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You've seen the wrong

You've seen the light

And then there's me

You've made an eternal promise

I've made a internal promise

But when it comes to you and I

We're intertwined

It becomes our promise

To abstain

But you have a second virginity

That I've lost long ago

That you're willing to lose on me

The virginity that we want to lose with a passion

Most of us seek it, when were young or old

Some of us let it creep up on us

Welcoming it with open arms

Then there's me

Pushing it away

Avoiding its advances

At first I was the majority

The naïve, sweet majority

Then I became the select few

Not against or for it

Just waiting with the wind

Now I'm the only one

But you .... You're the outsider

You never really paid any mind to it

Thinking it was something for the beautifully blessed

But you are wrong my love

It's for the preciously corrupted

Who desperately need to be saved with every last ounce of there withering being

And that's where I stand

But where you are

Is the only place you could be

I don't know if I'm ready

To receive and cherish

Your virginity

Because I was ready to throw you away

Just in case you attack me

But you're a newborn in this area

You couldn't hurt me if you tried

Your promises so truthful

Too bad I've got trust issues

I don't know

If I'm ready to love again

You said you're ready when I am

But what if I'm never ready

Does that mean I'll keep dragging you along

Until we both die

You know that you're never going to get the real me

But you say that you don't care

That I don't have to tear down my walls and be vulnerable

Because you're only vulnerable when being attacked

And you would never attack the one Who nurtures you're virginity

Because then you would be attacking yourself

You say that I don't have to demolish my barriers

That we'll climb them together

And that they'll disappear

And at this point

I have no choice but to believe

Maybe this time instead if falling

I'll be

You'll be

Us together being

So let me nurture your virginity

And instead of falling for the other

Instead of looking on the outside looking in

Let's BE in love TOGETHER

Not loving the other

But loving us as a whole

You make me want to be a virgin in love again

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