Chapter 41

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When I woke up this morning, I was in so much pain, so I called the nurse and they pulled me into surgery. They knocked me out and that's all I remember. The next time I woke up, I was in the surgery room, but I felt so much better. The nurse looks at me and smiles. I return the gesture and she says, "Hello Nash, how do you feel?" I nod my head and she smiles. "Well, we are going to take you back to your room now if you feel fine" she says and I nod my head. I was so excited to see Sophie. That's all I wanted to do. As they were bringing me down the hallway and she was sitting there against the wall and she looked broken. It really hurt me to look at her like that. The only thing I kept thinking is why is she like that and if it's over me. When she picks up her head, I saw the bags under her eyes and how tired she looked. It worried me, but once we made eye contact, her smile revealed itself and she stood up. I smile and once they got me into my room, she ran over and pulled me into her arms. 

After we all reunited, I got to talk to the guys and it felt so good to catch up and instead of only being able to hear everyone, I can actually see everyone. As the night went on, everyone starts to leave and Cam and Sophie stay. Cam leaves to get Soph some food and that left me and her. I really am beat, and I know what she's going to ask me. As if on cue, she asks and I try to get my way around it. Thank god she agreed because that is the last thing I want to think about. I kept having dreams when I was passed out and it was replaying what happened. Those dreams scared me so bad. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I actually slept halfway decent last night. I open my eyes and look around. My eyes land on Nash's bed and he is awake. I smile at him and he smiles back. He pats the bed telling me to come sit with him, so I get up and walk over to the bed. I lay down next to him and he puts his arm around me. "Soo.." I say and he laughs. "You want to know what happened don't you?" he asks and I nod my head. "Okay so it's a pretty long story, but after I left your house, I started to walk home and everything was going totally fine. All the sudden, somebody jumped on me and I was caught off guard, so I fell. There was about 3 or 4 people and they all started to kick me and spit on me. One of them had a gun, but he didn't use it. They kept saying something, but I was getting the shit kicked out of me, so I couldn't make it out. So, they started to leave and one of them turned around under the street light.." he says and I nudge him to continue. He sighs and says, "It was that Jeff kid that caused a lot of trouble between the two of us and after that I blacked out." 

It takes me a little while, but I finally let all of the information sink in. "Nash you have to tell the cops" I say and he shakes his head no. "Why wouldn't you?!" I ask and he sighs. "Soph, it's just going to cause more stuff and then I won't feel safe at all." he says and he is starting to make me really upset. Why wouldn't you tell te cops? They can help keep him safe, and Jeff could get put in jail and we would have nothing to worry about. "What are you going to tell the cops then?" I ask and he sighs yet again. It looks like at this point, all he is doing is sighing. "I don't know yet Soph.. But can we just not talk about it right now?" he asks and I nod my head. 

"So, I only have one thing to say" I say and he looks at me. "You're never walking home again" I say and he laughs. It might have been the best thing I have ever heard. I feel like it has been forever since I have heard that laugh. It made my giggle a little bit. He puts his arms around me and pulls me onto his lap. I don't know how I'm not hurting him, since he's suppose to be sore. He puts his hand on my chin and lifts up my face. He plants his lips on mine and kisses me. I kiss back and place my arms around his neck. His tongue asks for entrance, which I happily grant. "Excuse me we are in a hospital not a fucking club" I pull away and look at Cam. Nash laughs and I crawl off of his lap. I get off the bed and I look at both of them. "Do you guys want some food?" I ask and they both nod their heads. This will give them some time to bond and I can have some alone time. 

I make my way down to the cafe and it is pretty empty. I get in line and order the food. I sit down and wait for them to make my order. A boy walks in and he is the only other person in here at this point. Everybody else left. He orders and sits down as well. He picks his head up and smiles at me. I smile back and he says, "Hi I'm Hunter" and sticks out his hand. I smile and shake his hand and say, "I'm Sophie" he nods and asks, "What are you here for? Are you sick?" I shake my head no and he says, "Well, you're lucky then.." What does he mean? "I'm here because my boyfriend is really beaten up from getting jumped" I say and he nods his head. "Why are you here?" I ask and he takes off his hat. "I've got cancer" he says and my heart drops. That just broke my heart. "I'm so so-" he cuts me off by putting his hand up. "Thanks, but I really would rather not hear that.. But yeah, I've got cancer, but for the moment, I can still do most of my normal stuff.. But soon, I won't be able to" he says. I smile at him and the lady calls my name. I smile and say goodbye to the guy and start the walk upstairs. 

The only thing I could think about is what I would do if Nash was in that situation. If he had a disease like that and I would never see him again. Thinking about that brought tears to my eyes, so I stop in the bathroom and try to calm myself down. I don't want Nash to see me like this. I calm down and walk out. I return back to the room and Nash and Cam are laughing at each other and I set the food down. "Hi babe" he says and I smile at the name. "Hey" I say as I pass out the food. As I was setting down Nash's food in front of him, he kisses my cheek and I scrunch my nose up and smile. We all eat and talk about what we should do when Nash gets out. 

The guys came as they usually do and it was really fun today. We all sit around Nash's bed and tell jokes. Most of them sucked, but all of us being together brought a smile on everyone's face. Cam told me I should go home tonight since I have been here for the past 6 days without being home. I agreed and as the night came closer, I start to regret saying I should go home. I don't want to leave Nash. Nash keeps telling me I need to go home and get a good rest, but I don't want to leave with him still in here. The guys start to leave and that means I should get going too. I say bye to Cam and I walk over to Nash. "Leaving?" he asks and I nod my head. I hug him and kiss him. "I love you and I will see you tomorrow okay?" I ask and he nods his head. 

I got in the car and arrive at home in about 5 minutes. It feels so good to be back home. I go upstairs and change into some clean clothes. I eat and go visit with Tay for a while. I'm beat, so around 10, I go into my room and shower. I lay down in bed and close my eyes. I am so grateful that Nash woke up. I smile and roll onto my side and fall asleep. 

Sorry I did't update the whole day! There's probably a lot of mistakes, so sorry about that. But, thanks for reading and I hope you guys like it!:)~K

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