Chapter 44

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I roll over to my other side and bump into something. I sigh and open my eyes. I laugh when I see Nash laying there with his mouth open a little with snores falling from it. I pick up my arm and poke his cheek. His nose scrunches up and I giggle. He opens his right eye and looks at me. "Morning" I say and he closes his eye. "Wake upp!" I say and he shakes his head. "Why?" I ask and he turns so his back is facing me. "Well, that wasn't a good answer" I say and crawl on top of him. I take his arm and pin them down. He can easily get out, but I think he is too lazy. "Why won't you wake up?!" I ask and he opens his eyes. I smile at him and he smiles back. "Fine I'm up" he says and I let go of his arms. That probably wasn't a good idea, because right after I let go, he starts to tickle me. I fall back onto the bed in fits of laughter. He finally stops and I sit up. "What are we doing today?" I ask and he smiles. "What?" I ask. He shakes his head and gets up. "Nooo tell me!" I say and stand up. He shakes his head and pulls his fingers across his lips as if he was zipping them shut. I roll my eyes and turn my back to him. "Aww don't pout" he says as he walks over and puts his arms around my hips. I tilt my head away from his and ignore him. "Oh babe you can't ignore me" he says and I roll my eyes. His lips make contact with my neck and my eyes flutter closed. One of his hands leaves my hip and slowly makes its way down my stomach. "If you aren't talking, then you can't tell me to stop" he says in my ear. Well, this is a side I rarely see from Nash. "Just say it and I'll stop" he says and I keep my eyes closed. His finger tips slide across my crotch and my breath hitches. He starts to rub and I was about to fall into his arms. He is still kissing my neck and I still have my eyes shut. He continues and I am getting close. Before I can even finish, he has his hands off of me and is starting to walk out the door. I am left alone in my room looking like an idiot.

I went in the shower after Nash left and I wash my body and hair and get out. I put my robe on and my hair in the towel and walk out to my closet. I look on my bed and Nash is laying there. "Hey babe still mad?" he asks and I glare at him. "I know you love me" he says and stands up. I sigh and finally speak, "And how do you know that?" he laughs and walks closer to me. Well, this can be really bad for me since I'm only wearing a robe. Nash is now face to face with me and I can feel his breath on my face. He doesn't say anything and puts his arms on my hips. He leans down to my ear and says, "I just know" I close my eyes and he kisses my neck. "Okay whatever I need to get ready for whatever we are doing" I say and push on his chest. "I never said we were leaving your house" he says. What is that suppose to mean? "What?" I ask and he laughs. "That's all you're getting.. You don't have to get ready we are staying here" he says and walks back to the bed. Why won't he just tell me. Is it that hard?

I end up just putting on some leggings and a sweat shirt and braiding my hair. I walk back into my room and lay down next to Nash. "So are you going to tell me?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Well, then I'll figure it out myself" I say and think about it. What could we be doing if we are staying here? Nash doesn't cook, so I don't think its dinner. Maybe a movie? I have no idea I give up. I think of a way to get the answer out of him and I smile. I sit up and crawl into his lap. I start to kiss his neck and a groan comes out of his mouth. I smile and continue. I start to rock my hips, when Nash puts his hands on my hips and stops me. "I hope you know that you're not gonna get anything out of me" he says and I sigh and get off him. "Why can't you just wait?" he asks and I shrug my shoulders. He laughs and pecks my lips. 

I keep trying all day to get it out of him, I mean I didn't care anymore, but it's something to do. It was finally 5 and Nash said that's when the surprise starts. I walk over to him and smile. "Okay it's 5 I want to see the surprise" I say and he nods his head with a smile on his face. He takes my hand and leads me up the stairs. We go into my room and he says, "Sit on the bed" I turn around and I hear the door close. I turn around and Nash is gone. I walk over to the door and try to open it, but it doesn't budge. What the fuck? I pound on the door and call Nash, but I don't get a response. I pick up my phone and call his. It goes right to voice mail. Well, this sucks. I sit on my bed and try to think what I can do. I finally come up with something after about 30 minutes. I look over at the window and open it. It's a huge drop but I refuse to be in here. I was about to climb out, when I hear the door unlock. I close the window and run back to my bed. The door opens and Nash is there smiling. "Are you ready?" he asks. "Why did you lock me in here?" I ask ignoring his question. "I had to get ready" he says and offers me his hand. 

We walk downstairs and I look around. There are rose petals everywhere on the ground and I smile. Nash looks pretty proud of himself and leads me into the dining room. There is a dinner all laid out there and 2 plates. "Did you do this?" I ask him and he nods his head. Well, I wasn't expecting this at all. I go over to my chair and Nash pulls it out and I sit down. He goes and takes his seat and I look down at the plate. It's pasta and it looks heavenly. I take my first bite and Nash is staring at me. "Is something wrong?" I ask and he shakes his head no. "How is it?" he asks and I smile. "It's very good. Nice job babe" I say and he smiles full of pride. We finish up and he puts the plates in he sink. I don't know where everyone is, but the house is empty. 

We go down to the theatre and watch movies the rest of the night. It's getting really late, so I'm guessing he is staying the night. "You're staying right?" I ask and he nods his head without breaking his eyes away from the TV. I don't know what we are watching, but Nash is getting really into it. I giggle and rest my head back on his chest. All the memories start flooding into my mind of the times down here. I remember the first time we were down here and it makes me laugh because we barely knew each other and look at us now. I pick up my phone and I have a text from my mom that says, 12 days honey I can't wait to see you! Love you! I sigh and text her back and set my phone down. It makes me want to break into tears reading that and I don't need to think about that right now. It's my time with Nash. I try to get into the movie, but my eyes start to get heavy and start to close. Before I know it, I am passed out. 

I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH! 100K READS ILY ILY ILY<333. Thanks so much guys it means so much. Thanks again for reading, sorry for mistakes and enjoy!:)~K

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