Chapter 26

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I woke up the next morning and walked out of my room. I walk down to the living room and only Taylor was in there. I wasn't planning on saying anything to him, but he said, "Hey Nash." I spin around and look at him. "Yes?" I ask. "Can we talk for a couple minutes?" he asks and I nod my head. I go sit down on the other couch and he starts saying, "So are you and Soph like a couple now?" I nod my head and give him a weird look. "Well, I thought I should just tell you I made her much happier than you ever will and the next time you screw up, I will be there to catch her again and she will pick me. She won't want anything to do with you again. I will do anything so that you guys will never be together again mark my words." he says. He was now standing right in front of me and I was looking up at him. I roll my eyes and stand up. "Well, why didn't she pick you last time? Oh yeah that's right because I was the one that tried to make plans with her. She didn't even have a reason to be mad at me, and you flipped out on her and made her cry and so at this point she doesn't like you." I say to him. I push past him and go into the kitchen. I was surprised he didn't follow me. I got some food and sat down. I started to think about what he said to me. If he tries to break us up, and is successful, then I'm not sure what I'm going to do because that would totally suck. No it would be even worse than that. I would have nobody and I would loose her again. I couldn't ever loose Sophie again. I had to think of a way so he can never talk to her again. If she finds out about this, I'm screwed. 


"Soph get up" Tay says as she shakes me. I hit her a couple times and she keeps shaking me. I finally give up and sit up. "What?" I ask. "Nash is here." she says. "What?" I ask as I get up and look at myself. Wow I looked like total shit. I sigh and fix my hair and wipe under my eyes and walk down the stairs. I said hi to my aunt quickly and then entered the living room. "Hey Soph" Nash says as I walk in. He gets up and walks over to hug me. "Hey" I say. I didn't know why he was here, but he didn't call me or anything, wait I was asleep he probably tried to call me. "Wanna go upstairs?" I ask and he nods his head. We go up and lay down in my bed. "So how has your day been so far?" I ask him. He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Nothing really." He usually tells me everything he did since he woke up, but I guess he didn't want to today. We laid there for a good 15 minutes and he asks, "I have a question for you." I look over at him and ask, "What?" He sighs and says, "Do you like Taylor?" I knit my eyebrows together and say, "Um not really why?" He shrugs his shoulders and says, "I was just wondering." Well, that was an awkward question. 

All we did the entire day was lay there and talk, but Nash was acting a little weird. I wonder what it was, but I don't want to ask him and start like a fight or something, so I just go with it. It was getting dark, so we walk downstairs and he leaves. I was planning on staying at home for the rest of the night, so when I walked upstairs and he doorbell rang again, I had no idea who it could've been. I mean maybe Nash forgot something? I walk downstairs and open the door. It wasn't Nash.. It was Taylor. "Hey Sophie" he says. I send him a fake smile and invite him in. "Can we talk?" he asks and I nod my head. I lead him up to my room where I had spent pretty much my whole day. "So what's up?" I ask as I sit down on my bed. "Well, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry for getting angry the other day and I hope we could maybe try and be friends?" he asks. I was actually really happy he said sorry because I really wanted to be friends with him. I smile and nod my head. He pulls me in for a hug and i smile and hug him back. "What are you doing the rest of the night?" he asks. "Nothing." I say and he smiles. "Okay then lets go out. As friends." he says. I smile and nod my head. 

I got ready quickly and walked out with him. We got in the car and Taylor started driving. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "A club." he says. My eyes go wide. "But I don't have an ID or anything.." I say to him. "Don't worry Soph, I have connections." he says. I sigh and fall back in my seat. I guess I'm going to have to trust him. We pull up and it was packed. He takes my wrist and leads me to the door. We didn't even have to wait in a line he talked to he guards and they let us right in. It was so loud and hot in here and I didn't like it at all, but Taylor started talking to everyone and introducing me to everyone. "Wanna dance?" he asks me and I nod my head. I mean I'm at a club, why shouldn't I dance? We go out on the dance floor and I just moved with the music. Taylor ended up dancing with some girl, rather grinding with some girl and I was with some kid named Jeff that Taylor introduced me to. Jeff and I were dancing and he was leading me away from the dance floor. I thought he was getting drinks, but he was heading toward the door. I knit my eyebrows and my eyes go wide. I try to say, "No I have to stay here." but he grips my wrist harder and keeps walking. I try to scream, but it doesn't work. I scream one last time for Taylor and he pinned me against the wall. He brought his face really close to mine and said, "Now listen here missy. You're leaving with me and you're going to like it and you won't throw a fit." he says and my eyes go wide. I did the only thing I could think of. I knee him in the crotch and run over to Taylor. I wanted to leave right now.

Sorry for not updating yesterday! I was with a friend, but now I'm on break for 2 weeks, so I will try and update a lot! Thanks for reading!:)~K

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