Chapter 31

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As soon as I sat on the couch, I ran a hand across my face. All I want to do is go home because I'm tired, and being here doesn't help. "Can't we just get this over with already." I spoke, more to myself than her. She took a seat next to me and turned her body sideways so she was facing my direction.

She let out a sigh and leaned her side against the back of the couch. "Do you want another?" She nodded towards my almost empty can. I shook my head, still refusing to give eye contact. "Why don't you just give me a chance! I promise you won't regret it!" She grabbed onto my hand.

I looked at her, giving her no facial expression. "I'm perfectly fine with having Lex" she looked at me with pleading eyes. "She's everything I need and want." I stood up from my spot. Just as I was about to walk away, she held my hand tighter, refusing to let go.

I looked at her again, losing my patience. "So you want a cheater?" Alright, now she has my attention. What did she mean by that? She's probably just lying just so I give her what she wants.

"She's not a cheat. You're just saying that to get what you want. I know her..." I pulled my arm so she let go of my hand. I walked over to the box and was about to pick it up.

"Do you? Do you really?" I let out a frustrated sigh and leaned my head against the box while I was on my knees. "It's what she's done to every other single guy she's dated, what makes you think she won't do it to you?" I shot her a look that told her to stop. "That's probably why she was so willing and wanting to go with Phil, alone" she spoke more to herself.

"Shut up! All you say is lies! She wouldn't do that to me." I quickly got up and stormed towards her, anger taking over my movement. I pushed her against the wall, each hand on each side of her. "She said she loves me, why would she even think to do something like that?" I asked her as if she would know what Lex was thinking.

"Because all she says is lies! I didn't sleep with her ex just because I was interested in him, he asked me to do it just so it would break her heart. She cheated on him and he found out, that's why he wanted me to sleep with him, for revenge!" She explained, hoping that i would see her version of the 'truth'. "I only agreed to do it in hopes that it would crush her so she wouldn't do it again. And guess what? She learned nothing she kept doing the same thing, over and over. I don't want the same thing to happen to you!"

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I had to take a moment to take all of it in. Would she really do that? Is Amanda telling the truth? I honestly don't know what to think. I mean, Lex has never shown any signs that she's been cheating. But then again, she could tell me that pigs fly and I would believe her. "Is that the truth?" I questioned, hoping that it was all lies.

"Yes. I don't want you to get hurt, Bruno. You're not like that other guys, you're different. You're caring, loving, charming, everything a girl could need and more!" I looked her in the eyes, seeing if she was saying the truth or not. "Just thing about what I said, that's all I ask"

She pushed my arm down so she could walk away. As soon as she got a few feet away, I spoke up. "I'll take you're offer. Another beer sounds really nice around about now." She turned towards me and have me a little smile, going towards the fridge.

I took my previous seat on the couch and set my feet up on the coffee table as if I owned the place. Not long after, she returned. She handed me one, along with one for herself. "How did her other ex's find out?" I missed out the line 'about her cheating' because I found it too painful to say.

Amanda took a big gulp and set it on the table. "That hard way." She simple said as if it was obvious. "They found out when they saw it with their own two eyes. When she wasn't careful and they showed up while she was with other men. Of course she'd try to cover it up, but well... It never ended too well."

I let my head fall back onto the soft cushion and looked at the ceiling, finding it hard to take all of this in. "I can't believe this." I spoke in my hands as they rubbed the tiredness off from my face. While I let my hands drop back down into my lap, I let out a gush of air. "It's not even like I can question her about it either. She'd deny it if she was or wasn't"

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah. To be honest, you should probably get going. You've been here for awhile and she'll probably be wondering where you are" she took my keys out of her pocket and handed them to me. I downed the rest of my drink and took them off from her.

We both lifted the heavy box and just managed to fit it in the car. "Thanks for telling me. If you know anything else, call me." I sat in the car and brought the engine to life. That's when it hit me, she doesn't have my number nor do I have hers. "In fact..." I thought of something else we could do to stay in contact instead.

"How about you come over tomorrow after you've left the studio?" I gave her a questing look as to why she would know I'll be at the studio tomorrow. "I heard your friend talking about it" I nodded knowing how she knows. I can't deny the fact the Phil is loud and not quiet. "I'll contact some friends see if they've seen or heard anything. I'll see you tomorrow." She took a few steps away from the car and watched me while I drove away.

My mind was flooding with questions while I was driving. Lex wouldn't do that, she doesn't seem like the person. Maybe it was all lies but that could be why Lex de-friended Amanda, so she wouldn't tell me what she has. I have to admit, it hurts to think or assume that someone is cheating on you.

Hopefully tomorrow when I meet back up with Amanda, I'll find out the truth. And hopefully it will be that she isn't cheating. It's hard to think that she would do that. But I know for a fact that there is nothing going on between Phil and Lex. He wouldn't do that. Her already has a family.

Before I knew it. I was home. I'm not sure if I was happy about that or not. But you know. Life goes on. I reversed back into the driveway so that it would be easier to get the boxes out. I noticed that Phil was on his phone, leaning against the wall that was next to the front door.

"I'm not paying you to do nothing, boy!" I spoke in the best British accent I could. And needless to say, I failed. He laughed before even getting chance to look up at me.

"Took your time getting here, huh? What were you doing?" I laughed and awkwardly scratched the back if my neck, trying to think of a believable excuse.

"They were heavy, man. I'm no Incredible Hulk" he smiled, believing the excuse I quickly made just now. "Where is she?" I asked, referring to Lex.

"She's inside, unpacking" I let out a sigh of relief. Not too sure if I wanted to see her right now or not. What am I saying? I really must have took what Amanda said to heart. The best I should do right now, is just try to forget about what she said. But how can I if what she said could be true? "What's up with you? You seem really distracted by something, what is it?"

I clicked back in and shook my head, not really wanting to talk about it. "Just stressed, man. Just stress" I repeated. "Now get off your phone and help me with these boxes!" I joked around.

It took us about 20 minutes overall to manage to get the boxes into the living room and not once have I seen Lex. "I'm off. Urbana and the kids want me home. See you later"

"Alright. Thanks for your help. I owe you" we did our handshake and he left.

Now I'm left with just myself and my thoughts. That's the last thing I wanted right now. All I have to do is wait. Wait wait until I find out if she is or isn't. I mean. That's the right thing to do, isn't it?

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