Chapter Twenty-two

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Alpha I Will Not Accept I Only Reject!   

Chapter Twenty-two

Ricardo’s POV

   I was running through the woods at full speed. Lucas’s pack was attacked just a couple of hours ago.  Not to mention, they had took Lucas along with killing a few of his pack members in the process. I knew my princess was safe, along with my sister as my Mom had informed me the minute she had them safe in the pack house. As soon as I knew they were safe, it was as if my wolf went into Alpha mode; taking over with pure anger and hatred.

My vision went pure red as I was out for one thing and one thing only; to finish what should have been finished months ago. To kill her Dad, along with his rogues of a pack. Both packs were following behind, with the trackers, of course. They were the best at tracking down anything. Especially rogues, as it is what they were trained for. I knew with them tracking, there was no way they would escape us this time. We are so close! 

One of the main trackers shouted through the packs mind link, “They're one mile ahead, Alpha. What do you want us to do?” After hearing that, he ordered, “Everyone get into position. We are not leaving here today without his head. Got it?”  He had used his strong Alpha tone; knowing there was no way any wolf could disobey.

We all charged, making sure both packs were scattered about, not leaving any way for them to escape. Although I knew I had to fight the rogues as well, all I wanted was Alisa’s dads head. Trust me, I am going to get it. The more I thought of him, the more angrier my wolf and I got. Then, I was broken away from my thoughts as the trackers howled out; loud and clear. Every werewolf knew they were battle howls! So, every wolf began howling their own battle cries— letting the enemies know we’re here for the kill.

I was trying to pick up Lucas’s scent, along with his dad’s. I decided that the first scent that I pick up, I will go for. Mostly because I knew Lucas was still alive. The only way I knew this was because his pack could feel it through there link; as he was their Alpha.  But, we knew he was still unconscious, knowing as his mind link was still down.

As I ran through the clearing, knocking out any wolf in my path, I picked up Lucas’s scent. I felt a little relief flow through my wolf, as I noticed a rundown shack up ahead.  I ran as fast as I could, informing some of my pack members where I was heading so I knew a few would follow me for back up. As I got closer to the shack, I picked up his dad’s scent, which made my wolf go out of control. I was battling with my wolf because as much as I wanted to kill him, I knew I needed to make sure Lucas was safe first. It was just so difficult because my wolf just wanted him dead! I sensed their was at least ten from my pack, hot on my heels. I didn’t hesitate as I broke straight through the door; the scene  before me made my wolf stop on the spot.

I was shocked and sickened by the sight in front of me. They all stopped and looked at me, but Lucas’s dad whipped the female rogue. “DON’T STOP WOMAN, GO FASTER NOW!” He screamed out. I stood there, in total shock. No one in the room moved, only the female rogue.

  They had Lucas’s naked body stretched out on the floor with his arms and legs pinned down. Even though he was unconscious with a naked female rogue on top of him riding him fast like she was some machine, I knew straight away what his sickening dad was up to. He wanted his own son to impregnate the female rogue, so she could bare the next Alpha and not his mate because he wouldn't have control anymore. 

I shook my head snapping myself out of my shock state, and charged straight for the girl; knocking her off him. “That is for my sister!” I thought to myself as I flung her across the room. I managed to see their dad making a run for it out of the corner of my eye, “NOT THIS TIME!” I shouted to no one in particular. 

 I ran after him, wind breezing through my thick, black fur. As soon as I was withing reaching distance, I leaped out at him. At that exact moment, a rogue came out from nowhere— knocking me down with a lot of force. I began to feel dizzy as I tried to fight the blackness from taking over me. Somehow, I managed to get back up and run again, but not as fast as before. I still felt a little dizzy, but I then thought of Alisa, and just that alone had gave me the strength to run faster. Just as I got close again, another two rogues crashed into each side of me, knocking me out. I tried my hardest to fight, but it was just no use as I fell into complete blackness.

Clarisse POV

   It felt like someone had just wacked me in the back of my head, as I felt sharp pain go through me, knocking me out. I could feel myself coming around as I went to open my eyes. I felt excruciating pain shoot up through my core, into the pit of my stomach. I threw up as I could feel the motions of the pain, sliding in and out of me. I was screaming in pain as it felt like a knife was cutting me up inside. I could hear voices and crying in the background but I could not focus on anything except this horrible pain. 

I felt someone ripping my under wear off of me, and as much as I protested; I couldn’t stop them. Then, I heard Alisa’s voice in my ear. She was trying to sooth me, and it actually worked. I felt my body relax at her soothing words, but it didn’t lessen any of the pain. I was sobbing so hard as the ripping feeling inside of me was burning and slicing me faster and harder by the second.

  I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to cope with this pain for much long. I started to sink into darkness, wishing for the darkness to come faster as I didn’t want to feel this pain any longer. Honestly, I just wanted to die.


2012 © M.Khassal

Edited by the one and only Mrs_Peeta13 Thanks a million :) Mel x

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<3 Mel Xx

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