Chapter Fourteen

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 Edited by SammyBatts :)

Alpha I Will Not Accept I Only Reject!

Chapter Fourteen

“DAD” I said as I looked at him in pure disgust. For once in my life I held so much anger towards him that there was no way I was going to let him intimidate me tonight.  I am going to do what I should have done a long time ago, I mentally told myself.

“What are you doing here?” I spat out.

“Well look at you acting all brave, “don’t you no better than that not speak to your dad like that,” he replied in a mocking tone.

“You know what I can talk to you how I like, as from my sixteenth birthday you were no longer my dad. You disgust me so much that I don’t even know how I called you my dad for the last sixteen years! YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME ,DO YOU HEAR ME!” I Shouted, feeling repulsed by him just standing there in front of me with a big smirk on his evil face.

 He raised his hand and slapped me around the face

“You,” slap, “Ungrateful,” punch, “Bitch,” he said with hatred.  He then continued to hit me so hard that my wolf wanted to kill him.

“If you had not killed Conner I would have him complete the mating with you now with me standing guard making sure he did it properly.”  He then grabbed me and threw me into the bathtub that I had already filled earlier. He held my body under the water pinning me down so hard I could not breathe.  I began fighting with everything in me to get him off me but I could not he was too strong!  My lungs began burning as all the air left my body. My body started to shake with my wolf trying to fight her way out, but as he had such a tight grip on me I couldn’t change. As I continued to fight, I knew that this time he has won just as I was in deep thought and just about to give up; I felt him let me go. Leaping out of the bath with everything I had in me and changed in to my wolf form. I looked to see where he was to see that he had disappeared. I ran frantically around the entire suite looking for him but I was too late he was gone. Then my heart speed up even more as I couldn’t find Ricardo either,  I even tried picking up his scent but he had left the room, oh my god  what if dad has him? I thought to myself.  I knew it was too risky leaving the suite in my wolf form so I quickly changed back to my human form and grabbed some clothes.  While I was getting dressed I heard someone enter the main door. Quickly hiding on the balcony I covered myself praying it was not my dad coming to finish me off. Sitting there for what felt like hours but really must of only been minuets when I heard my blue eyes voice it was like I was in heaven. I was scared to go running out to him in-case it was some sort of trap. As much as I wanted to run to him and hold onto him for dear life I could not move. I had no strength left in me to fight so I stayed there on the floor curled up in a ball for another few minutes until I heard Ricardo’s Uncles voice . My body collapsed with relief, as I tried to crawl out to find them I seen my blue eyes. Forcing my body to stand as I tried to run up to him; when I could see him properly I nearly died at the sight.

“Oh my god what did he do to you?” I asked, in between the sobs. Ricardo tried to get over to me but I knew there was no way in hell he would make it as he collapsed on to the floor. His legs where broken his arms looked deformed; his face was just smothered in blood: I could not get over what they had done to him. I felt like I was going to vomit as I looked at him more closely. My heart was breaking knowing this was my entire fault! There was not one part of his body that was not marked, as he crumpled on the floor in excruciating pain. Which was so clear on his face.

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