Chapter 52

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1 week. 7 short days until I board a plane and leave Nash for god only knows how long. I know Nash is trying to make these days the best ever, just to make me happy, which is so cute. I am laying awake with Nash's arm draped around my waist. Now I pretty much have a count down in my mind. Just thinking about the day that I get on that plane makes me want to sit on my bed and cry. But don't get me wrong, I am so excited to see my family. I have missed them so much and I can finally see them. I know my mom is excited because she's the one that texts me the number of days until I get home. If I get lucky, I will get a delay and not have to go back for a couple days. That is the dream, but that might be worse because that means more goodbyes, which I'm not very good with. I hear Nash groan and I look over at him. 

"What time is it?" he asks slowly, in his morning voice may I add. 

"Ummm" I say as I grab my phone. "It's 10" I say and look back at him. 

He shakes his head and buries his face in the pillow. "Too early night" he says. I laugh and sit up. I stretch and get on top of him. 

"Well, I think you should wake up" I say as I cross my arms across my chest. He smiles at me and shakes his head. "Why not?!" I ask and he laughs. 

"You're going to have to wake my up, or I'm not going anywhere. Night!" he says and rolls over onto his side, which makes me fall off of him and onto the bed. 

"I hate you and I will never talk to you again let alone kiss you if you don't wake up" I say trying to sound tough, but I crack a smile at the end. 

"I'd love to see you try" he says as he rolls over so he's facing me. I glare at him and I don't say one word. I reach over and grab my phone. I look around the room adn get up once I find what I was looking for. I grab the paper and the pen and write, 'I hate you' and walk over to him. I hold it up so he could see it and put a very nice smile on my face. "You don't hate me" he says. I point my head up to the ceiling and I don't look at him. 

I kept writing on the paper, which I am already running out of. Nash is really finding this entertaining, which just makes me even angrier. The number of times I have already rolled my eyes this morning might be a record. We make our way downstairs and before I follow Nash into the kitchen, I walk into a room with a laptop. I've never seen this room before. I see the printer and walk over to it and pull out the paper tray. I grab a handful of paper and throw the used in the bin. I smile at myself and walk out to the kitchen. 

"Did you get lost or something?" Nash pokes his head out from behind the fridge as he says that. I smile and write down 'Nope I needed more paper' and show it at him. He rolls his eyes and Tay walks into the kitchen. 

"Morning guys" she says and takes a seat at the island. 

"Morning, Tay" I say to her and look over at Nash and give him a dirty look. 

"Woah is there some tension in this air?!" she asks as she waves her arms around in the air. I giggle and look over at Nash. 

"Well, she is mad at me and said she won't talk to me, so I told her that I'd like to see her try, so now the only way she will talk to me is by writing on paper." he explains to Tay. 

"Well, I think she's doing very well if you ask me" she says and smiles at me. She always has my back. I smile back at her and she looks over at Nash. "You're cooking!" she tells him more than asks. 

He sighs and nods his head and looks around to get everything he needs. Tay gets up and goes into another room since she got a call. "Soph?" Nash says and I look over at him. "Will you help me?" he asks and I smirk. I write down, 'Maybe if you say sorry I'll consider it' he reads it and rolls his eyes. "Fine, babe I'm so sorry for not waking up when you asked me to I love you, now will you please help me cook?" he says and I smile and hop off from my seat.

"Sure" I say to him and grab all the pans from the cupboards.

"How did I manage to check all the other cupboards and not that one?" he asks and I laugh. 

"You're not the smartest one" I say as I pat his head like a child. He glares at me and crosses his arms across his chest and pretends to pout. "Ohh are you pouting?" I ask him and stand in front of him. He shakes his head yes and I giggle. I kiss his nose and look at him. "Better?" he shakes his head and points at his lips. "Ehh maybe another time thanks though!" I say and turn around to start cooking. I wonder where the cook is because we usually come down and the food is ready, but not today. He grabs my waist and I turn around. He points at his lips and I roll my eyes. I lean up and once his eyes are shut, I kiss the corner of his mouth and run away. 

I need to find a place to hide now. I think as I run up the stairs. There are so many rooms, so I run into one random one and quietly close the door behind me. I look all around the room and I run over to the bed and get under it. I am happy with my hiding place because you can't really see under the bed and if I went in the closet, I would've been screwed. I hear the door open and I peek out from under the bed. Nash looks all around the room and his eyes land on the closet. He walks over quietly, and puts his hand on the door. He pulls it open and looks all around. It takes me everything to hold in my laugh because he was expecting me to be in there. 

"Sophie?" he asks as he walks out of the closet and closes the door. He goes into the bathroom and I sit under the bed, now very happy with my choice of where to hide. I take out my phone and turn the sound off and the brightness down. I open twitter and tweet Nash, Can't find me can you?;) I smile and turn off my phone and keep it in my hand. He walks out of the bathroom with his phone in his hand. He reads something and smiles at his phone. My phone lights up, but not enough for him to notice. I grab it and unlock it. He tweeted me back, No:( come out I give up I smile and decide if I should come out. I tweet him back, I can see you:) That should give him some help. His phone rings and once he reads it, he looks up and his eyes almost meet mine. He smiles and walks over to the bed, so we are eye level. 

I got out from under the bed and he pulls me into his arms. I lean up and kiss his lips, which is all he wanted and it turned into a game of hide and seek. We walk back downstairs and cook the breakfast, which takes about an hour and a half because we kept burning everything. We finish up and finally sit down and eat. 

"So what are we doing today?" I ask him and he shrugs his shoulders. 

"I think the guys want to do something, but we can hang out if you want" he says. 

I shake my head and say, "No, go ahead and hang out with them I need to start packing..." Nash sighs and nods his head. 

"Just call me before you go to bed okay?" he asks and I nod my head. I walk him downstairs and he gets in the car. I wave him bye and walk back upstairs. I fall back on my unmade bed and try to decide what to do. I haven't been alone in the longest time, and now that I am, I have no idea what to do with myself. 

I end up talking to my mom on the phone for an hour and for the rest of the day, I started to get my stuff together. I didn't put anything in the suitcase, I just organized everything in the closet, so I don't have to sort all my clothes when I do pack. So overall, I just had a cleaning day because I have nothing better to do with my life. It's now 10 and I have already eaten dinner and showered. So, I decide to call Nash. Throughout the day he would text me making sure everything is okay and just checking in. The phone rings and I take a seat on the bed. 

"Hey Soph" he says as he picks up the phone. 

"Hey I'm going to bed, and you told me to call you soo.." I trail off and I hear the noise in the background get quieter. 

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow okay? Love you night" he says and I smile at his choice of words. 

"Love you too babe night" I say and hang up the phone. I change into more comfortable clothes and get into my bed. I sit there on twitter for the longest time. I follow a couple of fans and I check Nash's twitter. I guess he is releasing that video he and I filmed together later tonight. I would stay up, but I am so beat from doing pretty much nothing all day. I turn off my phone and close my eyes and I am asleep. 

Sorry this is like a filler chapter, but guys I almost have 200,000 reads! Thanks so much guys! I am sad to say the ending is going to be between the next couple of days.. THANKS AGAIN ILY ALL ENJOY!:)~K

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