Chapter 50

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9 days left until I leave. I'm not sure how I feel about it to be honest because I never want to leave Nash, but once I get home, I won't have to ever see Jeff again. I really hope he doesn't know that I am leaving soon, because I am really scared he will follow me. I can't sleep anymore from all these thoughts flooding in my head. I sit up and look around the room, which I am starting to do every morning. Tay is passed out next to me and I glance over at the alarm clock. It reads, 10:26 AM. Well, it's not that early, but I don't want to sleep anymore, so I get out of the warm bed and goosebumps appear on my skin. I run over to my closet and throw a sweatshirt over my head. I grab my phone and walk, quietly, out of my room. As I walk to the stairs, I check my messages and I have one from Nash. Morning babe:) I know we've only been apart for less than 24 hours, but I wanna see you.. What are you plans today?:) I smile and stop walking so I can text him back because I will probably trip over my own feet and fall down the stairs if I try and text and walk. Hey:) and I know I want to see you too! I don't think I have anything going on.. I'm eating now.. So I'll call you in like an hour? I hit send and continue my way down to the kitchen.

I greet the cook and the maid and I thank god that there is nothing from Jeff. I grab a plate of food and I walk into the dining room. My aunt is in there with the morning paper and a plate full of food for herself.

"Hey Soph!" she says as I sit down across from her.

"Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" I say and she smiles and nods her head.

"I know it's weird.. Probably because this house is so big!" she says and I smile and laugh.

"So what's up with you and all these boys?! I remember when you had no idea which one to pick and it was starting to get really confusing! But you picked the Nash boy right?" she asks and I nod my head.

I continue on to tell her about everything that has happened, just so she is all caught up. I leave out the part about Jeff because she is really protective and that would turn into a huge mess. She talks a little bit about herself and how she's really upset that Tay and I are leaving soon. I agree with her and she tells me to come back next year. She opens her paper and begins to read again and I am left alone to my own thoughts. I wonder what my summer would've been like without Nash or Taylor.. Or Magcon at all. My life would be so different. To start, I probably would still be single and I would have a much easier life. That's the good part about being single. You can do what you want, when you want, but when you are in a relationship, you have somebody to have fun with and they are always there for you. I would pick Nash over being single any day. I finish up my breakfast and say bye to my aunt. I walk upstairs to get ready and Tay is still sitting in my bed on her phone.

"Hey Soph" she says once she sees me.

I smile and walk over and take a seat on the bed. "Hey.. So what do you have planned for the day?" I ask her.

"I think I am going to go over to Shawn's he wants to hang out" she says and I nod my head.

"Okay I think I will end up doing that too.. Why don't we just go together I just have to get ready first." I say and she nods her head.

"I do too so we can leave in about an hour and half?" she asks and I nod my head.

I grab my phone and call Nash. I let him know that Tay and I are coming over soon. I get in the shower once again and shower, shave and wash my body. I get out and put my hair in a towel so it can dry while I get ready. I grab some shorts and a shirt, which is what I've been wearing pretty much the entire time I have been down here. I put on the clothes and return to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. It takes me at least 10 minutes to brush out my hair because it was all tangled from sleeping. I decide to just braid it so I don't damage too much with heat by straightening it. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and I'm ready to go. I grab a pair of converse and my phone and walk into Tay's room. I hear the hair drier in her room, so I'm guessing she's not ready. It takes her a couple more minutes, and we are ready to go.

Magcon *(IN EDITING)*Where stories live. Discover now