as he looked up at me. ”Alisa his eyes are amazing he is definitely going to break some girls hearts when he’s older,” I said laughing. That’s when my packs guards walked over to me “Alpha you needed to talk with us” my head guard asked.” Yes” I replied,” Ricardo can I use your office for a few minutes, please? ” I asked as I needed somewhere that  no one could hear what I had to say. “ of course, shall I call my guards that way we can go ever everything once instead of repeating ourselves?” Ricardo asked. Yes that sounds good to me” I replied.

After kissing my nephew, I placed him back into my sister’s arms and then placed a kiss on her cheek. ”Alisa, do you want me to go ahead with our plan from last night?” I asked, as I needed to make sure that she had not changed her mind. “Yes please” she replied in confidence. I walked towards the office leaving Ricardo and Alisa alone for a minute as my guards followed behind me.

Once we reached the office we all took a seat and waited for the rest of Ricardo’s guards to arrive. ”Men,  I would just like to say As your Alpha and your friend I am truly grateful for everything you have done to keep our pack safe and I appreciate the respect you have shown to me as your Alpha” I told tank them all, and I meant every word. Then the rest of the guards entered the room behind Ricardo. ” Alpha Lucas,” the head guardsmen called. “Yes Peter” I replied.” Could I please have a word with you after the meeting please” he asked with a smile, which I knew by the smile it was nothing for me to worry about.” Of course, just stay behind when the meeting is over” I replied with a smile that matched his.

After we had informed the guards of our plan for today, they all just sat there none of them saying a word. Some had shocked expressions on their faces where other had sympathy and sadness.  Nevertheless, I knew that was not directed at my parents but was directed at me.

After everyone left the office, Peter approached me. “Alpha, could we call packs meeting tonight as a few people have yet to meet you as there Alpha and not as the Alpha’s son”. ”Also the pack wants to give you a party to celebrate you becoming our Alpha like every Alpha gets”.” As we think that you  deserve this more than any Alpha as if it wasn’t for you our pack would have fell to pieces.” He said sincerely. “I would love that” I replied honestly. “ ok Peter let us get this over with, as the sooner we do this the sooner we can all go home” I said as I knew his mate was missing him terribly.

Peter followed me out of the office as we went to meet up with the others that were waiting for us on the porch.  “Ok let’s go” Ricardo said as he led the way with Alisa. I could not believe how strong my sister had gotten over the last few months as she has always been the shy quite one and now she was leading us to the torture chambers as if it was nothing. I felt so proud of her and seeing her so strong encouraged and strengthened me.

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