Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Alisa’s POV

When I woke up, I still had the empty feeling inside of me but looking up and seeing my blue eyes made me feel so much better. ”morning princess” he said with a small smile,”OMG your awake” I said with a big smile as I crashed my body closer to his. ”Missed me that much hey” he said laughing, “Baby if you only knew how much” I said before crashing my lips to his and kissing him with all my love for him.

We broke from the kiss panting heavily resting his forehead against mine, “I love you princess” he said, with so much love it sent shivers up my spine. “I love you more, my blue eyes” I replied, he started to laugh “what” I ask, giving him a strange look but deep down hearing him laugh was the best feeling ever. “I love when you call me blue eyes, it just makes me laugh,” He replied in between his laughs, we both were sat in bed laughing when the door opened, Clarisse looked at us with the biggest smile ever. “Hey!” I said, giving her a smile, ”Oh you don’t know how good it feels to actually see you two laugh “she said with a giggle and all of us bust open laughing over nothing really but it felt good.

We sat and chatted for a while about everything and anything, but we all avoided the pup and my dad, which I was glad of, as I was not ready to openly talk yet. I was just glad to be able to have a normal day with some girly chat, as I was so sick and tired of always being in some sort of danger!

My blue eyes kept cracking jokes every  now and then he had Clarisse and I in stiches, even though I was feeling broken my blue eyes always knew how to make me laugh and for that I was so grateful .

 I leaned in and kissed him on the lips not caring Clarisse was in the room with us, as  I just needed to taste him, feel him, God  I just needed to be closer to him not that it was even  possible. I leaned into the crook of his neck taking in his beautiful scent as pleasure flowed throughout my body. “ok you two enough I can’t sit here watching you two practically on the verge of making love” Clarisse said, while pretending to gag in between her laughing which made Ricardo and I laugh. The door then opened revealing Lucas and Alpha Jackson with shocked looks on their faces, which made the three of us laugh even harder.

“Well it looks like you have been worried over nothing,” Alpha Jackson said laughing to Lucas,” I think your right” he said laughing along.

Ricardo’s POV

Hearing my princess laugh was so good, it even made her whole face light up and she looked so drop dead gorgeous. Even though we were all laughing I knew deep down she was feeling empty from the loss of our pup, hell I was as well but I was so happy that after all that she has been through she is still able to laugh.

After we all calmed down dad had told us his entire plan with Lucas, even though it all sounded good it still did not stop me worrying. The day I will stop worrying will be the day her dad dies, I thought to myself.

When everyone had left the room, I went into our bathroom and filled the tub adding extra bubble bath so Alisa and I could have a nice relaxing bath together just the thought was making me hot for her.

I walked back into the bedroom where I saw princess just laying there on the bed. It broke my heart as I seen her eyes were glazed over with unshed tears, which I knew she was holding in.

“Hey baby,” I said, as I gently lifted her up bridal style pulling her body in close as I walked back into the bathroom. I sat her on the side as I locked the door quickly needing some quality time alone with my mate.  I started to help her undress as I looked at her naked body I noticed that she had healed well there were only a few minor scars left visible.

I continued looking over her naked body taking every bit of her beauty in, I could feel my member getting excited for her as it began to harden so much it hurt. She then surprised me by reaching to my waistband of my boxers and ripped them off, her eyes showed so much lust I wanted to take her there and then as she continued to look over my naked body.

 Not been able to take much more I picked her up,  where she instantly wrapped her legs around my waist and placed her arms around my neck. As I carried her over to the big bubble bath, I stepped into the bath with her legs still wrapped tightly around my waist. I felt my hard member rubbing against her silky smooth skin making me moan she was making this as hard for me as I could smell how aroused she was getting.

I lowered us into the bath feeling the warm water against our aroused naked bodies, taking my body to another dimension. I started to place kisses down along her neck sucking and nibbling at my marking, making her moan out in pleasure I knew she was ready even though we had not done much. Then I could smell the most intoxicating smell I have ever smelt I could not hold back any longer I had to have her. I didn’t even ask for permission as her scent had my wolf going wild as he smelt our mate on heat but it wasn’t liked she cared as her wolf was ready now to bare our pup and I was more than willing as I knew even though it would not replace the pup we had just lost. However, it would help mend the emptiness in our hearts. We continued to make love repeatedly each time harder and faster maximising the pleasure each time. It must have been at least four to five hours before she calmed down, exhaustion was clearly showing on her face.

 I stood up holding tightly onto my princess as I climbed out of the bath, I  wrapped  a towel around her and  quickly dried her off  before placing her into our bed where she began to whimper, I dried myself as quick as I could and put on a pair of clean boxers before joining her.

 As I got into the bed, my heart melted how she snuggled her body so close to mine tangling our bodies as one.  ”goodnight princess” I said, as I placed a kiss on her forehead, I knew I wouldn’t get a reply as she had fell into a deep slumber, but just having her here in my arms safe and sound meant more to me than life itself, I thought to myself.

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