Chapter 32

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I would like to Thank you all so much for all of you support!

 You are all so amazing! <3 Mel xx

Chapter 32

Lucas’s POV

It has been three weeks now since Alisa’s dad has been sentenced to a long slow torturing death. Ricardo and I get to torture him every day along with the guards. Even though it is starting to affect us, even Alpha Jackson wants us to let the guards take over. However, we both wanted him to feel the pain and heart ache he had put us all through. Nevertheless, I will never be able for to forgive him for what he has done to my sister alone no mind what he has done to the rest of us. I was thinking to myself.

“Lucas are you ok? You seem to be spacing out there”. Alisa said looking at me concerned. “Just thinking Alisa, I have a load of pack work that needs to be done that’s all.” I replied, not wanting them to know what I was thinking about, as Clarisse and Ailsa are pure worriers. I thought to myself.

We were in the kitchen having breakfast discussing about Clarisse and Alisa doctor’s appointment today, as they did not have long left now. We carried on chatting and laughing amongst ourselves, when Alpha Jackson and his beta came crashing into the kitchen. He nodded towards Lucas showing him respect. “Meeting now, in my office” Alpha Jackson ordered, before storming back out. Ricardo looked at me and I could see he was talking through his packs link and knew what was going on.

His face looked between shocked and scared but he quickly managed to cover it up before the girls noticed.

I could not use their pack link as I am Alpha to my own pack and I can only link up with my pack. “We better go now,” Ricardo said giving me a look that could only mean trouble. ”Babes  I will be back before you have to go to the doctors ok, love you” I said, giving her one more quick kiss on the lips before leaving to go to Alpha Jackson’s office. ”Love you too baby”. I shouted back over my shoulder giving her a wink.

Ricardo did not speak one word the whole way there, which was starting to worry me more.  As we, both entered the room I was shocked to see all of my highest ranked wolves along with Alpha Jacksons there. The first thing that ran through my mind was my dad has escaped, but I quickly shoved that out of my head knowing there was no way of that happening.

 They all looked over at me as I made my way up beside Alpha Jackson. “Lucas we have had bad news and I am sorry I have to update you through a meeting without informing you first”. He said I could see that he was being completely honest with me. “That’s fine Jackson I understand” I replied.

Then he started, “Ok, so I know you all want to know why we have had to call this emergency meeting”. “Yes” Everyone replied at once. ”Well I am afraid it is bad news”. “We have just had news in that Alpha female moon (Lucas’s mother) has an army and are heading our way now.” He stopped and took in a deep breath before continuing. “As we have now successfully managed to have two of our finest men to enter her pack”,” We will now have secure information from the inside”. “They have already informed us there are at least one hundred rogue wolfs that have joined up with her and there main task is to wipe out Alpha Lucas’s pack”. Everyone in the room began to growl deeply at this. ”Listen, this time they will not stop us”. “We are stronger now than ever before and we will be more prepared “. “However, they will be here with in the next two days tops”.

The office then was filled with everyone talking which to be honest I was glad for as I needed to have a quick chat with Alpha Jackson before we continued. I cleared my throat quietening the room instantly. ”You can all go and get some drinks and snacks from the kitchen.” but I do not under any circumstances want any of you saying a word of what has been said in this office until I say otherwise”.” Do you all understand?” I said using my Alpha tone.” Yes Alpha Lucas” they all replied.

As soon as everyone had left the office, I closed and locked the door behind them leaving just Alpha Jackson Ricardo and I in the office.

“How bad is it?” I asked. “It is not going to be easy, but at the minute my main concern is getting the females and the children to safety”. He replied. “Ok, Ricardo do you know the old underground bunker on the other side of town?” I asked, as I began thinking to myself about when my friends and I used to hang out there when we were younger. None of the adults knew about our hide out and thought it would be the best possible place to hide all the women and children.

 ”Yes, I remember it from when we were little your pack and ours used to fight over who owned it”. He said laughing at the memories. “Alpha Jackson it would be the perfect place for them to hide out, also we will have enough time to get them all there safely”. I informed him confidently. “Alright let’s get the women and children packed and out of here to safety”. ”Ricardo I am going to need you to lead that operation along with some of the fighter wolfs”,” that way Lucas and I and our betas can start to get a plan together of how we are going to attack”. Alpha Jackson said.

 We were just finishing of as Ricardo walked back into the office. ” All the women and children are packed and ready to leave” just as he was saying that Clarisse ran into the room. ”Lucas what is going on? Everyone is starting to panic as no one is telling us anything!” she stated using her Alpha female tone. ”Alright baby we are coming now”. I replied pulling her in closer to me and kissing her on her forehead.

  I did not realise that it had taken us nearly four hours to come up with a strong enough plan of attack. “I will go and talk to them, you two go and see to your mates and I will call you in about an hour ok,” Jackson said.  I nodded, as I quickly left the room with Clarisse. I needed to spend as much time as possible with her before she has to leave.

Ricardo’s POV

I did not get to see Alisa all day today. Therefore, I was so relieved when my dad said I could have an hour alone with Alisa before they leave. I had been so worried all day, as I knew she was supposed to go for a check-up along with Clarisse. Therefore, I managed to get the pack doctor to come and see them both before they go. Nevertheless, I did manage to bribe him in to bringing the ultra sound with him. Because Alisa seems to relax so much, more after she has seen the baby, and right now she needed all the reassurance she can get.

We both seemed to be so deep in our thoughts that we had not said a single word all the way up to our bedroom. “Hey baby are you ok,” I said breaking the silence. “Yes I am just worried about the baby” she replied. She had so many mixed emotions running through her body that I could feel them through our mate link.

 I placed the palm of my hand onto her swelled stomach trying to sooth her as much as possible. ”Princess I knew you would be that is why I have arranged the pack doctor to come and see you before you leave. “He should be here any minute now”. I said giving her a big smile. She had been that tensed up you could actually see her whole body relax almost instantly.

I hope you all enjoyed :D

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