Chapter 9- Jay Betrayed Him?

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Authors Note: 
Like promised, another update! I hadn't updated last week and I was determined to do another chapter for you guys! I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to tell me what you think in the comments :)
I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit slow, but thing will slowly begin to pace up.

These were one of the few moments, which I enveloped my vulnerabilities. After all, I was alone and there was no one which could understand my true self. Because in reality, I hid behind a mask of sass. Because that wasn't me.

With all these hidden facades and disguises, I beginning to question my true self.

My bottom lip quivered, my vision blurring with my salty tears; my hands beginning to tremble.

Hands clutching firmly onto the handled, I hauled the box on top of my bed; my hands straining in effort.

Once cradling the box onto the bed, my hands intertwining together; eyes glued shut. And I slowly tugged at the lid, soundlessly. A squeak dragged on, the rusty box screaming in protest.

My mind was a fuzzy haze, and I turned my attention to the dark misty sky; in attempts in calming myself. It was to no valid. Instead tears continued streaming down my cheek, staining my pale skin.

"I wish you were hear, Tessa" I muttered softly to myself, my eyes averting from the box. It would only grant me even more pain, at the mere sight of it. Yet, I knew that I had to face my last eventually.

"It's there anniversary" my voice strained, a lump forming in my throat. Suddenly, it was heart to speak.

Taking in a deep breath, I turned to my greatest nightmare. And it was sitting on my bed at this moment, the moonlight reflecting from its old wood.

The box.

Looking inside, my hands rustled in search for the items. One in particular.

And in seconds, my eyes were captivated by the white diamonds, which decorated the silver designed necklace. It's chain  slung over my hands, caressing my skin.

I want you to have it, Samantha. I may be leaving for a while, very soon and I'd love you to wear it. I had always been fond of this necklace, and I hope you cherish it as much as I do. With that said, I love you my sweet Samantha. I love you so so so very much.

A lone tear fell from my eyes, the memories crushing me in waves. 

Once she had said this, years ago, I had taken her words to great consideration. And so, for every day, I would wear the perfectly sculptured necklace. Not a day would pass without me wearing it...that had been before that one particular night.

Damon made sure of crushing all my hopes and dreams, and replacing them with my faults. He made sure of tearing every last shred of kindness from me, stripping me beer.

And after the aftermath of his actions, he did not want me any longer. He didn't want a heartless girl, such as myself. The heartless girl, he created.

Clutching onto the necklace tighter, without thinking, I entwined the necklace around my neck. It fitted perfectly.

Smiling softly to myself in the mirror, my slim fingers played with the heart, which dangled from its chain. And I couldn't help but feel fond of the beautiful item.

"I miss them" I whispered, my heart longing for a past which was reckoned to have.

Sighing, I quickly shut the box, as well as the beautiful memorise hidden inside. As I dragged the box beneath my bed, I dragged my humanity and my old self away. And as I turned to leave for the door, I left everything and everyone behind.

Including the person I had once been, years ago.

Because humanity brought pain in its wake, and that was something I was far to accustomed with. And I refused to feel it any longer.

The buzz of my phone startled me, and I reached for it cautiously.

Friend Request: Colton Ryder

Scrunching my eyebrows in confusion, I declined it without a seconds hesitation. 

A loud, determined knock hammered against my door and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the need to run. After all, that's what I did. I ran from everything. I ran from my past. I ran from the lies and secrets. I ran from death, dodging it. And if this was Damon, I could run all over again.

Except I was known for my ignorant and stubborn ways, and I couldn't stop myself from walking to the door. Breathing heavily, a glint of hope, said that it was Tessa. Tessa had come back. And with that mere thought, I flung the door open widely.

Neither had I been expecting the battered and bloody person, standing on the other side. His defined figure, pressed against the frame of the door; in attempts at holding himself up. His hair was mattered with blood, and deep gashes decorated his tanned skin. Purple bruises consumed him, and he groaned, as he had almost lost his balance. Thank god, he quickly maintained his composure, or I would have thought I wouldn't be strong enough to hold him up.

"W-what happened?" I stuttered, taking a small step towards him. I was completely off guard. His eyes, suddenly met mine, and a small smile played at his lips.

"I betrayed, Damon. That's what happened" his voice was strained, and hard, as if it pained him to speak. And by the looks of him, I had no doubt that it did.

"Why?" I found myself asking, as I intertwined my hands around him, my fingers curling around his waist to give him better support. A glint of emotions flickered across his face, but I couldn't seem to place my finger on it.

His face was dazed, and he swayed against his feet. I had almost been certain that he was on the verge of loosing consciousness.

And then he opened his mouth, muttering to singular words, which implanted warmness and regret into my heart; like knifes.

And it stung, the aftertaste bitter.

"For you"

And Jay fell to the floor. Instantly taking me down with him.

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