Chapter 34

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Today, Ryann, Tay and I were all going to go shopping together and have a day out together. I was in the bathroom getting ready, when Nash texts me, Hey what are you doing today? I smile and set down the curling iron and pick up my phone. I'm going out with the girls.. We are going shopping and then back to Shawn's I think. I hope he's not upset, but I've been with him pretty much every day and I want to hang out with the girls. Nash texted my back, Okay sounds good let me know when you guys are on your way to Shawn's:). I smile and finish up my makeup and walk out of my room. I go into Tay's room and she was just starting with her hair. "I think you take the award for longest time to get ready" I say and she rolls her eyes and continues with her hair. 

We waited for Ryann to show up and the driver takes us to the mall. We get out and start to walk to Pink, when a girl stops us. "Are you guys the ones dating those viners?" she asks and we nod our heads. "Well I think you should hop off" she says. I wasn't expecting that. "Well.. I'm sorry they don't know who you are so why don't you go back to your phone and try to keep tweeting them?" I say to her with a nice fake smile at the end. She huffs and turns right around stomping away. I was getting high fives from the girls and good jobs, when the girl trips. I couldn't control my laughter at her because she's like throwing a fit. She turns around and shows her middle finger and I wave at her with a smile. We laugh and walk into Pink. 

In Pink, I bought some sweatshirts, bra, and sweatpants. We decided to stop in the food court and as we were sitting eating our food, a thought came through my mind. It started to really bother me, so I say to the girls, "Guys.." they look up at me and I continue with, "What am I going to do when summer is over? Nash lives in North Carolina and I live in New York.." Tay sets down her fork and says, "Well, the only thing I can tell you is enjoy the time you have with him now."  I sigh. It's August now that means that I have less than a month until I leave back to New York. "Yeah, but now that Soph has mentioned that, it's really going to bother me..." Ryann says and I nod my head. "Guys.. Just enjoy the rest of the time you have with them it was bound to happen at some point." Tay says and Ryann and I nod our heads.

We finished up shopping and got in the car and headed to Shawn's house. I texted Nash letting him know and we pulled up to his house. Nash told us it was unlocked and just to walk in. So, when I open the door Nash is on the couch and Ryann and Tay go upstairs, I'm guessing Cam and Shawn are in their rooms. I go over and sit down next to Nash. "Hey babe" he says as he kisses my cheek. I smile and my cheeks heat up. "Hi" I say as smile at him. "So how was shopping?" he asks and I lean my head on his shoulder. "It was fun.. What did you do?" I ask him. His arm makes its way around my waist and he says, "Nothing really but do you want to watch a movie?" he asks and I nod my head. He yells to everyone that we are watching a move and everybody makes their way into the living room. "What are we watching?" Matt asks and Nash says, "How about paranormal activity?" all the boys agree and I was scared shit less. "Whyyy" I say to him and he laughs. He takes my wrist and pulls me into the kitchen.

"What are we doing?" I ask him. "Popcorn and I need somebody to entertain me while it's cooking." he says. I roll my eyes and hop up on the counter. He puts the first bag in and walks over to me. I take out my phone and ask, "Take a picture with me?" he nods his head and walks in between my legs. I smile and hold my phone in front of us. I put my head on his shoulder and smile as he makes a silly face. I look at it and can't help but smile. Nash takes out his phone and says, "One more" I nod my head and he takes it. Finally, all the popcorn was done cooking and we had taken at least 30 pictures on both our phones during that time. "We probably missed half the movie" Nash says as we make our way back into the living room. "Fine with me" I say as we sit down with our own bowl. 

Nash has his arm around my waist and I had the bowl on popcorn in my lap. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but with my luck, something pops out and I scream and the popcorn goes everywhere. Nash was dying of laughter and I got up and walked into the kitchen. I can't sit in there and continue watching it. Nash walks out with a smile on his face. "Stop it scared me" I say and he laughs. "I know babe.. It's okay" he says an takes a seat next to me. I kept hearing the girls screaming and I was really happy I wasn't in there anymore. "I don't like scary movies at all" I say to him. He nods his head and pulls me into his lap. I was straddling him and I had my arms around his neck. It was nice and comfortable. "Now what?" I hear Cam ask from the living room. I peck Nash's lips quickly and get off him. I walk into the living room and Ryann and Tay look scared shit less and the guys are talking trying to find out what to do next. "How about we play a game" I say and everyone looks at me. Nash walks in and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder. "Like what?" Matt asks. "How about hide and seek?" I ask and they all think about it. We all agree and begin.

I wanted it to be with partners because of the fucking movie, but they all decided it should be by yourself. Taylor was counting and everybody else was hiding. We were outside since it was so nice out and I run right for the woods around Shawn's house. Once I find a good place, I instantly regret going into the woods for my hiding place. I look into the yard and everyone was hiding. I see Taylor start to walk around. I know that I'm the only one in the woods and I was pretty far back. I mumble a few curse words and I hear a stick snap behind me. My eyes go wide and I don't move an inch. "Who's there?" I ask as I turn around and see nobody. I try to calm myself down telling myself that it's my mind, but I feel like I'm being watched. "Sophhiee?" Taylor asks from the yard. I was debating if I should come out or not, but I'm so scared I run right out. Everyone was all around looking for me. Taylor sees me and says, "Here she is guys!" everyone turns and sees me. Nash walks over and says, "You're looking for everyone now." I nod my head and walk away to star counting. I really don't know what just happened in the woods, but I'm never going back in there.

We played a couple more rounds and I was getting better and better hiding spots. I think the best one of the night was when Carter went in the pool. He thought that was the best hiding place ever, but he was first found, which made me laugh really hard. It was getting late and Tay and I decided we should head home since we are bringing Ryann to her house too. I walk up to Nash and put my arms around his neck. He puts his hands on my waist and I say, "Okay I'm going to get going." He sticks out his bottom lips and I smile. "Whyyy" he says and I giggle. "It's late babe" I say to him and he smiles since I called him that. "Fine" he says and I pull him in for a hug. I kiss him and walk into the car. Tay and Ryann make their way out and we take off to Ryann's house. We say bye to her and we drive back to the house. I walk into my room and get ready for bed and as I was on my phone in bed, I decide to go on twitter, since I haven't been on there in forever. My eyes go wide when I see all my mentions. I decide to just read the tomorrow because I'm so tired. I text Nash, Night:) I plug in my phone and fall asleep.

I tried to make it longer than the other chapters. Thanks for reading and thanks sooo much for all the comments and for all the reads. You guys are great thanks!:)~K

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