Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Alisa’s POV

A couple of days had passed since I had my baby, and I still had not heard from my blue eyes. I was so excited to tell him the news of our gorgeous baby boy and I had a bad feeling something was wrong, as Clarisse was on edge everything she came in to see me. However, every time I asked about Lucas or Ricardo she would just say she has not spoken to any of them. Nevertheless, her face told me otherwise as I knew she was not telling me something and it was starting to worry me so much.

 As soon as I managed to settle my baby boy down for a sleep, I tried to link up with Alpha Jackson, Ricardo and Lucas but they all seemed to have their pack links blocked. I was so worried encase something bad had happened to them and personally I had, had enough of being confined to my bed. Therefore, I slowly slipped out of my made up bed and headed out of the sheet that someone had hung up around for privacy, which I was grateful.

I made my way deeper down the tunnel where I could hear the women talking. I walked in and everyone went completely silent. My wolf and I were getting so sick of everyone hiding things from us. In addition, just as I was going to rare up on them all, I saw the Alpha female being comforted by Clarisse, I knew it was bad. “Can someone please tell me what is going on? As I am getting sick of everyone keeping things from me,” I asked with a calm voice. As I made my way over towards the Alpha female, one of the elders took Clarisse place while Clarisse leaded me deeper into the tunnel.

Her eyes were red and swollen; she just hugged on to me for dear life as she cried her heart out. ”Clarisse tell me what’s wrong sweetheart,” I asked, in a soothing voice as I rubbed her lower back. ”Dad has been killed,” she answered in between her heart broken sobs. I know this sounds bad, but I felt relieved it was not my blue eyes. As I have had a bad feeling deep down since I had the baby and thought, something had happened too Ricardo.

Nevertheless, I still felt heartbroken, as Ricardo must be hurting and I needed desperately to be there for him, I thought to myself. ”Clarisse did Lucas or Ricardo tells you,” I asked, now looking at her face “her eyes held so much sadness and worry that my heart broke right then.” Yes I have” she replied, and I could see she was panicking so I decided to ask the dreaded question I have been dying to ask. ”Is Ricardo alive?” she did not reply I just kept looking at her waiting for her to reply and she just collapsed to the floor. I felt a cold shiver go through my body sending me numb. I sat on the floor waiting for her to speak and after some time she replied. “Alisa he is alive but Lucas needs us to go back to the pack house tonight.” I could see she was struggling so I did not push anymore as just knowing he was alive was enough for now. I told myself.

Everyone was as excited as they were packing the bunker up and In addition, today my baby boy was going to meet his daddy for first time and I was so excited.

A few hours later, we had arrived back at the pack house and I could not wait to see my blue eyes and introduce him to his son. I ran through the front door and up to our room bubbling with excitement, I opened the door were his beautiful scent engulfed me exciting my wolf and I instantly. I was so excited to see him that I did not even realise until then that something was seriously wrong.  I just stood there frozen in the doorway in deep thought. Ricardo did not come to meet me at the bunker not even at the front door, OMG he has not even come to see his son. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Lucas wrapped his arm around me. ”Oh Alisa” he greeted, as he dragged me quickly over towards the bed.

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