Chapter 27

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It takes me a little, but I soon spot him. Thank god. I run over and once he sees me, he says, "Soph whar's wrong?!" I look behind me and Jeff was approaching us. "Jeff tried to take me-" before I could finish, Jeff had his hands on my hips. "What?" Taylor asks. I try to push his hands off of me, but they don't budge. "Taylor can you please take me home I'm begging you." I say to him. He sighs and before he could say anything Jeff says, "No I can take her home Taylor, no worries." my eyes go wide and I start to shake my head. Obviously, Taylor doesn't see it and says, "Gee thanks Jeff I owe you one!" Jeff and him say their goodbyes and I say, "Taylor can I talk to you really quick?" Jeff tightens his hands on my waist and Taylor nods his head. I pry my body away from his hands and I like run away with Taylor. "Taylor, Jeff is trying to get me to go back to his house and I really don't want to.." I say as I start to cry. He pulls me into his chest. "Okay Soph lets go" he says to me. I nod my head and we head toward the exit. I thought he was going to talk to Jeff, but thank god he didn't. He just gave him a dirty look and we walked out.

We drove back to Shawn's house, and I asked, "Why are we here?" I just want to go home. "I just gotta run inside really quick." he says and I nod my head. I put my head back in the seat and close my eyes. How did this manage to happen to me? All I want to do is go home and call Nash. I don't know what he would do if he found out I went out with him tonight. That would start yet another fight and that's the last thing I need. I hope he isn't like talking to Nash right now. If he is I will never talk to him again. All I wanted was a nice summer with Tay, but I ended up in some love circle with Taylor Caniff and Nash Grier. The door opens and Taylor gets in. "Okay are you ready to go?" he asks and I nod my head with my eyes still closed. "Do you feel alright?" he asks. I still just nod my head, even though I was lying. He starts driving and before you know it we were at my house. I open my eyes and Taylor was standing there with the door open for me. I get up and I'm sore from Jeff shoving me up against the wall. Taylor puts his arm around my waist and helps me up to the door. "I'm sorry about tonight" he says and I smile at him. "It's okay.. Talk to you later okay?" I ask and he nods his head. I hug him and walk inside. 

I go up to my room and fall down on my bed. That's never happening again, mark my words. I close my eyes and Jeff's face pops into my head. I snap my eyes right open and sit up. I just want to go to sleep, but I just can't. I try to text Nash, but he doesn't answer. He must have fallen asleep, but I just wanted to talk to him. I don't think I'm sleeping tonight because all I can think of is Jeff and what almost just happened to me. I sigh and fall into an uneasy sleep. 


I try to open my eyes, but it was way too bright outside. "Soph?" Tay asks. I sit up and rub my eyes. "Yes?" I ask. "Are you feeling okay? Taylor asked me to check on you.. He told me what happened last night.." she says. I nod my head and say, "Yeah I'm fine thanks, I think I was just really scared and stuff because that was first time that kind of thing has happened to me." I say to her. She nods her head and says, "I really hope he doesn't say anything to Nash, because he would pretty upset." I nod my head in agreement. "I know I'm screwed and Nash and Taylor don't really like each other.. So I don't think I was even suppose to talk to Taylor let alone go out with me.. But we both established that we are just friends." I say to her. "Yeah but I think you should really consider telling Nash because if he finds out from someone else, he's gonna be pretty pissed. Just like you were." she says. Tay always was right, she always knew what to do. I thank her and grab my phone and walk downstairs. Nash texted me back and said, Hey sorry babe I was asleep, how did you sleep? I'm going with he doesn't know... Yet. Hopefully we can get over this and he will understand we are just friends. Eh I guess fine how about you? I grab some food and sit down. Nash texted back, Good.. Wanna come over today?:) I finish up my food and Nash just told me to come whenever. I got ready in about an hour. 

I walked over to Shawn's since it was pretty nice out. I knocked on the door and Matt opened it. "Hey Soph!" he says and I smile at him and walk in. "Where is everyone?" I ask. "Cameron's on a date and the rest of the guys went out to the mall." he says. My eyes go wide and I say, "Who did Cameron go on a date with?!" He shrugs his shoulders and says, "Some girl named Ryann.. He's been like nonstop talking about her." I smile and say bye. I walk upstairs and into Nash's room. "Hey" he says as he gets up and walks over to hug me. I hug him back and he says, "What do you wanna do?" I shrug my shoulders and he laughs. "Well, I mean we could just stay in, but I feel like we do that all the time." he says. He was right. We always end up watching movies and shit. "Well, why don't we go to the park?" he asks. I nod my head and we walk out the door. It was pretty hot outside, but it didn't bother me that much. We arrived at the park and as I was looking around at everyone here, my eyes landed on someone and I gripped Nash's hand a little tighter. "You okay?" he asks. I quickly nod my head and we keep walking. I really hope he doesn't notice us because this could end really bad. 

We had been here for about an hour and I was keeping my eye on the man. We were making our way out of the park, when someone says, "Sophie!" I knew that voice and I never wanted to hear it again. It was Jeff. I close my eyes and sigh. He runs over to us and looks at Nash. Nash looked confused and Jeff looked mad. "Who's this?" Jeff asks me. "I'm her boyfriend." Nash says as he wraps his arm around my waist. "Oh.. Well she didn't act like she had a boyfriend last night.." Jeff says. My eyes go wide and my jaw falls open. He did not just say that. "" Nash asks. I look over at him and he was staring at me. Jeff laughs and walks off. "Nash plea-" I couldn't finish. He turned around and he was gone. Well, now I'm fucking screwed. This all happened because I agreed to go out with Taylor. 

Thanks for reading and I hope you guys like it!:)~K

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