Chapter 29

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Lexi walked into her room not long after Amanda left. Since then I managed to pack two suitcases. "Seriously, Bruno? Do you not know how to fold?" She crouched down on her knees and started to take out the clothes and fold them, replacing them back in straight after.

"I've got a lot on my mind..." I mumbled, not really caring if she heard me or not. I stopped what I was doing and fell onto the bed, knowing that I wouldn't be much of a help right now. She came up to me and say next to me.

She looked at me, her eyes full of concern. Her hand gently rubbed my shoulder for comfort. "What's wrong? What happened?" Her voice was as soft and clear as a cloudless-night sky. Her touch felt like I was floating and she was the star that kept me from falling.

I let out a soft sigh, unsure if I should tell her or not. Don't get me wrong, I trust her just as much as she trusts me. But if I tell her, I know that she's probably run out of this room and find Amanda. The last thing I wanting was even more delay from getting out of this apartment so I decided to just try and let it go. "Just stressed. That's all, baby." I sat up and looked over at her, sending a soft smile.

"Alright, Brunz. You still up for packing or do you want to do this another day?" I took a moment to look around the room, noticing that it would take a few days to get this stuff out of here. "I can just take those suitcases full of my clothes with a few other necessities which I can make last for a few days, if you like." She persuaded me.

I nodded my head, liking the idea. She stood up and walked out of the room with an empty bag which I'm guessing that she's going to the bathroom to collect something's she'll need. I ran a hand over my tired face, desperately wanting to sleep. I fell back into the clouds of heaven and closed my eyes, taking a few minutes to rest until she is done getting what she needs.

I felt my mind starting to relax as I could feel sleep overtaking me. Suddenly I felt a warm touch on my shoulder, traveling down my chest and back up. I'm not too sure if it's just my mind playing tricks on me on not. A sudden shake to my body made me groan in protest. I heard a little laugh as did it again, trying to catch my attention.

I slowly opened my eyes and look to who was trying to catch my attention. I groaned and rolled onto my side, not wanting to even look at her right now. Amanda's hand stayed positioned on my shoulder. "Bruno..." She called.

I made no hint that I wanted to talk to her, truth be told, I didn't. Her finger nails glided across my back, going in a figure-of-eight pattern. I flinched, now deciding to speak. "Don't do that" I snapped, harshly.

"I just want to talk." She innocently added. I shook my head, staring at the wall in front of me.

"We had this conversation earlier. I don't want anything to do with you, Amanda! Why don't you get that?" I sat up in frustration and narrowed my eyes at her. She looked take back. Caught off-guard that I would snap at her like that.

She removed the expression on her face and looked at me in a sort of anger way. "Then why did you tell Lex that I can in here earlier?" I got off from the bed and picked up the two suitcases and walked towards the door. As soon as I was at the frame I turned towards her.

"Because all you cause is trouble. Nothing good comes along with you..." She stood up and got closer to me with each word I said. "If I told Lexi, she would have beat the shit out of you." I hissed, wanting her to get the point.

"So you care about me?" She spoke, getting in my face. My breathing increased, not understanding why she doesn't understand that I want nothing to do with her and I sure as hell don't care about her.

"You're the last person I'd ever care about. In fact, I don't care about you that much that you probably wouldn't even been on the list." I left with that being said. And, damn! That's gotta hurt. I walked towards the front door, setting on case down while I opened the door. "Lex, I'll meet you in the car" I shouted. I picked up the other case and looked up, seeing Amanda watch me.

I left and walked towards my car, placing the cases in the back then getting into the drivers seat. I turned on the radio while I waited. To my joy, Michael Jackson came. I tapped my hands on the steering wheel while I sang along. It didn't take long until Lex hopped in, placing her full bag onto the back seats. "Hey," I greeted. I looked past her as I saw Amanda looking down at us.

"Hey. Are we ready to go?" I looked back at her and smiled. She put on her seatbelt and looked at me once I didn't reply. "What?" She smiled back at me, not being able to hold it in.

"Almost ready. Just one more thing." I leaned over and cupped her chin in my hand, pulling her face closer to mine. I kissed her with everything I had, giving Amanda a little show. As I pulled away I looked back over at her and winked, a cheeky smile plastered on my face.

The engine roared to life as I turned the key. Without looking back, we drove off. I felt better and more relaxed the further we got away from the place. It never was my favourite neighbourhood anyway. There was always a lot of shouting going on now and again.

"I can tell that you've got a lot on your mind right now, Bruno. But you really need to pay attention to the road" she laughed, making me snap out of it. I quickly glanced over to her.

"I am" I said in defence. She stopped laughing for a split second and I could feel her eyes on me. She then laughed again, shaking her head.

"Oh really? Then where are we going?" I furrowed my eyebrows, not understand why she asked that when she knows where we're going.

"Home" I simply replied. She punched my shoulder playfully. "Hey,hey,hey! I'm fragile be careful!" I rubbed my arm, pretending that it hurt.

"If we're going home, then why did you miss the turn a while back?" I looked around at my surroundings, muttering 'shit' underneath my breath. "I knew you weren't paying attention." She slapped her hands on her knees.

"I decided to go a different way, that's all..." I shrugged my shoulders, hoping that she's believe me somehow.

"Going another way my ass!" She spoke. "There isn't another way to get there. The only way is that turning that you missed." I bit my lip, there isn't anything I can say that would make this situation any better for me right now.

So I just decided to give up. "Alright. You caught me" I smiled as she cheered.

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