Chapter 12- The Mystery Guy Kissed Me In The Dark

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He mumbled a string of curses, which was a strange accurance for someone, such as Jay.

He was always so sweet in nature, that it had been completely out of his character for him to swear. And although I hadn't normally been taken by shock, today had made an exception.

I suddenly turned my back to him abruptly, taking the exit. That had been before Jay opened his mouth, his words echoing through the tense atmosphere. He had made a big mistake, saying what he was about to say.

"You're not going"

It was an order, his voice intimidating and yielding. And I had almost staggered with icy laughter, at the thought which he could finalise my actions.

I froze at this, almost bursting into a fit of snickers, by his absorb assumptions. Who did he think he was?

And who was he trying to fall here? Jay was the least bit intimidating.

Yet I couldn't shake the feeling, from yesterday, and how drastically he had changed. The thought of Jay and Colton's interaction the recent day, had still shook me to the very core. And I couldn't seem to stop the overwhelming confusion, which devoured me.

"You, don't get to tell me what to do" I said, venom lacing my voice. My eyes pierced his, and he held my gaze determinedly. I admired this. Because people normally flinched by my cold glares.

I narrowly noticed his eyes seem to darken by my words. His hands curled by his sides, and I couldn't help but feel slightly uneasy by his powering anger.

"You're my responsibility!" He echoed and a look of regret passed his features, as soon as the words swept from his lips. It had been obvious to me, he had no intention in telling me this. Yet I still remained utterly oblivious and clueless, to my complete annoyance.

His words only perked/heightened my curiosity.

Dragging in a deep breath, I turned, facing the door. A thought crossed my mind, and I closed my eyes tightly. And then I stopped. My lips parted into a scowl, as I spoke my next words.

"I don't know what's gotten into you lately. You seem...different...distant...But understand this, Jay, Don't be falled by the nerd disguise and pitiful acting, I master. Because out of school I'm a bad girl, and bad girls don't like being told what to do. And you are no exception.
It would do you well to learn your place, Jayden"

I could vividly hear him scoff at his name, as I slammed the door in his face.


The alcoholic drinks, swallowed me into a buzzing haze.

Soberness slipped from my grasp, intoxication overwhelming me in pleasurable waves.

And for the first time I felt limitless. My mind awakened a desire,  were I was capable of anything. And It felt utterly amazing...I'm sure I was going to question these thoughts once I wake with a hangover the next morning, but I brushed the thoughts off.

The music boomed across the house, bodies pushed against each other's. Bodies grinding with others, moulding together.

And even though I had been to multiple parties before, this party had easily been the best one. And that had been saying a lot.

Many eyes lingered on my body, consuming with lust and desire. Yet I pushed each guy aside, enjoying my own company. Sitting against a seat, the bartender, Charles, came every now and then, to accompany me.

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