Chapter 18

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We walked into the strip clubs back entrance since there was a crowd of people at the front, waiting to get in. I followed close behind Lex as we made our way through the black and red rooms. There were various girls getting ready: mostly putting lipstick on, doing their hair and stretching. I noticed that a few of them started to take notice that I was in the room, smiling at me.

I bashed into Lex because I wasn't paying attention. She turned around and looked at me with her eyebrow raised. "Sorry" the corners of her mouth turned up as she shook her head.

"I've got to get ready so you'll have to wait by the bar or something." I pouted my lip, not wanting to be away from her. I took a little step closer, holding each of her hands lightly. "Bruno. C'mon! I won't be long, you can get a drink if you want?" She gave me on last kiss on the cheek before pushing me out if the door and into the main area.

People started to flood in through the doors as the music started to build up to a stand able level. I mad my way over to the bar and ordered my drink. As soon as I got my drink, I leaned on the side and scanned across the room. There were mostly men here, but what can I say? It is a strip club.

Just before I got half way through my glass the music came to a stand still. The lights turned down low, giving the room a sexy vibe. I shifted in my seat so I could see the stage where Lexi would appear from.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to La Jungla..." The room erupted with several cheers. "Here tonight we have special appearances from our finest. Put your hands together and give a warm welcoming to them... Enjoy" the voice came to a stop as the music soon started to blast from the speaker as the ladies came our from several doors.

I looked around, unable to yet see her. Girls were scattered all around, giving lap dances and grinding on random people. I just hope that Lex doesn't do that and she just dances or something. 5 girls entered the stage at different points and gripped onto a thin metal stick. I looked at each one of their faces. As soon as I got to the third one in the middle I smirked. There she is. There's my girl.

I set the glass onto the bar and left the stool to get a closer view. Men all ages were crowded around her, watching. It even looked like some of them were underage. I ignored everyone but kept my focus on Lexi. I bit my lip. Damn, she knows how to work that pole.

She hasn't yet given me the attention I was desiring for. Once again i went to the bar and ordered a drink. As soon as I paid for it I turned around and saw an empty space at the back with a couple of seats. I made my way up the five wide stairs and offered myself a seat.

From here i could pretty much see everything that was going on but none of that really mattered to me, only one thing. Lex. A hand gripped onto my forearm from behind. I looked at it then followed it all the way up until I found who's it belonged to. I came face to face with Amanda.

She seductively dragged her arm down my arm as she strutted around the chair so she was standing directly in front of me. I found it hard to keep my eyes on her face as she wasn't wearing that much, showing me her cleavage. How could I forget that Amanda worked here? She even told me this herself. "Hey baby" she whispered in my ear, her lips grazed across my earlobe.

Her right leg knees we down on the left side of me, followed by the left leg doing the same on my right side. My eyes widened as she straddled me. I kept my hands with my drink over myself on my lap, hoping she won't sit there any closer.

My luck had gone as she took the drink away from my hands and set it on the little table close by. Her fingers lifted my hands and placed them on her thighs. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. What was I supposed to say? What could I say? She rolled her head so that her hair was over one shoulder. Her legs lowered so that she was now on my lap.

I got uncomfortable and moved back so my back was fully against the back of the chair. "Amanda, I've got a girlfriend. I..." She laughed at me, making me stop mid sentence. "What's so funny?" Something caught my attention behind her. I looked and saw Lex making her way towards us.

Her legs, her body, her everything turned me on so much. And right now is not the best time for that to happen right now. What surprised me the most is that she was sexily smirking at me, not mad that her friend was on my lap right now. As soon as she stood in front of us Amanda turned around and stood up. She waved at me and winked before leaving me alone with Lex.

"Having fun?" I leaned forward and pulled her onto me lap, replacing her from where Amanda once was. She laughed and pulled on my tie. She kept eye contact as she slowly started to undo it, biting her lip. I took this opatunity to check her out in better detail because she's so close. I quietly groaned but I doubt she heard because if how loud the music is.

I squeezed on her thighs lightly. "Let's get out of here, now" my breathing started to come more rapid.

"Someone gets excited fast, huh?" She stated the obvious that was happening in my pants. "I think you're forgetting that I'm at my job, I can't just leave" my head fell back as I groaned, totally forgetting that. She lifted off from me and moved closer so we are chest to chest. Her hips started to rotate is small and big circles.

I closed my eyes tightly and my grip on her legs tightened. "You can't do that!" I said through my teeth.

"Why not?" Her lips locked on my neck while she didn't stop grinding on my.

"You're gonna make me climax in my pants." She laughed and grinded harder. I let out a fast deep breath before moving my hands to the back of her legs. I stood up, bringing her with me. Her legs wrapped around my waist as she clung to my shoulders. Just then I remembered something. "Why weren't you mad that Amanda was on me like that earlier?"

"Maybe because I told her to do that when we were backstage? You looked lonely and I was going to be on stage for a while so we made a plan that she would... Give you company"

"You mean make me uncomfortable?" She laughed as I set her down but kept my hands wrapped around her waist with her body still pressed up against mine.

"It made you uncomfortable? I didn't notice..." I licked my lips while looking at hers. I could ignore this lust any more, it was killing me. "Bruno can't you wait? I only have..." She turned her hear around the club, looking for a clock. "...30 minutes left of my shift" as soon as her head turned back to face me, I smashed my lips against her. I could taste her lip gloss she was wearing but at a moment like this, I didn't care.

To be completely honest. I would take her right here, right now. But I know it would cost her, her job and she probably wouldn't forgive me because of the lack if control I have...

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