Chapter 26

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I unlocked the mailbox and looked inside to see if there was any mail, nothing. I closed it back up and made my way back to the house. "Bruno" I turned around and looked behind me, trying to see where I heard the voice came from. My eyes darted towards the gate. I couldn't really see who it was since I have a solid, wooden gate that doesn't have any gaps in. I could see a figure through the gap by where the gate was connected to the wall.

I took a step closer, but still kept a distance. "Who's there?" I saw the figure shift. They didn't answer, as if they didn't want me to know who they are. "Alright then." I turned my back towards them and started walking back again.

"Wait." I stopped again but didn't turn back around. "I want to talk to you. I want to explain" I then recognised their voice. My jaw hung slightly. What is she doing here?

I clenched my jaw and walked towards her. "You have some nerve to come back here." I spoke, bitterly. She didn't deserve my energy or patience. "You want to talk to me and expect me to listen? You're the reason why my girlfriend almost broke up with me!" As I got closer to her, I could start to see more of her.

Her eyes weren't red like I expected. They were their normal colour. "I want to explain..." She pleaded. I shook my head, not really wanting to listen.

"I think you already did last night. I'd rather not go through that again, thanks." My voice shot like venom. I turned back around and started to walk back, once again.

"I know you don't have anything else better to do since Lex left half an hour ago. Just let me in, I want to talk to you!" I kept walking and shook my head, not understanding why she wants to talk. She already explained everything yesterday!

"No. What if Lex comes back and sees you here. What will she think then, huh?" I shot back, finding an excuse not to let her in.

"She left not long ago, what makes you think she'll come back right this second? It takes about 40 minutes to get into town from here!" I faced towards her. I could see the determination in her eyes, she wasn't going to give up. I bet she'd stay there all day. And if Lex saw her there, a lot would happen.

"10 minutes ok? And them I want you gone, that's it" she replied back with 'fine'. Oh, why am I doing this? I entered the house and pressed the gate button on the control panel. I heard a buzzing should as the door opened, followed by the should of clacking heels.

"See. Now that wasn't so hard was it?" I turned to face her, not smiling at her response. "What? I guess I'm not off to a good start, am I?" She closed the front door behind her and stood still while looking around.

"9 minutes." I reminded her, hoping that time could somehow move faster right now. "Now what did you want to say. And say it fast, I want you gone" she raised her eyebrow and put her hand on her hip. That's when it made me realise what she was wearing.

A black short dress, and when I say short, I mean short. And a leather jacket that is unzipped over it. "That's not a nice way to treat your guests, is it?" I rolled my eyes and walked over to the couch and sat down on it, leaning back.

"Maybe so, but your uninvited and surely, not a guest. You're not welcome enough here to be called a guest..." I felt my temperature rise as anger started to boil inside of me. "8 minutes" she feet dragged along to the floor as she reached towards where I am. She took a seat next to me. Too close for my comfort.

"About yesterday. I meant what I said. You could do so much better than her! She sleeps around with so many guys, that I lost count." I narrowed my eyes at her. How could she say such a thing! And to think that Amanda and Lex use to be best friend, wow.

"You mean slept, she only sleeps with one guy now and that's me" she sighed in frustration that I wasn't really listening to what she's saying. She knows that she's losing. "And you can't talk. She said that you slept with he ex's"

"Why can't you just take it that I like you?" She slammed her fists against her knees in frustration. "I try everything, just to get you to notice me. And what attention do I get? Nothing!" She stood up and looked at me with fury in her eyes. I stood up also and faced her.

No kidding when people say that hate and love are similar feelings, it looks like she's switched to hating me now. "I have Lex who I need to keep my focus on, not any other girl." She took a step towards me, our bodies almost touching but I was too annoyed to notice.

"What's even so good about her? What does she have that I don't?" Without warning, she pushed me down onto the couch so back back was against it. She climbed on top of me.

"Amanda. What the fuck are you doing?" I didn't dare to touch her, I didn't want to. And I know that if I did, I probably would have hurted her. Which is something I could never do, I could never physically hurt a girl.

She started to lean her face closer to mine. That's when it hit me. She needs to get off from me. I can't lose Lex because of this. She means too much to me. I flipped us over so that she was underneath me. She looked up at me, smirking. Her hands tangled in my hair and her legs wrapped around my waist. That's when I realised that this is the wrong girl underneath me.

I pulled away and stood up. As soon as I was on my feet, I moved far away from her. "10 minutes is up. Leave" the smile dropped from her face as she stood up. She huffed and glared at me.

"I am so over you. You know what? Keep Lex, you're both so pathetic as each other!" With that she stormed away. What was I thinking? What did I let her in? At least now I know that she won't be bothering me anymore. I'll have to tell Lex about this. Key things in a relationship is to be truthful to each other.


"Bruno? I'm home!" I opened my eyes from my previous sleeping state that I was in on the couch. I sat up as she came over to me. She sat next to me and cuddled up to me while I put my arm around her shoulder.

"How was shopping?" She smiled and told me about it and what she brought. She had a smile on her face the whole time which made me smile. I love his happy she can get over one little thing. But that can also mean that she can get sad or angry over one little thing too. And I think I know one she will be at.

"What did you do today?" I bit my lip and glanced away. I think it's for the best if I told her. But if I didn't, she wouldn't find out about it from anyone else since no one else was here. But if I didn't tell her. It would eat me from inside, out.

"Um... I have to tell you something. Amanda came over today." I rubbed the back of my neck, nervously. Her jaw dropped. "She said she wanted to talk and I know that if I didn't let her in, she wouldn't leave. So I did" she still stayed silence and gave me the look to tell me to carry on. "Nothing happened. Well, I didn't do anything wrong. But she did push me down on the couch and almost kissed me..." I whispered the last part, waiting for a reaction.

Lex scoffed. "How did she push you down?" I stood up and motioned her do to the same thing so we could act it out together.

"She pushed me and I landed on the couch on my back, like this" I fell down onto my back, trying to do it like how I did earlier. "And she sat on top of me.

"Like this?" She sat on top of my hips. I took a deep swallow, trying not to get distracted. I looked at back her as she was waiting for my answer.

"Almost. But she was sitting a little further down that that." She moved her body more further down mine, dragging her waist with her. I held in my groan and placed my hands on her hips, stopping her. "Like that"

"Did she do anything else?" She leaned in closer to me and whispered. I bit my lip, looking at hers.

"No. But I did do this" I flipped us both over so she was underneath me. She gripped on my shoulders, pulling me close to her. I leaned in closer to her so our lips were almost touching. "And that's where it ended" I pulled away, about to get up until she pulled me back down.

"Well. It may have ended for her. But it's only just begun for us" her lips connected to mine, sending me to a magical place.

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