Chapter 54

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Over the course of the next 4 days, we were pretty much inseparable. We were together constantly trying to get ready for the day that I board a plane and leave. Today, we have 2 days left together and Nash keeps telling me not to think about it, but it's hard. I mean, wouldn't you be upset if you weren't ever going to see the one person you love more than anything again? He keeps trying to tell me that we will see each other a lot, but it's really hard to believe that because we are so far apart. I am really surprised that I haven't cried my eyes out yet, but I know it's coming. 

"Soph" Nash says and I look up at him. 

"Yes?" I ask him and he smiles at me. 

"Are you okay?" he asks me and I not my head biting on my lip trying to stop myself from crying. "You look like you're about to cry" he says softly as he walks over to me. He takes a seat next to me on my bed and I lean my head on his shoulder. 

"Nash, it's coming to an end so quickly" I say and he sighs. 

"I know babe, but we knew it was going to happen at some point." he says and rubs my back trying to calm me down. It worked a little bit, but it's still all I can think about. 

"Why do you have to live sooo far away?!" I ask him and he laughs. 

"Why don't you move closer to me and then we can hang out all day!" he says with a smile. I giggle and he puts his hand on my chin. He lifts my head up so we are making eye contact and looks into my eyes. "You know that you mean the world to me, right?" he asks me and I smile and nod my head. I lean in and he closes his eyes and I do the same. Our lips connect and I put my arms around his neck. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I give him access. This is probably what I'm going to miss the most. All of the time we spend together and him kissing me constantly. I pull away and he pulls me into his chest. He did a very good job distracting me, but now my mind is right back where it was. I decide not to say anything and have a good day with him. 

"What do you want to do today since it's our last day?" he asks me and I think. 

"You can pick" I say and he smiles. 

"Okay I know exactly where to go" he says and stands up, bringing me with him. I give him a look and he laughs. "I'm not telling you" he says and I roll my eyes. 

"Fine but can I wear this?" I ask and he looks down at my outfit. 

"Yup you're good lets go" he says and pulls me out of my room, down the stairs and into the car. He whispers in the drivers ear where to take us and he sits back down next to me once we start driving. 

"I'm going to need you to cover your eyes babe" he says and I sigh. I put my hands over my eyes and I spread them apart a little trying to peak, but all I see is Nash in front of me staring right back and me. "NO PEAKING!" he yells and I giggle and cover my eyes all the way. We drive for a little while and I feel Nash's hands over my eyes. 

"Can I look now?" I ask him. 

"Nope you can soon. Just try not to fall because we are getting out of the car" he says and I nod my head. He gets out of the car and pulls me out and we begin to walk. "Okay we are almost there" he says and we come to a halt. "Okay go ahead and look" he says. 

I drop my hands from my face and look around. We are at carnival Nash took me when we first met. I can't believe he remembered this because I'm usually reminding him all about this stuff. 

"Do you remember this place?" he asks as he walks in front of me. We both have the biggest grins on our faces. We probably look like idiots, but both of us could care less. 

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