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Why are girls so difficult?

You love too much

And they think you're up to no good

You love too little

And they think you're a liar

You love in the middle

And they think you're using them

I love you because I do

Why can't we just go together like we used too?

But better this time

You are the only person

Who knows me truly

Who loves me deeply

And who understands me 100%

We'll be able to see each other this time

Won't that be great?

Can we try this again?

I'm just scared to say anything

Because I'm a little confused right now

I have a big crush on an ex

But we can't work until I'm older

And then there's you

But I'm not sure if we should do this again

Do you want this?

Are you ready to try again?

Tell me

Female to Female

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